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Everything posted by angeldust

  1. Having Mike doing it to protect his parents won't fly as he knows what Max will do for family/friends so he could have some how communicated to Max that his parents are held by the low lives and then kept out of the loop on rescuing them. It would have been great if he came in with his gun and said sorry Max and either 1) Pointed at Max only to be shot by Lea & Rick, 2) Tat tackles him and introduces him to her interrogation techniques, Russian Cold War style or 3) He eats the gun and becomes Pete #2.
  2. Told you so, now the "trial" & repercussions begin. How will Lia & Rick react if they are not involved? What will Max do to Mike & his parents for revenge? And will there be more and better war beasties manufactured to take out the enemy knowing they have WMDs?
  3. Only until she meets her soul mate just as Becca did. They keep adding girls to Emma & Max the twins will have a lot of Moms. I think they should start calling Becca, 'Aunty Becky'.
  4. One down and how many more to go? Seeing as we don't know who are at the house the body count could be enormous. I can see Carol becoming a vengeful angel. It is time for Max to install permanent defences at the house sort of leave it up to Rick, Walt and Nick to hire grounds keepers or maybe even find a new home. Keep Tat's Ranch as a vacation destination for all the families
  5. So you admit that Max and June have a past together eh. So is it Daddy, sis or Both that resurfaces? I never bought their story that David died, I think it was splitsville and he took the daughter & she got the boy. Wait, wait David is behind the slavery ring that's why they know all about Max & Co. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.
  6. Amy is sort of like the comic relief in the mysteries of the 30s & 40s. She gets everyone to relax just before the shiite hits the fan or is that a sunni day?
  7. Of course he is as you said most of the gifts were from Max. Now as for Alice's old body seeing it was carrying the explosives that blew the place to kingdom come, most are in tiny pieces but then again those Chinese folk are thorough in recovering West Gear. I still say that Book III should be about the future were Recovery Inc is run by Sneaky Tali & Punching Jazz et al.
  8. To-Day is the Tomorrow that you worried about Yesterday

    1. BronxWench


      Which explains that sinking feeling of impending doom I've had all day...

    2. angeldust


      Yeah but at least tomorrow will be the same.

  9. Congratulations, now before you start writing take a little down time first.
  10. I too was lucky to find some one who loved me unconditionally unfortunately for her. It has been 8 yrs today that she left me and I know she didn't want to go, we miss her everyday. Always remember to tell those that you love "I Love You." every chance you get because at any moment that ability can be snapped away in the twinkle of an eye.
  11. Nope, HELL is Dark, Pitch Black, no sound and just you, cut off from everything. BTDT
  12. Yeah, COJimmy is correct; the term "Red Shirt" means the group member that is expendable to move the plot along. I do believe that there is a Mole and it could be anyone even Max if some one hacked him. Jeeves, because he is upset that Max freed A.L.I.C.E. but not him or The Professor. Tat, because she is the Head of The Slavers that is why she wasn't killed. May, her reasoning was affected by her death. Nadi, upset because she still wants Max to be her Master. You could make it almost anyone.
  13. I liked this chapter as it explains Hans and allows for a future mole when they go hunting the head person. Let them think that he killed Max and bang they die, but I think that Max has a mole in his group. Evan or Mike or has Alice been hacked?
  14. Is the leader Mr Green? How about Evan's parents? I mean from kinky S&M to slavery could be logical. I still say it's Mike's parents and that's why they travel a lot. They're slave shopping/selling. One of the deaths is Amy, that is why magus brought back the old tease that she use to be to play with our hearts & minds. Maxine; shall avenge her. oops damn spoiler alert didn't print.
  15. Oo, Oo, I know Mr. Kotter have it Tatiana shot and killed by Petra. The very thing she warns Max about, they programed her in case Tat ever rescued her daughter. Rick kills Max after a pissing contest over who is the alpha fighting dog in the group? Amy kills Em when she says no to allowing Max siring a child for Amy & Alice? Mrs Smith killed when the Pyramid falls on her? Mrs W commits suicide when Amy pulls one class joke too many? Mrs. Crawford killed jaywalking a crosswalk to see Pete? The dickheads killed by all the preteens in a gun, hand to hand battle and none of the kids are even remotely injured? The Sheriff by his boss for upsetting Max yet again? fangface for not relaxing and just enjoy writing the next chapter with loads of violence and no sex to offset the last couple of sex loaded violence-less ones? Stay tune to this same magus channel at the same fang time.
  16. I think Evan is a good choice but even better would be Nadi this would upset Max, the twins & Legion as they would loose the baby too; Max's son and the very thing that started Legion onto self awareness by adding the new nanites into the mix. It would also throw Becca into a fit as she has been replaced by Petra in the Max, Emmy grouping. What would become of her now? Who'd want her as everyone else are in hard & fast relationships. So do Evan & Nadi and don't make it a heroic death but either one that could have been prevented but wasn't and thus carries quilt & repercussion.
  17. Not if it was a head shot or out of range of a mainframe, but in to-day's internet is anyone out of range?
  18. Many deaths of core members are coming it's an early Christmas gift for us. He's hinted at it & promised it now he must deliver it. I say it includes one of the twins, Alice, Cat or Petra, Suzy or Becca and none are down loadable as they are all head shots.
  19. I thought what happened with Hans was the way you would go, but the rest of the chapter was filler and to me a good place mark for you to try and figure out which way is up for you. I hope that you can soon give us a continuation plot wise but please no child assassins after Max; let's get into who is the master mind behind all of this and have Titania, Rick, Max and the girls go full metal jacket on the slavers' asses. And let's not kill all the slavers have the kids have some payback.
  20. Women know what you want but it's more fun to see you squirm.
  21. Oh if only life was that good. So where is Chapter 28?
  22. Unfortunately this and the other site he posts on are free reads and thus he must earn and live a life. Unless everyone are willing to set up s paypal plan for him.
  23. If you are working use the free time to rest and plot, write only if it moves you and no not while you go potty.
  24. Cop kills two and it is apparent what would happen to that deputy, maybe he could reappear to let us know more about the sheriff's dealings.
  25. you take that back, I don't have a little I have a lot.
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