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Everything posted by YNP_Refugee

  1. FF VII... chocobo races. I hated having to get rid of champion chocobos to make room for young ones. I think this was one of the best sub games ever though. That or the down hill course in the same game.
  2. Nah, I will ask about the most exciting game ever... Who plays The Sims.... lol got ya. Thismy, you have not missed a whole lot, being limited. I have given up years of my life to MMORPGs. Now I have not played a game in over a year. i think I am better off without them. No more EQ, WoW, WoT, or Mechs, no more elves, half elves, rangers, palladines, mages, or enchanters and I am doing much better with real life. Wait till you are playing and asking yourself why you are wasting your time, that is a low point, the sinking in the stomach kind of low point, when you can not figure out why you are playing the games any more. Not knocking any one who still is. It is just I do not really find them all that fun any more.
  3. Walrus_lover_69, the bad or is it good news is the worlds most dangerous creature is the one man seems to seek out. It is called woman.
  4. No I mean it is FAR FAR FAR from over. Women do not forget it when they feel like that. His mistake was he should have had them start with each other and stayed back to play second fiddle to them. It may still have ended the way it did but both girls would be a little more... embarrassed about it, I guess is what I am looking for, well not as likely to ever throw stones. And, maybe in their making love they would have come to an acceptance and not had the awkwardness. He may have felt awkward but they would have teased him over it if they, the girls, had been fully engaged with each other the night before.
  5. Just got around to reading the last chapter. I said Kayla was the hinge pin... the pin broke. This will not end well.
  6. which ever one you happen to be reading at 3:30 am when you need to be up and on the road at 6:00 am. Sorry, I like the others do not track J.Ashely's word count. I just hope not to find myself in the above situation again.
  7. Absolutely, great news Johnny! My prayers that it stays that way.
  8. Personally I thank JL for his pics of his cousin/nieces. They are very attractive young ladies. That said I have to admit I may have given too much personal info on this forum. I hope I was always using it to support a point. Now one last thing to say. We on this forum show we care about one another. I have seen few other communities reach out with well wishes and offer moral support as they do here. With that naturally comes a feeling of comfort and the feeling that you can talk to the others involved. I would like to see that continue here.
  9. @Joe long Sorry, you can not be at the graduation. I regret every family graduation I miss. It is as much of a right of passage from childhood to adulthood as we have in our culture. @ayeayeRonald Sorry to hear about your troubles as well.
  10. I said nothing bad. I pointed out this one WILL a have major and profound effect. He does not want to lose Kayla and this is the sort of thing that if it goes south can cost him both his girl and his favorite family member. On his part it will be a balancing act on par with any juggler with chain saws. I have never had sex with someone, since hitting puberty, that my feelings about myself, them or the act of sex was not changed after. No, I have never been one for casual sex. I am guessing that Jack is a lot like me. His feelings for Tara will change, afterwards if he is, and he will be a lot more protective of her and not like anyone, male, paying her attention, he will be jealous. If his turning her down effected Tara that badly she holds his opinion very high. I would say she loves him as more than just as a cousin or even a sibling. The real hinge pin as I said in a earlier post will be Kayla and the way a woman feels after such an event not even she can know before. It could work into one of those rare three way relationships that last a life time but only if Kayla is herself in love with Tara as much as she is with Jack. It is a possibility but it is long shot. To those saying but the title is "she is the one." Kayla still would be. Such a relationship takes three people to pull off and those people are rare. Kayla would be a 1 in a million woman. And, the only one that would work with both Jack and Tara. And the way J keeps mentioning school and Tara, I am guessing that she will somehow end up in the same school. If Jack would agree to pick her up every morning, lol. Or, if she got a job and a car over the summer it would be a possibility. The only block then would be the inter-district permit. I would love to see where that went. Jack in a secret relationship with Tara, an open one with Kayla, Kayla and Tara in a secret one with each other then let an old friend comes back to school.... Brad, remember what happened when he wanted to date Amanda, what will he do over Tara?
  11. She is attractive.
  12. Not been here for a week. Just read it. Good chapter J. I have to say though. With any other threesome there is an end game: refuse to talk to the outsider, with this one it is permanent. You do not make this choice at that age and have NO consequences. Kayla is the girl he wants for life, and Tara is not someone he can begin to ignore later with out having to do some explaining. I for one want to see what you do with this in the next 5 or 10 chapters. It will not go away. I hope Kayla really does love Tara, though permanent three way relationships are rare, in the extreme, they do happen. It will hinge on Kayla though. Edit: Joe Long, I wish you had a better pic. of the girl in the yellow swim suite. I prefer faces fully visible. But, she is attractive. Your cousin once removed if she is your cousins daughter. Re-edit: My Ashely found your bear conversation funny till I realized you are not in California. We do not have brown bears here. If we raise our arms and scream at the bears here, black bears no matter what color their fur, the bear runs. I was on a bike trail once that rounded some tall black berries and almost ran over a black bear. I can tell you that they can go from standing still to 25 miles an hour in one jump. I saw that bear do it. The scary thing about that is the bear made no noise in doing it either.
  13. No, we do not seem to be saying much atm. Edit: as for any thanks. The genetics was from a high school bio course over 30 years ago. I still remember seeing the DNA separating (kind of unzipping) in the films. I just remember that when the sperm combines with the ovum sex of the first cell is set so every split after that is the same sex. Identical twins are from the same cell. Fraternal Twins are from separate cells. And the DNA from separate ovum and sperm combinations can be anything. There are 23 chromosome pairs, in a human, each with 4 possibilities that is 92 separate possibilities(keeping this simple and not using nCr or nPr). No single couple is going to produce all of them in the time given to a single woman to have children. At the time I knew a girl I would not have minded trying with though and she was my lab partner, best friend, etc. Those kind of thoughts kind of drove the issue home.
  14. This is exactly what could not have happened. Boys are XY sex chrom paired, Girls are XX. It is not possible for one egg to "split" and make babies of both sexes. It is possible to have separate genetic sets of pairings creating boys and girls of the same "birth" that look alike, even coming from totally different eggs.
  15. From your last line I do see you understand where I am coming from irl. With this story, like all others, I suspend disbelief while reading and speculate between the chapters.
  16. Sorry, my experience with the corporate environment tells me it is a good bet that those who act like they own the place normally are the ones partying with the boss after hours. That is not sleeping with them always, but the BBQs and Bar Dives together get you promoted far faster than doing your job. Certain managers were always on my case and the cases of others who did their 8 and went home but their drinking pals could play frisbee in the parking lot for forty five minutes to an hour at a time (lunch, our longest break, was half an hour). Having worked in such an environment I kinda have a low opinion of the system. I did not stop moving from the time I went on duty till the time I went off duty, and all my activities were duty related.
  17. We are missing pieces to every story right now. He said that the twins fixed it too fast and Alan told him to butt out, the time being spent between the twins and their sig. others is almost all public time. Ah, I mentioned it at the time but despite her protests of "I won't cheat on Sam!", "what no one else knows can not hurt us." This would blow dads "I know everything and am always right, I even counted on you to keep them from hurting themselves." right out the window. The bit in the store about Sam's father struck me as being a bit too needy. Add that to his sister seeming to have as much control as she does and you can suspect several things... But as much incest as is already in the story we are stretching statistical probabilities. Some one else already suggested some more likely causes single father, not enough time for the kids, situation. I wander what happened to the mom. She has not been mentioned. I also wander about the girls control over her friends. Group control comes from popularity which normally comes from money or sex. And, that does not mean she would be sleeping around with a pretty girl who knows how to tease it could be the withholding of her favors that controls a group. Rhonda, is she the bosses niece or something? She can get away with insulting him and no one else can. Sounds familial or blackmail to me. We have been told Jack has the best customer feedback in that stores history, and came to the attention of regional management for it, yet she comes in and starts teaching him things he must have been doing without thinking in the first place. Game Stop and Babages (sp?) are the same company and they are European owned, or were ten years ago. It is unlikely she or her family owns enough stock to get preferential treatment. Being related to a store or regional manager could accomplish the same thing though as could having slept with the boss to get the job while she was underage (cell phones with recording features have been around long enough to give her the needed evidence).
  18. what is the real story with Sam, his sister, and his father? I noticed a lot of the other stuff mentioned too. The barb about Mrs H. being old was not good. I still think that the two sets of parents have practiced some swinging. Now there is the question of if this practice is a long term thing. I mean with the questions about Tara indicate that Jacks parents may have been doing it a while. There is a lot happening that we are not seeing. Oh, and I thought cats liked witches not Vampires. Most old films at least show the cats hissing at the Vamps.
  19. relax, we want your best work. The work you are happy with. Waiting may be a bit of a pain but not as much as reading something you are not proud of would be.
  20. @Joe Long. you may not have been reading the forums when I suggested that Sam was gay the chapter just after he was introduced when they reveled that they (Amanda and Sam) had not done it but had tried. As for my comment about 50+ yo, I recently lived for a few years in a closed community, you had to work there in order to live there. In 3 years there I had 4 room mates, only my niece was by my own choice. She knew that the living arrangements would be temporary she held the room for me but intended to and did leave soon after I arrived. The rest of my room mates were chosen for me by the company, they told me if I would not pick someone they would. The next room mate volunteered to move out so he could move in with his best friend, they were in their mid twenties. The next two were both a minimum of 10 years older than I was... I was in my mid 40s. The first thing one of them told me was that eye sight was the second thing to go. I was already loosing that and fell for the bait and asked about the first. He just cocked his head and said "Now, really, if you are loosing your eye sight you already know the answer!" I did not figure it out for two weeks. He opened a little bottle and poured a couple little blue pills into a bag. He said he was going down the hill to a dance club, one that was known to cater to the older set, and hoped to get lucky then patted the pocket he had put the bag with the pills in, repeating that "Eye sight is the second thing to go." Well for me it was not. I had grown up and lived most of my adult life with eyes that would have made me a sniper if I had joined the military. I had far better than 20/20, could shot birds in flight with a .22 cal. and solder smds to circuit boards by hand, and excellent night vision till I hit 40. By 41 I was having trouble reading because one eye was going blurry, head ache city, by 42 neither eye would focus in the reading range. As for super hero movies.... I do not tend to judge them. I mean they are meant to not be taken seriously. If I want a movie that is meant to be taken seriously I look for a GOOD Sci. Fi. Poor Sci. Fi. is the same as super hero stuff. Shut down your brain and watch it, if you can forget it is a movie and connect to the characters for the last 1/2 the movie it has done its job.
  21. Great chapter J. @Joe Long, you are not the first to suggest it. I thought it was more than possible when they reveled that he and Amanda had tried and failed during his first dive in the circle of friends. I mean if she had said that he ejaculated prematurely that would be one thing but to just not keep it up? That is the problems I hear about from 50+ yo men not 16 yo boys.
  22. Yeah, know the feeling of "Ok, now what do we do?" but not centered around sex. I was given a chance to teach a class on Video Cards once. It was part of a Course on putting a computer together the primary teacher needed to attend a staff meeting for the one class period. I had been programing graphics in Machine Language for close to 15 years and knew video forwards and backwards. I went through my material I had prepared and looked at the clock. I still had half of an hour long class to get through. This is just one of several such experiences I have had in my life.
  23. the line space separated two different area's of your post I was responding too. first I responded about the cabin. Then after the blank line the thought of Tara and Alan getting together. Sorry, I was not as clear as I might have been. So the last half of the other post was meant to say that people are not interchangable as love interests or should not be viewed as such. Also although a lot of guys are rather flighty when it comes to relationships if the girl is as well then it becomes impossible to lay a string of bad relationships at the guys door steps. She would have to shoulder some of the burden for being so shallow. The part about story excerpts starts with me in response #1281, him posting said excerpt in #1282, then our posts at #1286 and #1287 of this thread. If that helps.
  24. @thismy becuase of the passage that was posted.... "birthday present?" -> "Hell no" Seems a little strong of a reaction to me. I get from the follow up she wants to include Alan and Amanda in the birthday celebration but still "Hell no?" She was rejecting even his closest family, those born with him, in her strongest possible terms, being there. To me that sounds like us only. She might make an exception for Tara, if she sees her as part of the us. This would be to me the strongest indication of the way Kayla feels about Tara. And so far not even hinted at in the story I am the first to admit. while what you suggest is possible. I would be disappointed in Tara at that point. It would say she sees Alan and Jack as interchangable, people are not. If she can view her "favorite" cousin this way I come to see how she has had problems with guys. It is never all on them and at that point definitely not all on them.
  25. Just went through this a few days ago. What did you read that the rest of us did not? Last person gave an excerpt from the story and was shown they misread it, they ended up admitting to making a mistake. Please show us what you are reading to get this. I am really interested and will admit that you are right here if you can show it. I am not saying it will not happen. That is up to the author but so far Kayla has maintained she wants the Cabin to be alone time.
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