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Everything posted by that-one-guy

  1. Well at least we know they're safe
  2. I know the pain, had to print out copies of my CV (résumé) today so I can hand them out tomorrow haha
  3. I'm pretty sure being the ringleader of a prostitution ring would give her enough money to go by without having to work in gamestop, especially if it is a large number of girls
  4. An incest birthday finale part 1 is up on literotica. Kevin was having issues getting it up on the blue site
  5. Just incase I don't get the chance to say it tomorrow, Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
  6. Just incase I don't get the chance to say it tomorrow, Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
  7. It would make for a nice, alternate reality chapter when the time comes haha
  8. Mime could be that jack couldn't quite remember the name at that moment haha
  9. I feel like that is something that will be found out when wedding preparations are being made. That goes to show how confident we are in this series lol
  10. If Amanda is still in Jacks old room, which I believe she is ( I could be wrong), then if jack and kayla didn't close the curtains Amanda could very well be watching them
  11. There's always people like that, where you know them at one point and later on they're a stranger to you. And I find that half the time the girls don't even have boyfriends, they just say it to everyone because, well I don't know. Lol
  12. I can definitely see Rhona becoming a problem of sorts. There's no way she would have just offered Jack something like that for shits and giggles.
  13. So, I'm starting to become Jack in a way. Not going into too much detail but my friend is going through a really tough time emotionally and I have spent the entire night trying my best to get to the cause of it and find a solution and its driving me mad that he doesn't feel he can trust anyone enough to talk to them and I really need to help him. And now I've got a headache again. Why is helping people so hard?
  14. So, since I live in the UK I didn't really know what Ranch was like, but I tracked some of it down today and holy fuck, those chapters make so much more sense now lol
  15. I thought the same thing about the party, seems like the sort of childish thing she would do for attention
  16. Didn't pick up on that originally but now that you mention it, it is there as a possablity. So Is Shannon after asking Jack if Amanda liked her
  17. Now I've even got a headache lol
  18. Well... That was... Traumatic Great chapter, but 'emotional rollercoaster' doesn't do it justice. So many possibilities as to what could happen next. SPOILERS: So on one side, we have jack, Kayla,Tara, Helena,Alan, Amanda. And the other (sort of, really just everyone that is with jack) Craig, Becca, belle, Joe, Sam. (Sort of skim read a few of the longer paragraphs so if I missed something my apologies)
  19. Imagine what a new chapter of northstar would do to our heads, I can't even remember what the cliffhanger was!
  20. Hadn't read the chapter, saw the spoiler warning, continued reading anyway lol. Wouldn't it be a big twist if it wasn't Sam's? Kind of a far fetched theory but it would be a more interesting read.
  21. Hey, if you ever need crazy but plausible story ideas you know where we are
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