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Everything posted by Rescue25

  1. Did you and Lizzie wear him down??? B
  2. @DA Thanks for the update. Best wishes - hope he is feeling better soon. B
  3. @ Mangusfang Well over 2 weeks since your last chapter. Problem? Other than DA and Lizzie? B
  4. OR they were taken down. B
  5. THANKS !! I love it. B
  6. r_Fairplay : (16 August 2015 - 11:43 AM) @DirtyAngel lol. BTW, saw your shouts from yesterday, what you did to the woman, kissing lizzie in front of her, NIIIIIICE!!!!! INTERESTING !! I tried to go back in the SB archive but it overloaded. Would you mnd giving me a quick replay of that? B
  7. @MajorM Were you able to find the "missing" chapters? B
  8. I would certainly hope that is where he is going. B
  9. Just read through for 3rd time. It is a long read and if you don't shed a tear-----!! @Major 5 & 9 are posted. Search by author then look at his stories. B
  10. For those waiting for the next postomg from the master you might want to check out "A Game of Inches" by Rhiannon57 n the "X" site. Not a hard core story but a lot of emotion.B
  11. We;re waiting for you also. B
  12. Thanks for the picture. Sorry you took it down. B
  14. Kind of figured. Making "something" come up. True redhead. LIKE the horns. Where is the OLD one? You dang sure don't qualify when you are way less than half my age. Good looking too.. Waiting on the next chapter from both of you. B
  15. I'm sure most of us here would love to see a picture of both of you but I feel that this might be too much of a public forum for you. B
  16. I second Sniper. Would like to see BUT!! B
  17. Doesn't that make it more fun?? B
  18. Alt the more reason to post it. B
  19. REALLY?? Are you a blond? B
  20. I'll have even more fun reading it. B
  21. Unless I have totally misread and/or misinterpited the entire series of In the Grass and the SB conversations Mangus is more than capable of taking care of business and disappearing like smoke in a windstorm. Just remember all pleasures are not necessarily sexual. Some of is get involved in stuff because we feel that it's the "right" thing to do. Too many vets on the main site to think otherwise. B I thought 5 was up. My bad! Waiting. B
  22. Don't think he would outright to that BUT put him in enough pain that he would go.suicidal. Much more satisfying.that way. OK with the twins as long as he now has to sit down to pee. B
  23. Was that "peace or piece"? B
  24. I can understand you wanting to say NO. However, in my opinion, it should be "I don't want to know about it". By not letting people, LE or not, take the proper action how many OTHERS have you put at risk? It's not just payback but stopping further abuse against other unsuspecting people. That seems to be an underlying theme in the "In the Grass" series. Not trying to put a guilt trip on you, just another thought. I think Steve would gain immense personal satisfaction from dealing with that situation. Not that he needs any help, and I'm sure he has enough folks that he has a relationship with other than us "unknowns" on this site, that he can call on BUT that doesn't mean that a few of those here wouldn't be "ready, willing and able", to travel and put something together. B
  25. BOOOOO!! B So 12 is started BUT how long till post??? B
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