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Everything posted by YNP_Refugee

  1. Man, please remember that dead lines kill creativity. Let the authors (who are artists in this sense) take the time they need. You want a good painting give the painter time. You want a good sculpture give the sculptor time. If you want to keep getting good stories give these authors the time they need.
  2. So many bitching about incest on here. You know what anal tells me about a person. I do not think there is a bigger way for a man to say "I really do not care about you. I am all about getting my rocks off and believe you are nothing more than a soft knot hole to poke."
  3. Some valid points but it was not that he could not talk to Jack. He did not like what Jack had to say. Jack gave it to him straight. If you like a friends sister it might be good to check that he is cool with your dating her but you still need to ask her for yourself. I would not have wished my sister on my worst enemy. She was a total bitch. I would have told my friend that then told him what Jack did. If you want to ask her out do it... I would have added at your own risk.
  4. It often pays to read previous posts Magusfang is a good place to start,
  5. Could not sleep so I logged back in with a few thoughts. About what banana said. Joe has said in the past he is in his mid twenties. I have told everyone on here in the past I just turned 49. That makes me approximately twice his age. The other thought was really a regret at this point and nothing can be done about it. I had a teacher in primary school who said to keep a diary so we could write about our lives later. I did not figure mine was that interesting. Now I realize if I had kept one I have had an interesting life but I would have to write it as fiction and change all the names to protect both the innocent and guilty. EDIT: changed the words 'out' to 'our', and 'is' to 'it' in the above paragraph.
  6. I will take that as a compliment.
  7. Sorry, from what I saw on XNXX he is east coast. I was born and raised in Ca the furthest east I have been is the Mississippi.
  8. I guaran-goddamn-tee you know less than you think. I was 7 or 8 when I had incests with someone 2 months younger than I was, an aunt. No the fall out when it was found out by the family was not pretty. We both learned a lot of new words incest being very high in that list. As an adult I have followed the conditioning that was placed by those that would use shame and verbal degredation as tools. As a result however I KNOW more and think more for myself then most people. Another of my aunts who was quite a bit older than I am has been a librarian most of my life. Her interest center a lot around criminology, abnormal psychology, etc. she brings home every discard from the library on those subjects. I have been reading this material since I was about 15. I can tell you most people do not know half what they think they know about our society and how it works below the surface. As for the bible and why I use it as an example, it is not just as the religious document it is, but as the basis that it is for all modern European law. The second roman invasion was the invasion of the roman catholic church and most European monarchies wrote their laws under the influence of the church.
  9. I mentioned earlier that I raised two nieces. Except for an 18 month period where their mother married a pedophile whose previous conviction was right before mandatory entry to Megan's Law Computers. So both of my nieces were molested. I had never really considered having sex with them. Yes I saw them for the beautiful young women they were but I had kept to the social normals. Yet when they turned 18 each in turn asked to move a young man in and I will tell you that the knot in my stomach included jealousy. I still over rode it and allowed the boys to move in. You can try to say no jealousy is there all you want. I had to deal with it myself irl. I can tell you it will be a component of the relationship. Joe seems to "keep it real" so I am guessing he has talked to others or watched very closely.
  10. If you think incest is simple or anything about it is you have a few more thinks coming. Most people don't know what the classic definitions for it are. Biblically it was about abuse of authority. It stims from "thou shall not see the nakedness of"... and started with "thy father" and fallowed up the line to fathers sister then up the mothers line as well. So by religious standards it only goes as far as aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews. I see all kinds of people that include cousins etc. and I wander where they get it from. Oh, wait there were rules that changed constantly from country to country about every 20 years all over monarch controlled Europe after Roman influence. The Romans view on anything to do with sex are hard to figure out at best. As far as I can tell everyone was invited to the orgy and what happened at the orgy stayed at the orgy but the same coupling in private was frowned on. The rulings by the European monarchs were more about consolidation of wealth and keeping property in the family than preventing sex between anyone. As for historical incest there have been several cultures that practiced it, the Egyptians to name one. You can not find a pantheon, group of gods, that does not have multiple examples of it. The rule tends to be that the gods worshiped by a people behaved like them. So even if somewhat vilified you will find it among the Greeks and Romans as well as all north European cultures.
  11. You have several factors in the dad here. 1) the jealousy element. Every father goes through it and learns to deal with it but the triggering male is not normally sharing your daughters bed room with your consent from her birth. Remember every girls first crush is her father and he returned that affection even if he relabeled it to something more socially acceptable and limited its scope. 2) We are animals first and he is having trouble with the alpha male thing. If they were gorillas allen would already be running to find a new troop or dad would be sidelined licking his wounds and coming to realize his days as troop leader are done. 3) anyone else want to add to the list start here. Those two are off the top of my head and I do not feel like googling or rereading psyc. texts tonight. EDIT: As for the mom catching them, there may have been nothing to catch for the last few weeks. The hint of that is in that Allen who has ignored the basement gym for years, the same years he was sleeping with Amanda, was suddenly working off pent up energy. The energy had been being spent in another direction.
  12. What is surprising? Two teens used to having sex in the bedroom they have shared for years, they are going to have sex. Add a jealous man who also lives in the house and is now sneaking around trying to catch them and they are going to be caught.
  13. Dad's problem is simple... jealousy. I am a man that lived in the house with my two nieces. I helped raise them from the time that the older one was a year old and the younger was not even born. I can tell you that as an adult man living in the house with an attractive teen you may control your self but you still see her for what she is. You also want her to some degree. Most men will not admit it but there it is. We are taught not to act in this situation and he is finding it hard to accept someone is getting what he wants.
  14. nah, murphies law says the butter from bread and rolls end up on the carpet, that is more expensive to replace. It being on his shoes is just a way to spread it to more carpets.
  15. If you watch the forum he has a running reality check, like when he tells you it is taking a while to finish a chapter because he is working through emotions from his friend killing himself. He has said that the story is fiction but the characters are based on people he knows.
  16. Oh, and a few weeks till he finds out the results of the arguments... Could Allen or Amanda be slated to move into Tara's parents house when they move into the area?
  17. Oh, Joe, I noticed something in the last chapter. You mentioned how much like dad, Allen looks. You did not say how much like mom Amanda looks. Their relationship could be 'transference' The first person a boy gets a crush on is mom at about 3 to 5 years old. The same for little girls. By 7 or 8 they realize they can not have their parents. In the case of a brother looking that much like dad and having the same mannerisms Amanda may have transferred her feelings to Allen. And vice versa. That would be something for Jack to realize and use against dad. Especially since most fathers do fight urges toward their daughters even if they will not publicly admit them.
  18. I am curious about Allen and Amanda but I am more curious about the Kayla and Tara thing. It would be nice to see Tara get there faster. Mom knew of a distressed sale, divorce, recent death, etc in the neighborhood but it needs to be moved on NOW. Not Washburn's house please.
  19. Tally after 4 hours. Do as thou wilt 2 HIgh School: 2 Skip it 0
  20. Joe, Honest man you do what you want. It is your story. If you are short on ideas and want to move on to college do. If you want to follow blow by blow HS that is fine too. It has been a fun read and that is all I care about. I do like to speculate on where you are taking it. lol
  21. I want to know what is happening between Kayla and Tara. He seems to be dropping more and more clues that something happened. In this chapter the mention of a noticed lack of anger over the kiss. The whispers he 'missed' at the airport. In the last chapter the kiss between the two girls and Kayla being almost more upset about the accusation that she set up the threesome for a balancing thing than that he snooped her phone. I really want to know the answers to that question. Jeff was the past, Tara is current.
  22. I am hoping he continues this series. He set it up nicely for a life goes on ending and this chapter be the last. He also set it up grate to focus back on the problems at home or a new challenge in school. IE the mention of the pipe bomb.
  23. Oh, one thing I missed mentioning about there being no schedul is that this forum is where he tells us how close he is to being finished with a chapter and estimates releases. So check here often.
  24. There is no schedul. He is much more loved here and seems to have less detractors than he did at xnxx. At the same time his life has gotten more complicated he is writing in the spare moments. Hense he does not know when he will finish so we can not. We go crazy in between, spin crazy theories about what he will do next. point out inconsistencies. I have seen him change lines to make them consistant after they are pointed out. etc.
  25. Don't really want you to do it but this would be a perfect place to stop if you want to move on to something else. That said I can not wait for 23.
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