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Everything posted by YNP_Refugee

  1. Yeah, I can see a natural progression here. Joe gets there it is Friday around 1pm. and sees a boat with other teens skiing, he shouts to them gets an invite to join. Before sundown every <20 on the lake knows there is an open cabin without parents.... What I do not see is the total damage estimate for the Cabin.
  2. Joe Long, reread it. This does not say that Alan and Amanda are going to the cabin. It says she wants to celebrate all the birthdays together. They are working out the Cabin timing. I am not saying that they will not wind up there together but She flat said in another chapter she wanted it just the two of them at the cabin. It is a woman prerogative to change her mind, however. “My parents’ cabin,” Kayla replied happily, turning around to look at her, “They said Jack and I could use it in the summer!” She grinned at me. “They’re giving us a whole week!” Indicates parental limits on who can go. “Hell no!” she said, jerking her thumb at the twins, “What about these two? We’re celebrating all three birthdays together!” Amanda looked flattered. Alan barely seemed to notice; he was too busy trying not to look at Amanda while her attention was away from her phone. Indicates she does not want those two there but that she wants to celebrate all three birthdays together and both of these are in your quote. Although I do like the idea of finding something hinky like his mother's ear ring in her parent's bed and her mother's favorite panties under the guest room bed. Do they keep a private video collection there... wait now days it would all be on the computer and the files would give a few different dates to those activities months apart.
  3. Man, the best advise I can give here is if it is not better after 5 days, from the first day you felt bad, go to a doctor and find out why. My best wishes however are, "Get better," though.
  4. thought that the cabin was J/K solo territory. As for the rest I am speculating along the same lines, Long.
  5. My birthday is in Nov. I turned 18 my senior year. I was among the oldest in my class. The youngest in the class ahead of me was a girl born in the same hospital on the same day as me. I think for a while my mom actually wanted me to get to gather with her when she found out we had become friends. EDIT: And yes I am a geezer too. I will be 50 this year.
  6. Looks like I have missed a lot not tuning in much today. As for the age discussion. I would agree that puberty it the key. No one should go for someone who is not able to have children. That is the purpose of sex. Now you know one of my main reasons against anal. To me it seems as if one or more of the participants is telling the other "you are not worth having a child with." As to the historical side of this. 18 is very recent. In the 1800s average age for a marriage was 14 or 15. Girls began worrying about being 'old maids' at 16. In the 1700s with the exception of some aristocrats the age was 13 or 14 and this seems to hold true back as far as you can go. The problem is record keeping at this time makes these ages very inaccurate. The records were not centrally kept so what I am giving here in the 1700s and further back is sketchy. Aristocrats traded their daughters like cattle and often held onto them till they were closer to modern ages for marriage. The information for the 1800s can be verified by records or you can just read Little Women. Know that the books in the series are loosely based on events in Louisa May's life. And the things she discusses were the issues at the time, such as when were you an old maid if you were a girl. The other thing to consider is what her station in life was. They were more wealthy than most people in their time. The records show that the more wealthy a family is the later they marry, historically.
  7. There is an increased chance. Genetic birth defects do double but since you are discounting the environmental birth defects you are looking at a 1 in 10,000 approx. going to a 1 in 5,000 approx. I have the same problem as you. I hate it when people think an increased chance makes it a sure thing. If I knew a genetic disease ran in a given family say Sickle Cell or Hemophilia I would advise close relatives to not risk having children. If a mistake happens get an early Amniocent Test. And all the other good advise. But I do hate having bad science drive fear.
  8. I tried to explain with statistics. So, thank you for the hard evidence that chance is the better explanation for the majority of birth defects in closely related relationships.
  9. WB Dark, it's been a while sense we have seen you post.
  10. As has been pointed out they are the same age as Jack, now to go on, they have been having sex for six months longer than Jack, NO ONE clears sexual tension as fast as they did and now they are hanging out. I do not say the first time will be planned. I am saying it can happen and once started that sort of thing has a way of snow balling into something else fast. I was trying to be light about it and make fun of it but their hanging together does say to me that Dad is having some kind of con job ran on him. Jack did delay dad more than long enough for one of them to say to the other "what no one knows can't hurt us." My final point is that Joe did say he drew the inspiration for them from a real life brother and sister couple he knows. Unless they broke up and went their separate ways I would expect there is eventually going to be more to this, a way to come back together in the next year or three. I remember couples (not incestuous ones, in the '70s and '80s if that was found out you had no friends left by the end of the day. and spent a year or two rebuilding those friendships. That I do know for a fact.) that broke up and came back together multiple times in J/HS, and a few even later got married.
  11. This chapter (29) is a great read and a fun change of pace from the serious you have had lately. You also showed something about how to put sex into a love story without blow by blow description. WELL DONE all the way around. EDITs: When does Jack catch Alan, Amanda and Sam in their threesome, foursome, moresome? Or does he not till Dad does? Glad to see Tara back... Going to be interesting to see Jack jealous over Tara and realizing his feelings for her may not be so platonic after all.
  12. wish I could help with that but no, I do not know the story or even the site you mentioned. thanks for the warning about it being infected though. Always nice to know which sites to avoid.
  13. I think there would be a difference in connotation if a she said it and probably a lack of 'Wow'. lol
  14. Great News, glad to hear it.
  15. sorry to read your troubles Chester. Get better fast. I know your in pain now. But if it is like my elbow you will not notice it most of the time in a year. EDIT: I had not read your post, Joe. Thanks for the Easter wishes and being so quick, it seems you are tireless. I hope you get a thousand returns on the good from your wishes.
  16. You too, and everyone else.
  17. No, on another sight I once said "Happy Birthday" That was it for the post. I will be the first to admit I do not have a gift for brevity. But no one can say I do not care about people I see as friends. Even if I do not know what they look like, in fact that is the one thing the internet does well is it makes looks irrelevant. EDIT: When using Newsgroups for learning about Linux/Unix years ago. I just said "Thank You" a few times. Well more than a few times actually.
  18. I hope I do not get my head snapped off by your other fans for this one but please if you need to take a break do. I would rather get your best work and work your heart is in than something you feel you have to put together for us. Thanks for the check up at any rate. EDIT: Placed the word head where it belongs in the above paragraph.
  19. Copy and Pasted from theater scene: (plus, last thing I wanna do is piss of Copyright people) I have never figured out how to piss for someone else. I can think of a couple more interpretations, most don't fit much better than the first one, but they are even less funny. God forbid you become a Copyright person, it does fit better, but that is the least funny one, it would have too many ramifications. I think you meant "piss off."
  20. Not heard of that one. These are not really my favorites... Outlander and Harry do rate high in the list but LoTR, Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever/ White Gold Wielder, the first twelve to fourteen Xanths, the original Dragon Riders of Pern trilogy, the harper hall trilogy, and quite a few others rated higher and have been reread more. I help kids, mostly family and their friends, with ideas for their papers, so I look into what I suspect teachers will be assigning for the next 15 to 30 years. I figure that a lot of current teachers will assign from these works (from the previous post) because they were current fads and the kids that grew up with them will still be using them because "They are the best," they forget that in 10 years these will look as outdated to the kids as Jonathan Livingston Seagull(btw I hate everything about this book, but would never say this to someone how had it assigned as required reading) or Shakespeare(I do appreciate these works, but kids do not).
  21. Can't wait for the next Saga. I love the Tara character and want her return to get to know her better. But I am betting on a revisit to this saga at least as a sub plot in a later one. Sorry I am still remembering from where he said he based these two characters and maybe I am reading more into certain things than I should.... I am the person who hates to admit this but have read all of Harry Potter, Outlander and Twilight multiple times just to highlight all the foreshadowing and misdirection in them. But I see quite a bit of that in the Twins Saga as well.
  22. He has become obsessed. We all do it and it always annoys others. I understand what Joe did and you are reacting normally. Let's call it the "Just drop it, man." reaction. I meant Jack when I said he.
  23. I was raised '65 to '84(HS senior year, finished 5 months before my 19th birthday), I mentioned a few posts back I was 12 when my parents divorced. At 15/16 all my mom had to do was point at me and point to the floor in front of her and I went to have my mouth boxed. It only stung physically but her target was really the pride not harming the body. However if I had had 2 sibs living with me(I have a younger half brother but he would not have been old enough for my sister and he belonged to my father) and they were not talking and I took Jacks actions after one had threatened suicide over it, she would not have interfered, no matter their past relations, I was with them more I could see more. She figured if we said we were moving out we would be back when the world kicked our asses(I know I threatened it once she said "you will be back when you find even family will not treat you as well as I do"), if we said kill ourselves we needed help of some kind, IE something had to change. My mom did work long hours and I was in charge when she was away. I was not allowed to punish but she took my word for what happened. I had a rep for telling the truth even if I had been in the wrong and knew I was going to get punished. All she had to do was ask me and I would without fail tell the whole unedited truth. I got a few spankings for what I did. But it would have been worse if I got out of one and she found out later I had lied. I would have had two one for what I did and one for lying.
  24. One last thing, Dad was an ass with the PS3. He did it, more I think because in the end Jack was right as much as anything else.
  25. I would normally agree with this assessment. I have never had or wanted to have sex with my sister. However, Joe has said he based Alan and Amanda on some real world friends of his that are both a couple and siblings. So to keep the characters true to their base he pretty much has to follow through. If he chooses other wise oh well, he changed the characters from reality, that is why they call it 'based on'. Editing final thoughts on this one. As far as drama goes, I hope that if they do get back to gather that Mom and Dad decide hands off from now on(Alan was serious about killing himself, you can see those decisions in someones eyes and I have been told by those that have, there is no mistaking it if you have seen it before), and that Alan and Amanda keep others out of their affairs. It really is no one else's business nor their place to champion them. They need to find the strength in themselves and each other to stand on their own if they do want a future.
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