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Everything posted by Ichasennin

  1. Apologies. There was a loss in the family, my day job has gone in hyper drive and I also taken commission writing elsewhere, so my hands are a bit tied. However I did manage to write a few thousand words, mostly another scene with Saeko and an insight in Taiga’s increasing attraction for Shirou. I hope to have something worth reading soon.
  2. Works for me.
  3. Addendum: Shinji Zoanoid ability could be a pheromone thing, which makes him able to manipulate people to some degree. It’s just an excuse to make him a Zoanoind without boosting his fighting ability and make the harem building more reasonable.
  4. I do understand, I just don’t agree with it as it doesn’t tickle my writing taste buds. When I do crossover, I try to remain as faithful to the original material as possible, so butchering Chronos to make the Angels sympathetic doesn’t really suit me. Anyway, currently I’m too busy to take on this challenge, but if the plot bunny doesn’t leave me alone I’ll give it a shot. So far, it put me in the mood to read Guyver again, so who knows?
  5. Lovely concepts. I’m an old time fan of Guyver and I couldn’t help be interested in the idea. Here a few suggestions of my own if you are interested. The purpose of Chronos is to find and destroy the Creators who had fled Earth when the 1st Guyver showed that he was freed of their control and more powerful than they thought, at which point they tried to obliterate Earth via meteorite. It wouldn’t make any sense for the Angels to fight against Chronos/Seele if they too are against the creators. It would make more sense if they were the Creators’ 3rd attempt at eradicating humanity (wink wink: 1st impact, 2nd impact etc ect where all attempts at correcting the “human mistake”). In the manga, Chronos while still a bunch of dickbags, helped humanity to end world hunger, advanced medical technology by leaps and bounds, and while they could have enslaved everyone, they made becoming Zoanoids a voluntary process. So, unless you were a Guyver or one of the hapless dude in the army at the time of the global conquest, they would be very nice guys. It doesn’t make sense for them to be antagonist instead of the Angels. Gendo could very well be a Zoalord, tasked to keep the Angels at bay while they work on their Ark project to bring the fight back to them on their home planet. Of course, Gendo being Gendo, he has every intention of setting a course for humanity himself, one freed of both the Creators and Chronos. Now, Alkanphel, the leader of Chronos, knows that Gendo isn’t one to be trusted, so he makes a dick move of his own and turns Shinji into a Zoanoid himself, only the project gets screwed up and he turns out as a Lost Number (a Zoanoid that’s immune to the Zoalord’s control). Still, he’s more or less loyal to Chronos and accept the task of infiltrating the Nerv and act as a pilot, just because he kind of hates Gendo. Gendo, knowing that he can compete with Alkanphel and all of Chronos, steals the Guyver armor for himself but it’s Shinji who ends up activating it as he tries to retrieve it for Chronos. In the meantime, another group comes into play. A terrorist/resistance group, the Zeus Thunderbolts, lead by Agito Makishima, the user of another Guyver unit. He wishes for supreme control and power for himself and leads a ragtag group composed by people that had been screwed over by Chronos. He seeks to derail 3rd impact for himself and become a God. Lastly, Guyver units are SUPER-DUPER-powerful. There can’t be that many laying around, so you should pick who gets to have one other than Shinji. Asuka? Personally I think her shtick should be being the best EVA pilot in the series. Rei? She’s part Angel so she shouldn’t need the unit to keep up with anyone. Ritsuko? As much as I love the fake blonde, she’s not much of a fighting spirit. She could be some Zoanoid chick like Griselda, loyal to Gendo (or at least she looks like it). Misato? Now, she’s a soldier, totally unaware of Chronos and the Creators. She has a desire for revenge herself and she hates not being able to fight the good fight. Finding one of the Guyver Units could change that, as well as put her into the position where she is coveted by all parties. So, we have a four way conflict, with Chronos that seeks to protect and harness humanity against the Creators, Gendo who wishes to set humanity free from all parties, Agito that pretends to have the same goal but he’s actually in it only for himself and lastly the Angels, while Shinji can’t get to decide where his loyalties lay, Asuka doesn’t know what’s what anymore, Rei tries to figure what the hell she is and Misato that must understand what’s best for herself and the people she cares about. How’s that for an outline?
  6. No, before that. Morrigan will be lured by the scent of multiple women on a 10yrs old.
  7. A bit of leveling up, a bit of fooling around with Saeko, introducing Yorouchi and eroding Taiga a little more.
  8. I’m sorry. Currently I have my hands tied doing commission stories but I promise I’ll be updating with another 10K words chunk before the end of the year.
  9. Working on my other stories
  10. Wut? I gotta read this.ll
  11. Their Quests may be concluded, but some of them will be supporting character where applicable. For instance, Saeko will play a part in Yourouchi’s and Morrigan’s Quest.
  12. So, I was thinking… should I have Saeko help Shirou get more women so that she has more subs for herself?
  13. That’s just you man. I checked it out now and it’s in English. Maybe you accidentally turned on a translation feature or something. That being said, folks, what is your opinion about the chapter?
  14. Chapter’s up folk http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600055434&chapter=6
  15. I’m sorry, in the end I couldn’t finish the chapter, mostly because it keeps getting longer and I didn’t want to break it again. However, since I had promised, you can read what I already wrote here: https://titanpad.com/BST0FJiAys Opinions wanted.
  16. Hm, nice outfits. Although, it’s too early to discuss about that. I still hope that FGO will give us a canon appearance (please don’t be another saberface) An original story. Can’t really talk about it
  17. The new chapter is almost done. I took a commission and I had to put the rest in the backburner for a while. Now I’m back to Gamer Night and I should be done by Sunday (for real this time)
  18. Sunday/Monday
  19. I was more or less sure but the topic was nebulous at best. Thank you very much.
  20. I wanted to know if it is possible to publish here original stories (not fanfictions) that have been written on paid commission. Thank you in advance.
  21. I just checked Wikipedia. Have a look here. The second year in highschool is 16-17. Anyway, no one was sure what age Shirou was so I’m making it up. Anyway, even if Shirou figures out how to use his native Circuits, Nerve Circuits are still better. Remember, Shirou cannot cast a spell with an MP requirement higher than his active Circuit count. For instance, unless he deploys UBW, he could not trace more than 27 blades at the same time, because that his natural max output. However, he can artifically increase it with Nerve Circuits, which incidentally (at lv. 100) will grant 1 additional MP in exchange of 1 HP upon creation. Well, I suppose they could have their own cameo, but those are all side-quests that I’d rather use to focus on the secondary female characters from the crossovers and the monster girls (as opponents and for the bad ends). Most of what Shirou is going to do will happens in the figurative cracks of the Moonlit worlds, all those supernatural events that are too small and quickly solved and thus don’t require the attention of the big shots like the Mage Association and the Church. The demon hunter association is a conglomeration of small clans that sometimes will outsource their jobs to freelancers.
  22. Hmm. Ten years passed between F/Z and F/SN. Shirou at the time is in his second year of highschool which, if I’m not mistaken, happens around 15-16 years of age. You are correct in regards to Nerve Circuits. Making one is sacrificing an actual nerve, so eventually he’d become a cripple if he kept it up. However, with the Gamer Body his health is completely restored once he sleeps. In fact, thanks to [DIE HARD] even with 0 HP, if he makes it to the bed before his stamina runs out he’ll be right as rain. I don’t intend to replace Kirei, are you kidding. Shirou is going to NTR a few master and generally fuck with other people’s plans and women. Kirei is in for a party. Plus I still need a few villain. That doesn’t mean I can’t have Caren around as well, isn’t it? Yep. SPOILER: Saeko is actually a pseudo demon-hunter. She exorcised the undead spirits that manifests in the forest around her house as a result of the leyline. Being out of Fuyuki proper, the Second Owner (Rin) isn’t aware of it. From there Saeko will introduce him to the Demon hunting association.
  23. Chapter’s up, folks. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600055434&chapter=5
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