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Everything posted by Jwsponky
Meh, I said that this idea also involved an anti hero, someone who preforms evilish actions to achieve good, Hiccup, and would ‘everyone’ be able to do it if Hiccup never shared the secret of taming/training the dragons? Mainly the above idle idea came about because I’ve read a few ‘dark Hiccup’ stories, which always seem to be abandoned by the writers after a few chapters, and was struck by the thought ‘What if there was one of these stories where instead of turning on Berk, Hiccup wanted to protect it?’
The Maleficent idea has merit, and Hiccup setting his coat aflame by accident is rather amusing, though if he was radiating enough cold to snuff out the flames, wouldn’t that mean he wouldn’t be able to feel said flames?.. Really jumping topic because this one has nothing to do with this story idea beyond it also involves an ‘anti hero’ Hiccup, but have randomly been struck by an idea for a one shot… What if when Hiccup was young Stoick told the him tale of how Drago Bludvist decimated the gathering of chieftains (which incidentally were called Things in real life, and are where we get the word ‘thing’) giving Hiccup the idea to study dragons with the intent to create a dragon army, though probably with methods more similar to ‘canon’ Hiccup than Drago, threatening to rain metaphorical hellfire on any tribe that threatens Berk?
That would work, though I admit I’m still unsure how much of which version of Maleficent I’ll use, since ‘Maleficent’’s version does have more character to work with, but I still like the classic ‘Evil for the fun of it’ version… Jumping topic a bit, but what if in addition to fire and lightning magic, Hiccup was able to wield ice magic to a degree, possibly justified as Cryas, one of the Netherghul an elfess with ice powers, teaching him? Granted not much reason for this idea beyond to fill out the ‘fire-lightning-ice’ trio and because I kind of want to give Hiccup a ‘White Walker style extinguishing the flames by walking through them’ scene...
Fair enough, I admit my idea of ‘woelf’ was mainly because ‘woman’ has the ‘man’ of ‘human’ in it… and now i think I recall reading that in LOTR a female elf is called an ‘elleth’… then again Tolkien’s plural of ‘dwarf’ was apparently ‘dwarrow’... You make a good point about Maleficent being a figure of legend, but would it be a nice legend, like king Arthur to the British, or a bad one, like the boogey man to children?..
That would be a possibility, though if there was someone new to the area claiming she was the queen, one would think the elves would expose the rouse... unless in this idea Titania is just a random... Did we ever figure out the proper term for a female elf? elfess?.. woelf?.. ..I admit I'm blanking on a third option...
I admit I don't happen to recall your suggestion to give Aurora oversight of Evernight Forest, my pan had been for that to remain with king Oberon's widow queen Titania, though the idea has merit
Yes, their home is called Dol Gubad, which I admit I couldn't think of a name off the top of my head so I just smushed the names of the two orc strongholds from the Hobbit films together, Dol Guldur and Gundabad Them worshiping Maleficent is a possibility I had not considered... They would at least know who she is from the tales passed down...
Well, I had planned for Hiccup to set his sights on the orc fortress after a raiding party attack the Evernight elves' village, the latest move in a long feud between races, after said village had sworn allegiance to Hiccup, prompting him to retaliate, intending to 'put an end to this feud once and for all', which the elves assume means 'wipe out the orcs', not 'conquer them too.'
Depends on what you mean by 'take command of the world', as I said the Minions and dragons would probably join their Overlord/alpha in song, but there wouldn't be pillars of rock suddenly erupting from the ground… Changing the topic, but I have been struck by two ideas concerning the orcs of Dol Gubad.… 1. What if their mountain fortress was Maleficent's old base, with them possibly being the descendants of her minions? 2. What if Chiefess Aza had a second in command named Lura, an orcess with very dark brown/black skin and yellow eyes, who at least had a one night stand with Hiccup, likely become a mistress?
Thank ye, and to answer a previous comment of you're, I had intended for Hiccup to be boosted in 'certain areas' as in the challenge, which I'd part of the reason I decided to make the women amazons, so everything would fit. New topic, but I've been struck by an idea tied to your suggestion of Ursula teaching Hiccup dramatics, that may well be the result of watching to many music videos on YouTube... What if after Hiccup escaped from the Internal Abyss, perhaps a tad... off after a year or two of solitary confinement, and start his long planned conquest of the Barbaric Archipelago, when he's discussing the plans with the dragons he's intimidated into accepting him as alpha, he gives a rendition of Scar's 'Be Prepared', possibly with the Minions and dragons taking the roles of the hyenas I can see Mim joining in back at the Tower, but all the other mistresses being worried
Fair enough, fair enough
My apologies for misunderstanding you Though now I'm struck by an idea, what if when Hiccup corrupted the Barbaric Archipelago with the Tower Shards, it gave all the Vikings the ability to shift into dragon form, the same as dragons can shift into Viking/human form? Not sure if 'Vikings' would would include the Defenders of the Wing, the Wingmaidens, the Dragon Hunters/Drago's army, combined into one force under Hiccup's leadership, or Hiccup himself… Night
A fair suggestion to the first, and if she was included in the story, perhaps Angela could try to 'persuade' Hiccup to be merciful to her mother… not sure if I'll include the gargoyle Esmeralda, but I'll consider it. That was the plan, but I had been planning for Valka's dragon form to be a Stormcutter... though just for the sake of saying the 'normal sized man' I referred to in the above bit of confusion was Hiccup... maybe instead of being a full giantess the as of yet unnamed she Bewilderbeast's human form could be closer to 11 or 12 feet tall…
Thank ye for the pictures, and the Bewilderbeast idea has merit, she could be a sort of 'replacement' for Valka's Bewilderbeast that was slain by Drago's... maybe her human form could be modeled on Ginormica from 'Monsters versus Aliens'... Though now my. Ind is balking at the mechanics of intimacy between a normal sized man and a giantess… The assistants idea has merits, perhaps that could be Fifi's role as well… Though now I'm struck by the idea of Demona and Elisa being 'co-queens' of the succubus clan and kind of forming a shoulder devil/angel pair, with Demona understandably being less than fond of humans due to their treatment of succubi, with Elisa pointing out that its only some humans that are like that, and most are nice/neutral. Maybe include that they have daughters (perhaps half sisters?) named Angela and Delilah respectively...
That is fair point about the Red Death, though I admit the idea of Toothless absorbing some of the Red Death's power had not occurred to me... And now I'm struck by a similar thought about what to do with the presumably female Bewilderbeast they introduced in the final episode of RTTE, if I feature her at all… A fair suggestion about Belle isolating her laboratory/library... Not sure if I'll include the Bimbettes from the challenge though given that they have little character to work with, might have them be maids, such as you can 'hire' in the first game, that try and seduce Hiccup, with the Aladdin 'balcony girls' having similar roles when they show up...
Mix how?
Talking about the shale shifting of the dragons has mad a thought occur to me, what should Hiccup do to the Red Death? I can see two possibilities… 1. Since the Red Death is female (probably a giantess in human form instead of 'merely' Viking sized) make her a mistress, shaming the once proud alpha with servitude. 2. Given that the Red Death is the main reason behind the dragon-Viking war, and is possibly cannibalistic, depending on whether the various dragons are races within the same species, or separate species onto themselves, I admit I lean towards the latter, by most logic Hiccup should just put her out of everyone else's misery.
Eh, I asked for suggestions, and a suggestion you offered
This is true, and I missed the comment you made about the dragons' human forms having scale like markings, which is something I had not contemplated, I had planned for them to just have pale skin, with the same color eyes as their dragon form, and hair the same color as their scales, meaning Toothless could masquerade as a normal human with black hair and green eyes for example, but Stormfly would stand out with yellow eyes and sky blue hair with blond streaks
Thank you for the pictures, and now I'm struck by the idea that once Hiccup hears the tale, he doesn't even have to say anything, he just 'hmms' and Maleficent in Mirage reflexively say "Not me this time." knowing Hiccup would, not within out reason, suspect one of them. Not sure if the unnamed enchantress from the film who did cast the curse will show up, if a curse was indeed cast... 50/50 on whether the beasts will be a 'natural' race… Though if it was a curse, if it had been cast generations back, would they still be trying cure it, or just accept it as the normal state of affairs?..
That is an idea I had not considered, I had planned for there to just be a village of beasts, perhaps in the Gévaudan region of France just for the heck of it, possibly the result of a curse several generations back, causing Hiccup to immediately suspect to himself either Maleficent or Mirage, but their hands are clean in this one
Those would work Jumping topics again, but given that you managed to track down several pictures of Megara as Hades, could you try and find one of Belle as a beast? I have attempted the search, but failed...
This is a possibility… I have been struck by an idea for who could have been trying to make the Light Heart (which I might call the Castle Heart which sounds marginally less silly to me), Yen Sid, the sorcerer from the short 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' who is apparently the most powerful good magic user in all of Disney, and incidentally modeled after Walt Disney himself by the crew animating the short
Take your time Though now that I think about it Snow couldn't have had much of a role, if one at all, in trying to make the Light Heart, given that its creation would have taken place at the same time, or very shortly after the Tower Heart's, when she would have been a mere apprentice at most...
These are both true... Tell me what ye think of the movie when ye get it finished, and night