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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. While we are waiting for the master to get back on line you might want to check out "My Girls" on The Pub. B
  2. @Sniper. Thanks for the update. Sorely needed. B
  3. Mangus or DA please give "us" an update. Been a while. B
  4. Hope everyone has a SAFE and happy New Year. B
  5. Every barn needs a couple of good mousers. B
  6. Looks like a pony BUT as small as you let us believe you are I can see you riding it. (Showing her how). B
  7. NO RIDIE UNTIL AFTER delivery (yours that is). B
  8. I have a sneaky suspicion that a few more things like that and Mangus is going to make a trip to yankeeland. B
  9. Won't argue that BUT when you post I sometimes have to go archive to see what you're talking about. You were kidding about the "unfit" filing I hope. B
  10. Just saw a couple of items in the SB that should make for interesting reading if you would write about them AFTER you finish Choices. (Still waiting). B
  12. I understand about the next chapter being "close to home". Probably why I, for one would like to read it. We've never met, and probably never will except on here, but you story has touched my heart and I would like to see that chapter too. I know you have risen above that mess. You are strong and are in with strong people. The strong will prevail. SMILE B
  13. I "assume" youall are or will be soon putting up Christmas decorations. YOU stay seated and direct the others. "We" don't want another occurance that results in another trip to the ER. B
  14. Did you check your drawers?? That was scary enough to loose control AND I wasn't there. A chapter from you and her would be nice bur I, for one, am not going to bug either of you with what has been going on. Though it sounds like bed rest would be an ideal time for her to write a few just to keep from going stir crazy. B
  15. Saw a few items on the SB. Don't think you can call it interesting. From what I saw I think it was DAMN SCARY. Much worst than some of your stories because this was RL. I know you take care of her and I hope she will let you know when things don't feel exactly right. My thoughts and prayers are with her. B
  16. I hope you and your entire family have a safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING. B
  17. (20 November 2015 - 11:32 AM) yeah, I don't back down even if its something small like a letter of counseling, hell they get pulled after 30 days anyway. But I take a lot of pride in what I do. Too many people in this profession teach school instead of being school teachers. I LOVE IT. Please tell me how I can get a teacher like you for my grandkids when they start public school. B
  18. Clingy is OK as long as one hand is free to type ON THE KEYBOARD attached to the computer. B
  19. Are you going to post it like you did Choices? B
  20. Writing or reading? Don't see but one under your name. B
  21. Glad to see you still check this thread. Still looking for the next chapter of choices. B
  22. According to what I got off the video it was designed to minimize the felt recoil (kick). I suspect you kick harder than it does. B
  23. It does appear to be a LITTLE larger than you could conceal in you bikini. But at the same time it is awesome in performance - just like you and your family. B
  24. Did you play the video ?? B
  25. copy and past in your browser. I'm computer illiterate and haven't figured out how to sent a link. Let me know if this doesn't work. B
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