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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Good for her. Give her an extra kiss for me. I think you may have a very devious plan with the "scam" being planned. Damn shame the plane was lost after all the effort in the mods. Hope you let the family go with just some bumps and bruises. Really would like to see the :"shadow" thinned out. B
  2. From one vet to another and all who visit this thread HAPPY VETERANS DAY. B
  3. Actually coming up on one month. Comments in the SB sound like he has been busy with RL after the flood and now sounds like the whole house is flu ridden. HOPEFULLY DA will get him back on track before "we" have a nervous fit/breakdown. B
  4. As long as it isn't the family's. B
  5. You just got us spoiled with reasonably quick updates then you slowed down. Most of us suffer from what one of the posters uses "readers affliction reading faster than good writers can write" or something like that. B
  6. @db I didn't get into Eric's series until after rereading the In The Grass series for the third time. I really like Mansus' writing and especially the INTG series but the slow posts have made me go looking for something else while waiting for the Master. Eric's WA series was able to hold my attention BUT not enough to reread multiple times. B
  7. @jelad Eric has posted another chapter. B
  8. DA has own thread but she doesn't go on it a whole lot. I do enjoy her comments here because Mangus seems to avoid HIS thread and it is nice to know someone in the family is still around. I know he will blame it on RL - BUT !! B
  9. I don't think I could understand the next chapter without going back several and them coming forward. However he has been good in several cases of providing background info in the story. Some have criticized him for that in the past but I think it is helpful to those of us without photographic memories. I just hope he posts again SOON !! B
  10. Glad you retired ! In you profession sidetrack = DEAD. Shame on Chrissy. Your fans want more of your series. B Only problem too long between posts and we lose track of relationships. B
  11. Don't I know it !!! Been reading his series for over a year - he has slowed down in his updates though. He seems to have gotten more evil with some of his updates. B
  12. You might catch something they don't have a cure for yet. I still think writing on publicly exposed areas would give the most pain in addition to the humiliation and that might actually hurt him more than the physical pain. B
  13. Not sure I like that. B
  14. I agree it's hard to stop BUT he has a loving family and his chosen profession is a "young mans" game. It is also highly dangerous - makes high steel work seem like a day at the kiddie park. Teaching OK just no "field work". B
  15. I was thinking a DULL knife point. More painful that way. Axe too quick. B
  16. Sounds like the SBE has his head on straight and the county guy needs his spun around. And puff your chest out proudly that little 'ol you was able to get him so bunched up that he got written up for pushing on you. I have a feeling that Mangus would be happy to write that censure on his hide with a sharp instrument. B
  17. Need some help ??? B
  18. The super pushed a hearing? Who conducted the hearing? Is he the super of the county schools or the state? And who or what got his pantties bunched up? B
  19. @Magus 10 days since last chapter. ETA on the next one? It's not like you have had anything going on recently. B Or the people on the ground that don't like you being there !!
  20. Maybe the emotion at the hearing worked i your favor. If I read your posts in the SB correctly the authority at the hearing chastised the people from your school principal or school board AND put a written reprimand in their file. Then offered you your job back; which you turned down. I do suspect that had you taken it there would have been a big party for you. No teaching that day! How much did I screw that up? B
  21. Saw your comments in the SB about your meeting today. I hope you recorded that ! would love to hear it. The comment about wasted time was made by whom? Second question: how did you keep Steve from getting in someones face and biting their nose off? B
  22. As long as the rush doesn't kill you !!!! B
  23. WE are wired that way. Sexy! He is obsessed because of the forgoing AND he helped create it. (Takes two to tango). B
  24. Why??? Pretty tummy. Like pretty things. B
  25. I think if you hadn't kept a tight reign he would be looking at the grass from the other side. Unless I miss my guess they could leave some scars that would never be traced. There are a few on here that would inflict harm on him that he would carry to the grave, if the body was found. Still curious what they did to get his "attention" B
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