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Everything posted by YNP_Refugee
It is kind of irritating to me personally. One of my pet peevs is when people do not know the correct definition for words or terms and then misuse them, yet I have trouble with names. lol
thx, I just followed what he wrote. One place i am weak is with names I forget them irl. And I have less in fictional stories to assosiate them with.
lol, I wish people would learn the meaning of incest. Sex between CLOSE family relations. Most traditional referances ie religeous sources only go as far as Aunt/Uncle and Niece/Nephew after that it is not incest. In some states in the US and a LOT of countries it is legal to MARRY your first cousin. EDIT: 1) That mean that sex with Tara would not by most states definition fit incest laws. 2) Incest is not something he is forcing into the story at a late date. The Adam/Amanda thing is chapter 1.
Ok, the stuff confusing you is math and programing conventions. Only someone in high level math Pre-Calc students excepted but really higher would under stand better from that point of view. Now computers as most people know are a couple million-billion switches on or off. Mathmatically that is base 2. It has 2 conditions. Octal is base 8. Bass 8 is a good way to condense base 2 since 8 is 2^3 or simply a power of 2. Its one draw back is that it will take more digits to express the same number then a base 10 would because you have less symbols before you have to switch 'place value.' Hexidecimal is base 16 and 16 is again a power of 2 so you can use it to easily express a base 2 number with out using complicated math to do the conversions. In the case of hex which is the most used by programers you use 16 symbols 0 to 9 just like decimal and A to F to represent 10 to 15. So you need fewer digits than in base 10 which is what everyone is taught in grade and high school.
Sure you do. Read what you wrote. All languages are basically codes.
That would just be nasty. lol Mr. Asheley said he would try by christmas but he did post 21 just before so it may be a while.
Forget the roman numerals. Stop at the base conversion but use base 16 HEX. The mix of numerals and A-F will confuse all non programers.
Dear Jake, I have some news for you. Read the texts from Jeff and she was not a virgin when he and she fucked. Read them he does not talk about how special it was to be her first. Jeff: Thanks a ton! That makes me feel great! You tell me you love me, you fuck me, and then tell me it meant nothing. So the good news is she wanted to keep you much more when she slept with you then him. She did at least imply to you that you were her first.... That or she did the same with him and he too found her out.
Sorry but you make a poor assumption about the outcome of this particular battle, but even in your language you reveal something "the end here","After everything", "they will eventually". for a sophomore in HS who has just come to the end of the first semester. ie Christmas vacation there are still 2 and a half more years of HS and 4 of college before most people now days marry. Just because she will choose him in the end does not mean an easy road to get there.
And then see Kayla rush up to the scene of the fight and see all the damage done to her first love. Even if she does not hug the guy up the next fight is with her. Sorry I am fifty and have seen the scene play out irl several time. I lived for years in a place you had to work there to live there. It was over an hours drive to the nearest town and the place was a tourist trap attracting 33000 of them a day for 3 months out of the year. Even with the number of long term emplyees over 40 yo, a few hundred, the average age of the 2000 year round residence was in the twenties. Less than 10% were married. IE everyone was looking for love and trying to have relationships. The tourist do not count you do not look for love in someone that is there for the day and back in their home in Japan, Germany, England, Russia.. tomorrow. I saw the boy friend/ ex-boy friend thing enough times in that those years alone to know it is a dice roll which way any woman will choose. She has three choices, one start new with a new guy(usually getting called a slut in the process, but most actually choose this from my observations), two go with the ex (seen this happen too), three go with the current (seen it happen and seen the daggers looks for weeks/months after the fight). Do yourself a favor. Find a place like this and live there for 3 to 5 years just to observe human behavior. It is like living in a 24/7 high school or college. You all party in the same 5 locations, you all know almost everything that is said as it is said. I walked past the room of one of the prettiest women I have ever laid eyes on, her personality matched you could not ask to meet a nicer woman, and heard her screaming all the things you read about in these stories. I had to see who had gotten this beauty so went to the kitchen and watched the room. The rooms were 12x12 with only one door in or out. About 30 minutes later I saw her and what had to be one of the ugliest chicks I knew both personality wise and looks wise come out and head for the showers together. I tried to maintain my friendship with the sweet one, even knowing I would never be more, and to do this held my tongue with and even tried to talk civilly to the other one, but the ugly one became possessive and made her get rid of anyone she saw as a threat. To balance this there was one girl who was built like a football line man who every one was convinced was lesbian. She was the one all her girl friends would run to before any guy to help them with guy problems. Most men were afraid of her. However if as a man you took the time to get to know her you would find her to be a very sweet and thoughtful person. I had been there two years when she came up with a male friend and announced her engagement. Trust me live in a closed community for a while and learn. Female behavior may be guessed at but it is rarely predictable.
Sorry about your girl cheating on you but that nearly always back fires. This dweeb, Jeff, is such a pansy that he is trying to get Kayla to cheat without his having to confront Jack. If Jack hunts him down it would heighten any feelings she might still harbor for the guy. Which ever way the fight turned out, win or loose, Jack would loose in the fight with and for Kayla. The fight with and for Kayla is the only one that counts if Jack still wants her. If he comes to realize he does not then it is best that he find that out on his own in his own time not because he played a suckers game.
Psych's can not agree on what constitutes a healthy relationship. Like all things to do with human behavior it is debatable. You are enabling. If you are not enabling then you are not supportive. If not either of those you are (insert condition here). "dishonest, controlling, self absorbed, emotionally absent, etc." I know people who have maintained marriages since before I was born that psychologist would say are unhealthy. Just for accuracy I have been 49 for only a few weeks now. I will tell you psychologist are not content themselves with their choices because every time they succeed they lose a client and have to basically say they are happy to lose revenue.
“I love you, Tara. You know I do. Maybe as more than a cousin, but you’re still my cousin. We shouldn't do this.” Thanks, for the correction. Mr. Jashely. And ok, after waiting and going back to reread maybe the rest makes more sense then I originally thought. I still think Kayla is trying to tell him something. I would still like to know more of Tara's back story. Who did take her virginity that she still thinks loved her and why does he not step up?
I reread that section several times and discounted that before my posting. It does not fit with the topic of conversation. If Jashley13 were to say you are right I would still wander how it fit.
“I love you, Tara. You know I do. Maybe as more than a cousin, but you’re still my cousin. I shouldn’t be the guy that takes your virginity.” “Alan—” Kayla clamped her jaw shut with an audible clack but Tara didn’t notice. What is this about virginity? Didn't she give it up in the 6th grade? I asked who fits the bill of loving Tara and could not have an open relationship. Is this the answer because I see no reason for "Alan" to enter into any part of this conversation. Did Tara tell something in confidence, perhaps. If so Alan has some explaining to do to Amanda. However, after the kiss between Tara and Kayla there are still no bets on whether or not the threesome will happen. A kiss like that between girls does not just happen. Girls are more likely to "experiment" at that age and younger than boys are but they do not advertize it. At least they do not in general. There are still social taboos and most girls do not want to be considered sluts. They would have to both trust him not to think of them that way and want him to know there was more between them. They were trying to tell him something. Kayla still was even after he admitted that he was considering suicide. I ran my hand roughly over my face, feeling exhausted in every part of my body. “I need help with this,” I said slowly, “And you were so great, sweetie. I know how much you wanted to help me.” “You don’t think I just set up the threesome out of guilt?” she asked, an edge in her voice. Fresh wound. Is it possible that she is or wants to be more than just friends with Tara and she wants Jack on board? What ever is going on she is as concerned that he thinks that the threesome is just a balance thing as she is that he said some things that hurt. Mostly because she knows he was right and that is something no one wants to admit. He made it clear that it was not just what was lied about that upset him. He was upset because of the lie. As for the guy up there who spoke of hypocrisy, yes. But, I also know that it is very realistic for women to do exactly this. She is not willing yet to look at how much he trusted her and all he wanted was the truth from the outset. Which conflicted with her desire to set and interpret the rules unilaterally. She now says there is nothing she is not telling him but how can he be sure? He would be if she had not tried to interpret the rules in her favor with him needing to tell everything that effected the relationship but she could keep something of vital importance to both of them to her self. The rule that is universal in today's world is "you are sleeping with everyone who has slept with the person you are sleeping with and the people they have intern slept with." Trust me. I have lived in a "closed" community and knew not to sleep around with just anyone and everyone. There were girls who after 8 or 9 months there showed up crying because they were now infertile do to chlamydia. An explanation of closed in the sense I am using it is a community with rules about who is allowed live in it, has less then 2000 year round residence and up to 7000 seasonal for 3 months with reasons why they could not leave and find mates outside the community easily.
There was a good side effect to the trolls there. I personally only read in the first chapter to the point where he was on the school parking lot with his friends and moved on to another story. I did intend to come back and read it but forgot the name. Somehow the controversy grabbed me back in around the time he was moving. I read it and followed him here, for that one story. I personally do not like the subject material of most stories on this site. I feel the trolls there should have done what I do here. Find stories they do like and leave the creative person alone. Most People do not understand what it takes to put your creations into public view. It take guts. But when all is said and done those that caused the controversy did me a favor and helped me re-find a story I did want to follow. I fell for that story or I would not post here at all. So, THANK YOU, trolls.
Guys, Walruses are ugly. Think about this. Tara has been having sex with guys that seek her out not as a last resort for them but as a desirable woman. Her problem is she is sending the signals that attract the wrong kind of guys. The ones she is getting are the good looking, attention seeking, ones. IE she is getting the popular ones. That alone should tell you she is not ugly. My question is who was it that took her virginity? Let's see some one who loves her but is for some reason inappropriate. Some one who could not continue a relationship with her in the open. I wander who in most girls lives fits that bill?