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Everything posted by Ichasennin

  1. Sion can be a Master, but any Master of Kiara is going to become putty in her hands so suggest a character you wouldn't mind seeing mind-broken.
  2. She doesn't like him at all. Kayneth is there only to be cheated on by Morgana and Sola-Ui with Shirou.
  3. Yep, that's the guy. Sure. I plan for more Servants/Master pairings to come. Fell free to suggest Classes, Heroic Spirits and their Masters
  4. Temporary characters lineup. Saber: Arthuria Pendragon - Master: Emiya Shirou Caster: Morgan le Fay - Master: Kaynet El-Melloi Berserker: Mordred - Master: Tohasaka Rin Archer: Herakles - Master: Ilyasviel Von Einzbern Lancer: Chu Culainn - Master: Bazett Fraga McRemitz/Kotomine Kirei Assassin: ???? - Master: Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri/Matou Zouken Avenger: Angra Mainyu!Irisviel - Master: Grail-kun Archer: Fem!Gilgamesh - Master: none Rider: Medusa - Master: Matou Sakura/Matou Shinji Temptress: Kiara Sesshoin - Master: ????
  5. Unlike Artoria and Mordred she's very voluptous. Something she won't fail to remind all the time. She ha quite domineering on the outside, but she likes a man who can tame her. However, since she likes cute boys, she never got to fulfill her fantasies.
  6. Well, I was thinking of a shrewd woman much il Medea, but with a nurturing side. She is a Shota-con and by the time she comes around Shirou's CHR will be so high that it will be instant love for her.
  7. Yeah. Considering her attitude I was thinking of something more like this: Bigger size at this link
  8. Yes, but not ugly.
  9. Nope. I was hoping for some redhead though
  10. Naah. I'd rather get then "Whole Family Incest" going on, where Shirou ends up being the toy of mother, father and daughter at the same time, as well as the reason for them to get finally along.
  11. She'll be using Shirou as a "scratching post". I was considering replacing Medea with Morgan Le Fay, so that we could have a Morgan/Arthuria/Mordred moment with Shirou
  12. Hell yeah: I'm going with the canon cast with the exception of EMIYA, which means we need to figure another Servant for Rin. Everything else is fair game so suggest at will Ooooh. I'm an idiot. Thanks Willow
  13. Uh? Something went wrong with the quoting process. Also, warellis, you edited my post for some reason? Anyway, to both your question: - The only Fate girl involved from the beginning will be Taiga and Sakura. - No girl will move under Shirou's rooftop before the Grail War.
  14. In the end, I didn't manage to work on the story at all this weekend. Anyway Not much before the Grail War. A lot during the war Still need a beta, by the way. Warellis, if you're up to it I'll send you the chapter when it's done. Guest, on 04 May 2016 - 02:09 AM, said: Edit: Also will any of the girls who conquer Shirou, or Shirou conquers, start living in the Emiya household with him? Edited by warellis, Today, 10:42 AM.
  15. Sorry. Shit went down over at my job and I got caught up in it. I'll be working on the chapter this weekend.
  16. Moslty only when he loses. Morrigan is the exception
  17. Nothing planned yet
  18. The new chapter is coming along nicely. I should be done in a couple of days. Anyone interested in betaing?
  19. Dunno and dunno. I'm not that far ahead in the planning yet.
  20. I haven't started writing chapter 2 yet. It's a busy period. There's won't be a sexual encounter for a while, but when it happens there will be one or several per arc (2-3 chapters)
  21. Dunno about the details yet. However, the base concept is that Shirou faces and beats the Tengu, but as he hits it, the appearance of the Tengu collapses revealing that it was Nyotengu all along. The Tengu is only just a mask.
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