Alright, the premise of this challenge is simple:
In this story starting before the beginning of FFVII, Barrets comes across a Manipulate Materia. He uses it to subtlety control the members of AVALANCHE. At first he only uses it to push Biggs and Wedge to train beyond their limits, later involving Jessie as well.
Once he realizes that by taking it slowly he can pretty much make them do anything he wants, he begins experimenting.
- He builds up Jessie's confidence and makes her infiltrate Don Corneo's organization to spy on him from the inside. In there Jessie is quickly abused and molested, but holds on because Barrett planted the suggestions that "the planet depends on her" and that "she can do it". Of course they take her staying as submissiveness and send her to work as a prostitute at the Honey Bee Inn since she's not good looking enough to be Don Corneo's woman. Unwilling to give up on her mission, she accepts but goes to Barrett first and asks her to be her first. Barrett makes a mock attempt at dissuading her from continuing, but she insist she can do it. Barrett then proceeds to fuck her several times, using the Materia to make her fall in love with his huge black cock. He then send her to work at the Honey Bee Inn and tells her to send all the money she makes to him to support their cause.
- While Jessie is busy with her "undercover assignment", Barrett works on Tifa. Being much more strong-willed that Jessie he has to take it more slowly. At first he convinces her that being a bit more flirty with the 7th Heaven's customers would bring in more money for their operation, then he persuade to let slide the casual pervert that gropes her during her shift. Since that doesn't seem to lead to any definitive result he start using the leveled up Materia on her while she sleeps, enhancing her libido and making her dream of being fucked by black cocks, until finally, after a night of heavy drinking, she lets Barrett have his way with her. Being intoxicated at the time, the Materia has a much deeper impact on her psyche than it had on Jessie. She becomes perpetually horny but she still retains her morals. When she approaches him for sex, Bazzett rejects her saying that it had been a mistake seeing how she was his subordinate. Tifa slowly goes mad with arousal and masturbates furiously at any given change, trying to think of Cloud but inevitably cumming only when thinking of big black cocks. Masturbation leaves her with little to no satisfaction but she still behave properly in public. At this point Bazzett starts mentioning financial troubles and having to find a work to pay for intel about Shinra, while secretly encouraging some black dudes from the slums to go to the 7th Heaven while Tifa's working. They tease her and grope her but she doesn't give in until they offer her money. At this point Tifa convinces herself that it's all for the good of the planet and let the guys their way with her in increasingly deviant acts. She keeps this hidden from the rest of AVALANCHE until Barrett "accidentally" stumbles on her after-hours activities. At this point Tifa yells that it's all his fault, for making her hopelessly addicted to huge black cocks. Barrett says that's perfectly normal for a white woman to crave superior black dicks, but that's no fault of his if she's such a huge whore.
Ultimately Tifa is stuck working the bar in the evening and working black cocks during the night to pay of AVALANCHE's cause.
- Cloud comes into the picture at this point. Tifa still loves him very much and tries to start a relationship with him, but Cloud just doesn't get a hint and Tifa still craves black dick every day. She ends up having sex with Barrett in the room where Cloud is sleeping (under the effect of a sleeping spell). Barrett tells her it's fine if she wants to suck Cloud's dick while he fucks her, but Cloud's cock is extremely small even when erect. Still, Tifa sucks him off and he cums in less than a minute and goes limp immediately. While she cums around Barrett's dick, Tifa accepts that Cloud will never be able to satisfy her and completely accept to become Barrett's fuck toy.
- At this junction AVALANCHE begins bombing the reactors and Cloud fall into Aerith's church. Aerith starts falling for Cloud while he protects her from Shinra's Turks. Eventually they escape and see Tifa being taken to Don Corneo and they both follow to rescue her. Much like canon, Cloud as to dress up as a woman to infiltrate Don Corneo's base. Upon seeing her, Tifa realizes how much better Cloud would be as a girl and vows to everything she can to make him live as one. Eventually the escape Don Corneo, but not before Tifa humiliates him by telling him that his white cock doesn't make her feel anything at all.
- They regroup with the rest of Avalanche and Aerith, upon seeing Barrett, hears the planet saying her that he's the One who will save Gaia and restore the Cetra and therefore that she should bear his children. Aerith refuses on the grounds that she likes Cloud and things go quiet until she wakes up in the middle of the night and stumbles on Barrett fucking Tifa over Cloud's naked body. The difference between Barrett's huge black cock and Cloud's small white prick haunts her until she accepts that while she does indeed like Cloud, she'd rather have Bazzett be the father of her children. Encouraged by the will of the planet, one night she presents herself naked before Tifa and Bazzett, spreading her legs wide and begging him to impregnate her with his strong seed. Barrett kindly complies with her request with Tifa easing the process of breaking in her new cock-sister.
Optional scenes
- Humiliation and sissification of Cloud. With the help of Aerith and Tifa, Bazzett turns Cloud into his sissy bitch, using hormones to make him more feminine, joining Jessie, Tifa and Aerith as one of Barrett's cock-slaves.
Required fetishes:
- Mild mind control
- Black cock superiority
- Corruption/Moral degradation/Sluttification
- Prostitution
- Exhibitionism
Optional fetishes
- Sissification/Feminization
- M/M
- Bestiality
- Preggo
Forbidden fetishes:
- Scat/Pissing
- Guro
The universe can very well be an AU without Sephirot. Feel free to write in scene for any and every character from FFVII you'd like. A broader plot is not necessary but feel free to write one if you'd like, Either way it goes, Shinra is destroyed or Barretts takes over the company making it turn to an eco-friendly leaf.
That's about it.