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Everything posted by Ichasennin

  1. Indeed. Should have a few chapters ready in a week. Overall 10k words. Going under till then.
  2. Alive. Busy. Be back soon.
  3. Yeah. Medea's out for good.
  4. Nah. Just learned to cope with the shit. I'm well into chapter 4
  5. There is no level cap in my story, but greater stats and levels become increasingly difficult to achieve.
  6. Challenge: Time Travel Reaper!Shepard Synopsys: The Crucible is actually a time travel device that sends the user back in time through the Relay Network. Upon activation, Shepard is thrown back to the day the Charon Relay was first opened by humans, crashing on Earth in the middle of the ocean. He wakes up naked on the shores of whatever country you prefer, with his wounds mysteriously healed. After quickly realizing he's in the past he sets out build up a galaxy capable of standing up to the Reapers. As the story unfolds, Shepard discovers that he has accidentaly undergone Synthesis due to the massive Reaper implants from the Lazarus project and the humongous amount of eezo from the Relay network. Having completely assimilated Reaper tech into himself and because of his charismatic personality, Shepard is capable of small-scale indoctrination, as well as being able to hack Syntetics with his mind. You can play it two ways: - Paragon Shepard: he's afraid of what he has become and consciously limits the effect of his powers. People affected by his proximity are inspired to be the best they can (much like in the game). Alternatively he doesn't realize this at all. - Renade Shepard: he shamelessly makes use of Indoctrination to create an army willing to go at any length for him. In either case: - Shepard doesn't get old. His Synthetic nature can regenerate most wounds as well as halt the aging process. - Shepard can upgrade himself with bio-chips and other tech developed from his own DNA. - Asari are naturally more affected by Shepard's ability because of their ability to mind-meld. Any Asari who melds with Shepars becomes more indoctrinated the more they remain connected. While only them can initiate the meld, it's only Shepard that can stop it before the indoctrination is complete. - Ardat Yakshi can meld with Shepard without killing him, suffering in return the same amount of Indoctrination as the normal Asari. In addition, any Ardat Yakshi Indoctrinated by Shepard can replicate this effect on any creature they meld with from then onward without killing them. In addition/optional: - Shepard has carried his OmniTool back in time, loaded with cutting-edge technology from 30+ years in the future, which he uses to build a financial empire for himself, advance Humanity way above the Council Races and kick Turians' ass on Shanxi. Optional: Humanity doesn't join the Citadel. Optional: EDI has made a compressed copy of herself into his Omintool, which returns to full function once he connects to a hardware capable of running her. - Shepard takes over Omega as his base of operations with the moniker "The Commander". Paragon Shepard can either kill Aria or accidentally indoctrinate her when she tries to subvert him via mind-meld. Renegade Shepard lets Aria meld with him and breaks her completely into his faithful bitch. - Morinth tries to ensnare Shepard but gets enslaved in return. This goes both with Renegade and Paragon versions because Ardat Yakshi cannot be stopped while melding. - Samara will try to kill Shepard, having figured that he has the potential to be bigger monster than Morinth ever was. Paragon Shepard route: she is killed. Renegade Shepard route: Morinth melds with Samara and flash-indoctrinates her. - Other Ardat Yakshi: Regenade Shepard asks Samara and Morinth to help him enslave the Ardat Yakshi at the temple, which they are happy to do, so that they can have her daughters/sisters as Shepard's bitches along with themselves. He then uses all the converted Ardat Yakshi to spread the cult of Shepard through the galaxy. - Benezia: Paragon Shepard makes contact with her (doesn't meld or meld partially) and she decided to work together with him. Renegade Shepard hints to having knowledge of Protean secrets he isn't willing to part with and Benezia melds with him to get them out of his head with obvious results. With her help he later melds with all of her Asari Commandoes - Tevos: Similarly to Benezia, he courts her as Shepard the billionare from Earth. Tevos, finding him charming enough and knowing of his secret influence with the Alliance seduces him to pry some political secrets out of his head, again with obvious results. Note: this must happen before the Reapers are revealed. - Shepard will eventually impregnate hundreds of thousand of his followers to give birth to a new species of Synth like himself (minus the indoctrination powers) to fight off the Reapers. Due to his Synth nature Shepard can impregnate any race he has sex with. The child will be of the mother's race. Optional Paragon Shepard outcome: the Reapers become aware of this new hybrid race decide that this is the answer to the Organic vs. Synthetics issues, thus breaking the cycle and stay out of the eay. Renegade Shepard outcome: with millions of children conceived through several years following his orders and a united Galaxy behind him, Shepard obliterates the Reaper threat and, hailed as a hero, goes back to quietly and not-so-quitely conquering the Galaxy. - Feel free to add any and every female character from the series you'd like. - You can play a mixed Shepard if you are more comfortable with it, but do try to keep to the guidelines as much as you can. - You can have Shepard go even further back in time if you can make up a belieaveble reason, but always on Earth. - Play it as smut only story or as an action packed story with smut as you'd like. EDIT: - Indoctrinated characters are aware of being indoctrinated and it absolutely turns them on , just as it turns them on Indoctrinating more people Required fetishes: - Mind Control (duh). - Incest (Shepard/SamaraxMorinthxRilaxFalere, Shepard/BeneziaxLiara, Shepard/MirandaxOriana) EDIT: - Pregnancies: lots of them. All characters from the Games who have sex with Shepard WILL get pregnant with his children Things I'd like to see: - Prostitution: Renegade Shepard uses ordinary female followers to gather funds with their bodies. Particularly I'd like to see Miranda and Oriana in this role. Optional: Jack. EDIT: - Cheating: It's perfectly fine for Shepard to cuckold anyone (Renegade only) Things I don't like to see: - Scat - Guro - Bestiality
  7. Apologies. Due to some personal complications I'll be out of touch for the entire week.
  8. Hmm. Not as a Master though.
  9. Warellis and I are currently working on Morrigan.
  10. She is dead. Well, she could be brought back if you give me a good enough reason to.
  11. After discussing it with warellis over PMs this is Saeko's background/story: In this story Saeko is the heiress of a family that keeps the undead dead. The forest around her home is a place where ghosts gather and materialize in the form of zombies. The duty of Saeko is to "exorcise" these spritis by destroyng their manifestation with her sword. This ties in with Highschool of the Dead, where she kills zombies to survive. Much like the original character, Saeko is somewhat of a sadist and a combat-freak. She utterly enjoys breaking her opponent's pride and humiliating them. Shirou, not having such a pride to begin with will not break no matter how superior to him she proves herself to be. That will make her grow increasingly frustrated with him and take it out on the hapless zombies in orgies of blood and gore. At one point, Shirou will notice her increasingly herratic behavior and in a night of full moon he will follow her in the forest. Saeko will slaughter zombies in droves with a crazed expression on her face. Then she'll fall to her knees and masturbate furiously. Shirou will pick the wrong moment to step on a branch and Saeko will notice him and realize he had seen everything. Much awkwardness later, Saeko will confess of her true nature to him. Since no matter how much she beats him around he won't become frustrated about it, Shirou agrees to let her molest him sexually (not really understanding what he's getting into). Saeko will jerk him off, but will stop him from cumming at the last moment. Then he will train him relentlessly to never cum before she did several times. Shirou will thus learn to control his own orgasms while also discovering how to please women as much as possible. Thus he will be her student during day and her slave at night, until the day he'll surpass her skill with the sword, after which they will have sex as equals for the first and last time. Shirou will have gotten too addicted to be abused by older women by that point to care about ordinary sex. Eventually Saeko will start a carreer as a Dominatrix in S&M club, but Shirou will forever be her favorite victim. Standard outfit When fighting zombie/Shirou after she reveals her lewdness to him Around his house when she comes visiting Around town at night.
  12. Are you kidding? Shirou is going to NTR half the cast of the story.He's going to have the time of his life at the expense of the cucks.
  13. Honestly, assassin is there just to be an enemy and dying horribly, so I don't much care. His showtime is going to be very limited.
  14. Barring a catalyst, Zouken will summon Hassan.
  15. [Touch of the Usurper] requires direct contact yes. It won't be easy for her to get other Servants with it. But she can go after the Masters. The Assassin thing is still debatable but the scenario I had in mind is similar to Heaven's Feel.
  16. [Touch of the Usurper] Rank: EX Description: Upon use, for a hour, Morgan gains "ownership" of the target, be it an object or a person. A person under its effect will obey all of Morgan's orders. The victim willpower or morality don't come into play, as they won't even question her rule and following her commands is always "right" USE: once a day.
  17. Before we disgress in who's who, let's flesh out the characters that have been already determined if you don't mind Speaking of Morgan, what should her Noble Phantasm be?
  18. If at all possible I'd like to avoid dual classes.
  19. Everyone and their sisters will try to get Shirou for themselves. It will be pretty much a running gag that most fights will be over the possession of Shirou rather than the Grail. As for Medb, sure, but what Class?
  20. The only non-Magus? How would he summon anyone? Plus Shinji would be happy there and I don't want Shinji to be happy. Ever.
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