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Everything posted by that-one-guy

  1. And Elder Scrolls Online
  2. Seeing as the major was injured in the end scene (presuming it WAS the major) I would say something went wrong. Most likely the recovery team tried to wipe out the major and the other guy, so the major tried to stop their mission from being a success by killing Alice (but failed).
  3. I just wing it then redraft it
  4. The flashbacks I'm fine with, its just putting faces to names to relationships
  5. I have an amazing memory but north star still confuses the fuck outta me
  6. I know its a long shot, but there was a line in there that triggered something for me. It was when the major was on the sat phone, right towards the end of the conversation it said the voice spoke with 'almost a fatherly tone'. I think the SG could be run my Max's dad, or at least a brainwashed version.
  7. I check here every time I lift my phone
  8. I would say you took great pleasure in that
  9. I know that bit, but who went where,did they go to a coffee shop, bar or suhin
  10. Since he died this early on, I seriously doubt the grey haired man was really in charge. Illuminati?
  11. Write in books when we're in school
  12. When I'm writing on paper I go into an incredible amount of detail (was told to write a story around 2 pages long, ended up almost 8) but I can't seem to express it as much if I'm typing
  13. I think magus just gave DA a telling off...
  14. Chapter 6 has been sent to bigman7307 and he will post a heads up here when its up (takes way too long to format on my phone haha)
  15. To that idea, I say: NEIGH! :silence:
  16. :bugle starts playing: CHARGE!
  17. Don't they have horses now? That could be a fun battle strategy almost entirely useless but it would stun the enemy
  18. Found this and it reminded me of the recent chapters lol
  19. I don't think he was ever 100%, at least not mentally!
  20. Did not expect them to have overreacted that much haha
  21. Damn it magus. If he doesn't turn up soon I'd say either Tunisia (most likely) or Ireland (which wouldn't be too bad, just riot control)
  22. I think the reason legion didn't do anything in the beginning was because he was too shocked from the attack, they all were. It was his rage that caused him to intervene. As for Mika not downloading I think the line magus used was more or less 'blown to pieces' whereas carol was still kinda intact, they were most likely killed by the explosion of the wall and the debris it caused.
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