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Everything posted by GrayNeko

  1. And for discovering the region known as Page 6 I award you the Literary Explorer's Medal, wear it proudly good sir. But honestly, thanks for the feedback and suggestion. I hadn't really considered that idea but I could easily work it in with something else I had planned. It definitely opens many interesting doors in terms of character interaction. Thanks again and I'll do my best when it comes time to work on it. In the mean time, I've started a fan raffle on my HF account since I just recently reached the 100 fan milestone, only took me seven years but I ain't complaining. I'm giving away a story of the winner's choice so expect a stand alone from me in the future as well. Oh, and if anyone is interested in joining the raffle let me know and I'll post a link.
  2. Yeah, the idea of a potentially successful Friends with Benefits relationship is what really turned this from a one shot about Star and Marco getting together into what will be multiple chapters that are who knows how long. I'm glad you liked it. And it won't simply be pounding my friend. Star's wildness just makes me believe that she's experimented with a number of things and has plenty to teach Marco, not that he won't surprise her along the way. As for those conflicting emotions, it's possible, the show does the same thing, they practically hit the viewer in the face with suggestions that Marco and Star will be together while having the two doggedly pursue their separate love interests. I just wanted to do that with more fucking involved. Glad you like the story, appreciate the kind words.
  3. And the Star piece is done! Fwew, that was almost a chore to get finished. Anyway, please let me know what you think of my latest piece, a link can be found on the front page.
  4. Have you read the piece "Diaz Plan for Grandbabies"? You can find a link here, I found it amongst a bunch of SvtFoE fics on the Star general on /co/ in 4chan and that is one that I kept seeing mentioned while lurking. I eventually took the plunge to see what the deal was. It's not bad and the writer uses Janna as a serious tease and temptress for Marco through out the story, but near the end it becomes stalkerish to almost yandere levels. I definitely see Janna as trouble but more because she seems to be a thrill seeker who loves getting a rise out of people and she might just push it too far with Marco.
  5. Well since the show seems to be guiding(*cough* shoving *cough*) Star and Marco together, not that there's anything wrong with that at all, while the two still pursue their own romantic interests I thought I'd do an adult rated story along the same line. At first it was just going to be a single piece but it's snowballed in my head so expect to see multiple chapters with other girls from SvtFoE, including Jana and Brittany, and maybe even Chantelle, poor girl.
  6. Yeah, I felt the story was in need of a little tragedy and the interpersonal conflict that comes from it. Of course we've only scratched the surface. Glad you liked it. As for the depiction of Ben's rape I really wanted to go for what I thought would be a more accurate portrayal of the trauma of rape, not what I would consider the male fantasy of having a woman forcing herself on a guy. It doesn't matter that Kai is hot, it matters that Ben doesn't love her and doesn't want to betray the relationships he's already in and that he isn't strong enough to stop her is shameful since he's a hero who should be able to stop things like that from happening to him. Couple that with the fact that Kai clearly wasn't in her right mind makes the sex even more tainted. I knew it might not be popular but I'm rather happy with it until someone can really knock a hole into it.
  7. Latest chapter of A Charmed Life is up! At long last!
  8. Just uploaded one of my old pieces, a short work from an Avatar AU. Also wanted to let people know that I'm close to having the next chapter of my Ben 10 story done and still working on that Star vs the Forces of Evil piece.
  9. Life is very busy but I have been making some progress on the latest chapter. Also be on the lookout for a Star vs the Forces of Evil piece from me in the future.
  10. I kind of wonder, Dipper's wish was to keep Bill from messing with him and his family ever again but at the moment Pacifica isn't yet family. If she were pregnant though that would offer her the protection of Dipper's wish as Bill couldn't harm her without also harming the baby. That thought is the main reason I'm still holding out hope.
  11. Done and done and even reviewed! The only thing I left out is that my inner Christopher Walken kept telling me one thing: Needs more grappling hook!
  12. Darn, but that just means we get to be surprised by the grappling hook when we least suspect it. You were definitely right to push the story a little further, it is the perfect cliffhanger. The scene where Pacifica is laying out her clothes was really great beyond showcasing the differences in their lifestyles. I feel it helped grow both characters, giving Mabel a chance to show some depth that belies her constant boisterous confidence and Pacifica, of course, to be a better person. Also I forgot to mention in my review but I love the idea of Preston having access to Bill, seems like something we might really see in the show, why else would the Northwests have a tapestry depicting a demon hanging in their mansion?
  13. I'm a very flattered that you've taken a look at my work, I'd even go so far as to say I'm fangirling just a little bit despite my beard and male genitalia. I think the relationship between Ben and Gwen is the major draw of the show in terms of erotic material, the allure of forbidden incest and all, and that tends to push Charmcaster to the side but her design and character had so much appeal to me (silver hair really gets me, would explain Drew Saturday's appeal as well) that I had to have her as the focus. I've got to tell you that reading your two pieces actually gave me a creative high and the urge to write has returned with force. I look forward to reading your thoughts on my other works.
  14. Thanks Aysha, I actually had to do a bit of research which was a pain because the definition of flowers changes based on what culture the dictionary comes from and finding a universal definition for the majority of Western cultures seems to not exist. I figured that Ben doesn't really do things intentionally so the flowers having meaning is a lucky coincidence for him. Thanks Kris, glad to see another HF member has found this here. Don't fear that the story is over, it's simply caught up to where I was on HF. I am still working on it when I have time and energy, which unfortunately is a little rare at this time, this winter has been killer.
  15. I guess the internet has just desensitized me to ugly, plus I like the way the aliens allow for different levels of power play in sexual encounters. In other news looks like AFF is now the only place to find Island Misadventures and A Charmed Life, seems HF finally got around to pulling my stuff as per their underage ban
  16. I am always surprised by the number of people who don't want the aliens involved in the erotic stuff, it always has such potential, though I will admit it does open the door for some weird stuff. Now just because Ben didn't pick up on it right away doesn't mean there isn't a chance later on in the story, or that there won't be serious fallout afterwards. I'm actually quite happy with AFF, and I don't like having to maintain my work on multiple sites, here and HF are enough for me for now. I think that session might have overwhelmed Gwen a little, she might be afraid to approach that level of sexual debauchery for a while, plus at its heart it was revenge sex to get even with Charmcaster. However I really do like getting creative with the aliens so we'll see about what happens. Glad you liked that chapter.
  17. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the latest chapter. I wonder if I've given enough away for you guys to figure out what's going on with Wes. I don't know how I feel about Charmcaster's "real" name being Hope. They introduced it in such a lame way in Alien Force/Ultimate Alien. I think if I do use that it will be more along the lines of "My name is _____, it's means 'Hope'" and the reason I haven't introduced the whole real name idea yet is because I'm basing magic off of the concept that all things have a "true" name and knowing that name gives a person power over those things.
  18. It is definitely a cute mental picture but I'm not sure she'd be wowed. Her life has never been mundane so I think she might have a hard time immersing herself in the story. If anything I think she'd be a fan of dramas and love stories, things that are more slice of life. I can imagine the scorn she would have for the Harry Potter films until Ben and Gwen get her to do some sexy roleplaying.
  19. Yeah, I said my idea wasn't too clever since the show already did it but it has so much more potential with my scenario. And thanks Ed, I was quite happy with the scene between Gwen and Charmcaster at the pool, I'm really trying to differentiate how the three characters express their love and experience the emotion and I think that helped cement at least how Gwen feels. And Aysha, thanks for another review, I'm glad that chapter was well received.
  20. Thanks, I'm glad you like the story. If you can spread the word , please do.
  21. Thanks Belfry, I've dealt with that before on HF, but I know I'm writing a story, not just smut and many of my readers also recognized that which helped. As for what Charmcaster has planned, I hope to hear if you guessed right, it's not terribly clever but it was something I wanted a chance to explore.
  22. Yeah, this is one of my more complicated story arcs, but it will be pretty clear what's going on in a couple of chapters. Hopefully I'll have it finished before I get done getting caught up.
  23. Thanks Ed, I'm glad you liked Chapter 8. I'll be honest, when I wrote it that was my least favorite chapter. It wasn't that I felt I could do better but it just seemed to be missing something but strangely enough as I look at it now it really doesn't seem all that bad to me now but at the time I just had a heck of a time writing it. While the flavor was what initially put Gwen off about felatio I really just have her written as someone who doesn't enjoy it, perhaps because of a strong gag reflex. Perhaps she'll do some internet searches and come up with the pineapple idea in the future, or she might just use magic. Yeah, Kai was a fun curveball to come up with but far from my last. I actually have been thinking about incorporating this AU into another one where college aged Ben and Gwen have to put together a team of kids with powers to fend off Vilgax and a fleet bent on destroying Earth. I'd have to rework a little of it to reflect this setting but it would be feasible.
  24. Thanks again Aysha, I'm glad people enjoy that chapter. I had it written up when I realized I had to change many details and I was so glad I was able to salvage the scene between Ben and Gwen.
  25. Chapter is up Aysha. I don't usually post until late Fridays or early Saturdays, besides, just got done with Christmas, give a guy a break.
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