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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Let's just hope and pray there is no "other shoe". Get well. Let Liz and the girls take some of the newborn load. B
  2. You've been through a hell of a trauma. Can't fault him for being nervous about your condition. If he didn't love you he wouldn't be that concerned. The fact that he and Liz are "smothering" you shows the depth of their love for you. YOU went through the physical trauma BUT they had their own trauma out of concern for you! Different but the same? Keep healing. Love Angie. All will be good in time. B
  3. Did a little look back looks like 1/26 2lbs 4oz.to 7lb 8oz now. Either wrong birth weight OR Magus is going to have to build another house just for her if she keeps going like that. B
  4. 8 pounds !!!! Didn't you say the birth weight was 2 lbs something? Sub 3 lbs anyway?? B
  5. @DA Thanks for at least the profile pic. How much does she weigh now. Sure doesn't look like a premie. B
  6. From what I've been able to glean they "he:" have acquired a cow, a goat and some pigs (farm type). Oh and forgot the horse and there was talk of additional horses for the "other kids". DA still in hospital with Liz staying there to look after DA and newborn. He's trying to maintain homestead AND travel to hosp. to look after DA. As JoeLong said no incoming IF you don't count things from the cow and horse. B Know you've been BUSY. Good to hear from you. B
  7. DA or Magus Quiet too long. Nervous. At least put a word or so in. An update on medical would be real nice. B
  8. Well -- I did ask her to dip an oar in. At least she is letting us know she is still around. B
  9. Really good to see you here. B
  10. Yeah !! Wish they would just drop a comment or so - nothing heavy. Dip the oar not even pull on it. B
  11. Kind of lonely here when you of DA don't even dip an oar in the water. B
  12. @DG After reading through this topic and other snippets I have seen I really don't see how you have had the time or patience to respond to individual inquiries like I have sent in the past weeks. BUT it was much appreciated. This site has to be a labor of love. KUDOS, B
  13. Way to go. Make them understand what is important. You bonding with Angie is EXTREMELY important, in my opinion. Sorry they cant get the milk back but at least let you feed her the bottle. On the serious side don't push discharge. YOU need to be well up and around as well as the Angie. I know you have a built in nurse but sometimes the facilities available in a hospital setting out weigh home care especially with a premie. I suspect Steve would go all growl on them is they tried to open the bed too soon. Been there done that. Keep the faith. Look at the bright side - you don't have to slide around in the white stuff. B
  14. Oh really?? Just because you delivered and then underwent a radical procedure ?? "Unconscious"? Damn ! "We" are just so happy that you and the family are ALL still around and able to get back on here. Are they able to give you anything to get you milk back? Hopefully they are letting you feed Angie the bottle for now. B
  15. @DA I "assume" you know Sniper is on the SSL list and is recovering from a bad landing. Really glad to see that they are now letting you associate with people that are not paid caregivers. You all gave us a really big scare by going dark when you did. You are going to be sore for a while but that too will pass. I'm sure that now you are back in the arms of your loved ones it will be easier. I lot of us on this forum are really pulling for you. B
  16. Glad to hear things are getting back on the good track. Hospitals are a good place to get sick from AND of. If you could squeeze her from all of us that want you to she would be squeezed down to nothing. Hope she does well and Angie too. Having a built in nurse has to be a big plus. Now if we can just keep you out of the asylum things will be just fine.
  17. @Mangus Thanks. Still can't post in SB.??? My thought and prayers are with you and your family.
  18. @Mangus PM me please. Can't get the shout box to post. B
  19. Am only half way through 3 now. - Working on it.m Think a 3 part epilog. Damn !!
  20. @Joe Long The link takes you directly to the "My Girls" That is actually #1 there is also #2 AND #3. Takes a while to get through all of them.
  21. Which book? There are 3 of them. #3 is the weirdest in my opiniom.
  22. THANK YOU !! Adorable. B
  23. Thanks. I don't know how to do that. B
  24. Google "mystic wolf pub" then click "browse stories" should be aporx #7 OR just go through them all. They are in alpa order. B
  25. Very similar to Mangus' INTG series. He has been a little slow in posts recently.
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