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Status Replies posted by Praetor

  1. Must confess… this post in @Praetor ‘s topic irked me, but it didn’t feel right replying in a thread (where, no offense, not reading the relevant story).

    16 hours ago, Guest Nappa said:

    Is the author ever coming back or can we see if someone else can take the stories over 

    The sense of self-entitlement here reeks, IMO, threatening a hostile takeover of a story because the author might be having a life outside of writing.


    1. Praetor


      Does that mean there're no 50 Shades of Grey fics?  Since that's already Twilight fan fiction??  And how do you have more tags than stories?  That doesn't sound mathematically possible.  Anyways, thanks for the support peoples, I didn't know how much I needed that.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Must confess… this post in @Praetor ‘s topic irked me, but it didn’t feel right replying in a thread (where, no offense, not reading the relevant story).

    16 hours ago, Guest Nappa said:

    Is the author ever coming back or can we see if someone else can take the stories over 

    The sense of self-entitlement here reeks, IMO, threatening a hostile takeover of a story because the author might be having a life outside of writing.


    1. Praetor


      Well, Mad Love is for the smutfic fans who are decency averse.  I tried writing a story based on a weird dream I had after playing Nazi Zombies while watching Anime that would be all about the hard stuff I think would put off my usual readers (although I don't classify futa as hard, it's just regular smut but the penis is on a woman, that's straighter than normal smut!) but it kept coming out too similar to that Deathstalkers zombie city story.

      That's one of the things I like about this sight and why I swear by it over AO3 and Fanfiction, there's actually quality control here that gets enforced.  No 678 word chapters, whole pages that are just author notes, copycat accounts, the tags match the story, there's a functional forum with active members- just a good, fun, wholesome sight (site?).  I only wish you could search by tags but you can't have everything.  And not really a complaint but amusing quirk is you can tell the forum was made decades ago because of things like Inuyasha having a whole category even though that show hasn't been relevant in 20 years (I was going to make a Yashahime joke but, grumpy fan alert, even that show isn't relevant to Inuyasha).

      I didn't go into it because I don't think it really matters but I traded my extremely chill old job for a much more demanding one that keeps me on the move and my parents are getting to that age where you just don't know how much more time you'll have with them.  So Futa!Tifa runs a Train on Resident Evil 2: Electric Boogaloo just doesn't feel all that important anymore.  Burnout also set in, I was doing a chapter every week at one point.  It just stopped being fun, especially since the fics were mostly samey so I wanted to really retool them so the only thing that was changing wasn't just the names.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Must confess… this post in @Praetor ‘s topic irked me, but it didn’t feel right replying in a thread (where, no offense, not reading the relevant story).

    16 hours ago, Guest Nappa said:

    Is the author ever coming back or can we see if someone else can take the stories over 

    The sense of self-entitlement here reeks, IMO, threatening a hostile takeover of a story because the author might be having a life outside of writing.


    1. Praetor


      The freaking nerve of some people.  Getting a real job, moving a bunch, being the bread winner, not being satisfied with the overall quality of the work, just having writer's block in general.  It's any excuse with this guy to get out of writing formulaic smutfics for no pay that are only semi decent- oh wait, that's me.  In hindsight, I could have been more clear about being unproductive but I also didn't know that a couple month's malaise would turn into a several years haitus.  And again, I could have been more clear about that but after a certain point it just feels awkward and easier to pretend I'm dead or in a coma.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Note to self check the weather before going on the nightly jog.

    Barely a mile in and I get blindsided with a duststorm. Good old AZ

    Where grit and sand get into places they were never meant to go

    1. Praetor


           One time me and a buddy went for a run without checking the weather and some how missed that there was an active tornado watch in the area.  Halfway into the run, the skies got dark, like might as well have been night, winds were threatening to uproot trees (and us) and it started raining sideways.  We had to take shelter in a nearby building until it passed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Why have I never met a female electrician? I get that carpentry and plumbing require a certain amount of upper-body strength, but does electrical work? Or is that profession just an impenetrable boys’ club?

    1. Praetor


           I thought I saw one when my neighbour’s apartment had a blow out but it turned out to be a costumed stripper and they were having a frat party or something.  I am sure there is a very boring answer involving trends in education and gender disparity in the work force.  I imagined it would level out since things are getting so complicated even car mechanics are now basically electricians and need degrees to keep up with the space ships they’re rolling out nowadays.  I remember my mind being blown when I got a new car that only had 1 key and could open and start the car from my house.  I imagine electricians are also having to become highly educated.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. The very happiest of birthdays to Willow Darkling, my favoritest Neko-baby in the entire Multiverse.  :wub: :bday: :wish: :licking-cat::happykitten:

  7. Oh, sweet gods, Notre Dame is burning… 

    1. Praetor


      We will build it up, and we will come back home… home again.


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  8. The discord server was moved. I realised keeping it open to anyone was a mistake. As much as I want it to be active, I want even more for it to be a safe place for AFF users. It is now invite only. So for anyone who’s interested in joining us, DM me on discord! I’ll update the post on the great wall of… forum. 

    1. Praetor


           What’s a discord?  Is it related to the fantasy setting Discworld?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Posted part III and part IV of my Wolves story. Part V and VI are about to follow, but I’m still working on the end of part V.

    I wonder if it is appreciated by the readers at all? Because of the lack of comments and reviews, I have no idea if you even like my Wolves…? :/

    Comments and suggestions welcome you know. Just be kind to me.

    1. Praetor


           Various random things that have wolf motifs.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Posted part III and part IV of my Wolves story. Part V and VI are about to follow, but I’m still working on the end of part V.

    I wonder if it is appreciated by the readers at all? Because of the lack of comments and reviews, I have no idea if you even like my Wolves…? :/

    Comments and suggestions welcome you know. Just be kind to me.

    1. Praetor


           I will check it out on the vague promise that there will be a Salina Gomez song, Princess Mononoke, Artorias the Abyss Walker, the Great Grey Wolf Sif, Twilight Princess Link, or U-Boats.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. So, who here got sidelined in the government shutdown? 

    ::raises hand:: :bash: 

    1. Praetor


           I swear, that thing is shut down more than it’s up, and even when it is running, it never feels like it’s running ‘well’.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. I love writing tips. Like I LOVE them. I can spend hours on google searching for specific tips and soaking in every little ounce of advice I can get my greedy little paws on. 

    Then I abandoned facebook and joined twitter. There I discovered a treasure trove of editors and publishers posting practically hourly, and I was so excited! 

    And then I discovered that 90% of the writing pages I’ve found on twitter are full of shit. Full of sweeping generalizations, no concept of word economy, conflicting advice within the same article, or just baseless friggin judgments. SMH. I feel so disillusioned right now. 

    1. Praetor


           Twitter is the festering rot of social media anyways, so avoid it.  Ultimately, the last lesson you will ever learn from any teacher or school will be how to leave them and do your own thing to evolve past their limits.  So once you’re an expert, there isn’t really a reason to keep apprenticing.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. A conspiracy theory says that Australia doesn’t actually exist.  Well, that’s… concerning, since I actually live there.

    1. Praetor


           An island that’s also a nation and a continent does seem a little too fictitious.  No, that can’t be right.  Hugh Jackman is real, is he not?  Now New Zealand on the other hand, I’ve never actually seen someone from there...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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