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Everything posted by YNP_Refugee

  1. You? lol JK. Do not play many console games anymore
  2. Johnny, Not sure how old you are. I am 49 going on 50. I started reading porn mags at 12 yo. No, I did not have a perfect childhood that is the same age that my mom and dad got a divorce strange enough. I was a computer wiz when that meant something in the early 1980s. I have had access most of my life to this material. Honest to god I love Joe's work but there is nothing new to say on the subject of how it feels to have your dick put in a pussy. I have read non-porn books with graphic details of what it was like to start to fuck a Vietnamese whore to find she had put a razor in herself... I am trying to say I have read it all. I still love sex and having it but reading about it is not really what I am looking for. I search these story sights because sometimes you get lucky and find a raw talent like Joe. If I am looking for masturbatory material I watch porn vids. It is quicker(I do not have an infinite amount of time), does not require thinking(not really conductive, if I think about it I want a real woman), and does not trip my analyze this trigger(the same as the last one, the reason I am doing it is the time thing). So again I read for the characters. I read known authors and actually highlight on second and third passes techniques like foreshadowing.
  3. I did not say bad. I indicated repetitive because of limitations on the language and such. I read Joe's stories because he writes about more than sex so his characters respond to the situations and leave room for the reader to wander what is really going on. Examples: The 'Talk' and outcome... already discussed it read several posts back The Nick confrontation. Some of Kayla's responses seemed like maybe she might have regretted it. Did she and why? Is she a little upset with Jack now over it or is she somewhat happy it is over. On Nicks part... he is the theater/science type, a jock would pound you man to man, a science type... He was emotional and well we do have the promise of a pipe bomb. Last Edit If Amanda were injured by the pipe bomb the reactions of Alan and Sam might be what actually persuades the parents to change their minds about the relationship. Alan at the hospital doing the "I can't live with out you." while Sam is getting on to the 'cleared' team bus not to show up till the next morning at the hospital. Especially if seeing the scene a Nurse or Doctor did the typical "Sorry, son, this is ICU it's family only." and Dad had to explain that they are triplets and those two have always been close, more like twins. End last edit The scene in the theater... Sam was alone. Why Jack was there alone was clear but i did not go to a MUSICAL in HS alone ever. Two of my three best friends were female one would have gone with me as a friend at least if I did not have a date. Musicals are supposed to be the firm area of GAY guys. For this sole reason I would have avoided it alone. Still kind of wandering about Sam's sexual orientation. Later Jack notices Joes reaction but he did not stop to think or ask himself why Sam CHOSE to watch a MUSICAL alone and ELECTED to sit next to a GUY while doing it. And then only a week or so later has his GF go home instead of securing her a place on the supporters bus to his game. Revealed later to have been dating a girl for a month and not put enough effort into getting her in bed. I do not remember a real description of Amanda in the story but I personally always imagine her to be above average in looks and in HS if she had been average looking, someone I could spend hours talking to and not run out of conversation material and I were not firmly in the friend zone, I would have put some effort in.
  4. Actually as with most of the sex scenes I did not read it I scrolled a few paragraphs and read. I mostly scan them for meaningful dialog such as agreements that could effect the relationship. Believe it or not I care very little about the sex scenes there is only so many ways to say "Her ass was so tight" or "It felt like a velvet vise." You read 100 or more stories and that gets BORING. I have stated and will continue to state I read Joe's work for the characterization not the sex.
  5. Stayed up to the 48hour point after finishing a project to read this. Good job, Joe. Why do I get the feeling something is not adding up in the end... OH. I have just raised 2 nieces who are now in their early 20s. I saw that dating is not that much different from when i was in HS except that now it's group dates at the mall more till you get a G/BF... My older niece went through like 3 guys in 4 years of HS the younger one 2. Both swore they were in love with each one. Even, if I don't think, either lost her virginity till after they were 18. I know both boys that were the girls firsts. One boy, well man now, is still a friend of mine and calls me Uncle even though my niece has moved on and had a child by someone else. So to me a girl saying she is not in love with her BF I wander what is wrong? She has been used to having sex and does not have it with the current? Ah, something is fishy and not adding up. A guy goes from 'I love her so much that if she hates me I will kill myself' and meaning it to a hour later 'I just thought I was in love.' What is wrong with that pic? Did you really end the saga or is there to be a later revisit where we find they got about as smart as they can get. If no one knows no one can stop us. IE a secret held by more than 2 people is gossip.
  6. I could not agree more with this if I had wrote it myself.
  7. I would say take the time to make it what you want. As hard as it is it does not kill us to wait. I want to read your best effort because that is what will in the end make you the happiest to share with us.
  8. I am from California, have a similar genetic back ground to COJimmyV and am on my mothers side the first generation born out of the Ozark mountains, at least for the last 5 or so that I can trace. So in all likelihood can say "Hey, cuz." to Dark
  9. Thanks, Joe... I like having the story to read but go ahead and take all the time you need to be happy with it. I would prefer it to be exactly what you want not something you are not happy with.
  10. Congrats on 200K hits.
  11. nope, he just kinda vanished after chapter 10 My guess would be life or writers block to which life is the answer... Give him time he will write and release sooner or later.... Hopefully
  12. Now that a few others have chimed in I will list a few things... Jessica is not your typical fashion freak gang leader. She acts it but has proven to be otherwise in the past. She has brains and thinks things through. She is not going to USE Alan without a plan. The requirement for her to get anywhere with Jack is not proximity but a lack of a relationship with Kayla, at least a relationship that does not have 'ex' in it. How can Alan help with that and not risk Jack revealing her secret? Next Jessica will assume that if Jack has told some one it is Kayla. If she breaks them up it would have to be in a way that would not have Kayla revealing her secrets if she knows them. She needs this to not trace back to her in any way or one of them might turn on her. Alan can not give her this. He would have her to directly involved. So, she will not use him just to get close to Jack. There is no end game in it. If in the face of everything I have said they do get together it would be because she has given up on Jack and finds a friend in Alan. The idea of trust is what is lost on most high school girls beyond, "Is he cheating on me?" Alan would be loyal to any woman he hooks up with. Unless this thing with Amanda ruins him he has proven that is who he is.
  13. thanks, right now though I am rereading several series of books that have recently or are supposed to be releasing a new one in the next few months to a year. Game of Throwns is on the list and those are some long books. And I have a couple others before I reach them. Not enough time for everything.... lol that is life. You have to balance everything and right now that means anime is on the list of put off till the time is there.
  14. Never heard of it. Have watched some Anime. Quite a bit not to long ago but not that one.
  15. The French say most people are in love with the idea of the person they love, the trick is to fall in love with the person as they destroy the illusion of the person you love. I can not say they are wrong.
  16. I have an idea... Joe invented Sam, a Jock. Well we all know models are over the hill at 20 so have Alan snag a professional model from a tour to stores, (say the gap). Or make her a local 8th grader or freshman. That gives him the one up on Amanda. Did I say one? I meant ten. There are far fewer professional models than Jocks.
  17. Don't think so. Mike Harrison doesn't strike me as the kind of dad who hands out cars to his kids-- and certainly not after recent events. He's not going to give the twins anything. They will have to earn it. lol, I said I do not go against common sense. Which side to support here is up in the air. (I really am laughing, almost to the point of tears.) I will however say coming home with Jessica is unlikely.
  18. Americans would freak, "Oh, putting 17 or 18 year olds with my 11 or 12 year old... I might have to admit my child has a brain and need to accept that they know about sex." I am an american. I just get tired of everyone pretending no one knows about sex till they get out of high school.
  19. Not saying anything you have said is not true. Except that I find it takes more than a sentence to explain most concepts. At least to make it clear to myself what I am thinking. I have never had the gift of brevity. I do envy it in those who have it. I have had friends who can say in three words what takes me 30. But, I do not go against common sense. Brothers and sisters will fight over any little thing growing up. I remember being on both sides of the "s/he is touching me!" from the back seat of a car. I remember arguments over which of us got the car on Friday or Saturday night. I remember my childhood, including high school very well (no offense intended to those still there but you will view your HS years very differently by the time you are 22, I am almost 50). I have admitted things about it on here that should tell people I hide nothing about myself from myself. We are our own worst enemy if we do, and telling a lie to the one person it is most important to be honest with, ones own self.
  20. Not everything, Just stuff that does not make a lot of sense. Senior or even Popular Sophomore girls are rarely interested in freshmen, they are at least a year behind in both mental and physical development etc. I know it happens if the girl has little other choice but not when she does. It lowers her value. Most people make their decisions to raise their value not lower them. I know because my cousin did date a senior as a freshman. She did not date again for the rest of the year. My cousins value went up at her expense. He became a stud and she was labeled 'desperate.' This was not all that long ago.
  21. why would I shot down fights over driving a car? I had them with my sister at that age. As well as who got 'shotgun' when a parent was driving.
  22. Tons of the ones that set the pace? The girl that has an entourage of girls everywhere she goes? A Trend setter and upcoming Home Coming Queen? That is what Jessica has been built up to. She is the girl you expect to take top popularity honors in everything. She would have to be willing to give all that up if she dated any freshman. I remember how that part works.
  23. Yet to be seen. Have you ever heard the term "wolf in sheep's clothing?" Joe gave point and counter point (read clues to the contrary) through out the chapter as to whether or not Sam is a good guy. And the ones that were blatant and he himself pointed out are nothing compared to the more subtle ones saying that Sam is good at manipulating people. Those who are good at manipulation are those that grow up to be considered slime balls, ie used car salesmen, lawyers, TV evangelist and Congressmen to name but a few. I am not saying you are wrong. I am saying as I opened with, "Yet to be seen."
  24. I do not see why you would say that. This whole story has taken less than a year to this point. The entire school knows about the homecoming dance/fight and the reasons for it as well as some of the history from the year before or HS has changed a lot since I went. I know it has in some ways but not in how fast news spreads. When I went just being called gay was the gravest of insults and having the wrong people believe it was down right dangerous. I knew some people even called a few 'friend,' who thought it was fun to get a group together then go to gay bars and bash someone on a Saturday Night. They might do 3 or 4 different bars in under two hours. I never joined them but was not stupid enough to get in their way either. Drunk red necks are not to be fooled with.
  25. I would not mind if he did backgrounds on them... but he does so well and his stories are so character oriented that I would hope he keeps it that way. I do not mind going chapters without the sex because he does detail the characters so well. Take his last chapter as an example. What keeps you reading is how bad you feel for Alan and hoping that Amanda wakes up and turns back. Or that at the very least she realizes it is not right to rub Alan's face in what he has lost. The parents are lucky that they did raise a good kid in Alan. A lot of guys in the same situation would have picked a fight with Sam just for the chance to knock his block off.
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