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Everything posted by GrayNeko

  1. Firstly, thanks for all the comments. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far and you have some decent insight in to what I planned for this piece.
  2. Thank you, I'm glad you're looking forward to more.
  3. Thanks Woodrow. I've tried to avoid any plotholes and made for a more story oriented adult piece.
  4. Hey SWK thanks for the kinds words in your latest review, really appreciate it. Random Reviewer Man, thanks for the kind words, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story as well.
  5. For The Island Misadventures of Ben and Charmcaster I had to look up Swept Away, never seen it and there isn't much in the way of a synopsis of it, at least the more current version, but yeah this isn't really a romantic comedy. If anything I approached this piece more like an actual episode of the series but with adult material thrown in so if you're familiar with the original Ben 10 series at all I hope I've done a reasonable job of it. Hope the later chapters pique your interest a little more.
  6. Hey Shiro, that is a name I recognize. Yeah, there was a bit of a blow out at HF because someone threatened the admin and may have contacted the site host about child pornography issues so they had to pull everything even remotely underaged and people accordingly lost their collective minds. After the dust settled it became clear to keep the site running a sacrifice had to be made so now those of us with such material had to find elsewhere to put our stuff up.
  7. For The Island Misadventures of Ben and Charmcaster Alien Force hadn't come out or had just started when I started this piece so I didn't have a good feel for a teenage Ben that wasn't more of my own creation and I wanted to keep the characters as close to the show as possible. Plus, with hindsight, a teenage Ben would have been too competent for the story, not to mention that Alien Force and Ultimate Alien had the worst Charmcaster design. Next chapter will be up next Saturday and there will be action but not what you might imagine. Charmcaster will definitely get knocked down a peg or two, just wait til next Saturday. Are you unaware of the underage ban at HF? They were supposed to pull all material containing underage characters from the site and while my work still seems to be there I'm not going to risk causing trouble by continuing to post such material there. I will still use my account on HF to post other works but I'm making a home for my work here as well. What's your name on HF? I don't recognize SWK.
  8. Thanks for the quick responses and glad to hear it is displaying as Adult+, I still see it as Adult++ for some reason but now I'm less worried about it scaring readers away because they might find it too intense.
  9. Much appreciated DG, I'll do my best to follow the rules and I appreciate that you guys give folks a heads up when there's an issue.
  10. So I posted a story earlier today and once it was up I noticed it had the Adult++ rating despite me choosing Adult+. I tried to edit it and found it marked as Adult+ once I got in there. Is there a glitch or flaw with the submission system? Or do stories get Adult++ based on some of the content categories?
  11. The Island Misadventures of Ben and Charmcaster is a go!
  12. That's what I'm doing in moving my work over from HF. Every Saturday I post a chapter and I just finished putting up the first piece I'd written from some years ago. Tomorrow I start another story. I've also asked the same question in my review and response thread just in case some folk would like to see some work more quickly.
  13. Thank you! I'll be starting one of my more popular stories from HF this Saturday, it's Ben and Charmcaster specific.
  14. The fourth and final chapter's been posted. Next week I begin posting my extensive Ben/Charmcaster piece.
  15. Thanks, glad you're enjoying it. It is already finished, I'm just allowing for time between chapters so as to not intimidate any readers with the volume of my work. No fear my friend, AFF seems like the best place for my work and I have no intention of removing any of my works as long as the folks running the site see no issue with them.
  16. The second chapter of Secret of Bezel has been posted.
  17. Welcome, make yourself at home. Here is where I'll respond to folks who have something to say about my works as well as discuss ideas. Beyond that, any comments, critiques, and questions are all welcome. Edit: Making it easier to get back to the stories. The Secret of Bezel The Island Misadventures of Ben and Charmcaster A Charmed Life When Earth and Sky Meet, Which Truly Yields? Extradimensional Besties are the Best! Little Red Riding Gwen Voltron: Crashing into Love
  18. So I get that a review response thread is meant for replying to those kind enough to comment on one's stories but can one be made preemptively? I've just posted the first chapter to the first story I'd ever written and it hasn't garnered any reviews yet but I'd like to get feedback on whether I should increase the rate at which I planned to post chapters of my works. I'm not sure if that use of the review response threads is proper and I want to avoid breaking any of the forums rules so I thought I'd bring the question here first.
  19. Hello all, the name's GrayNeko. I've found my way here after a recent policy change over at Hentai Foundry left the majority of my stories no longer publishable there. I've written several Ben 10 stories that I hope will be well received here and will be posting other of my works here as well. Any advice about using the sight would be welcome.
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