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Everything posted by angeldust

  1. Gee Gem, didn't your parents have that talk with you yet? Leia cannot be Cyndi as it would have been noticed that she resembled Alice. She could be a step-daughter, as I said, who didn't know her real Father and so Rick is her Dad to her. Actually Max was in his Thirteenth year when he met the girls, as his thirteen birthday was only a little while off. It doesn't matter which country's Spec Ops you are in, they are all the same when it comes to family connections. We know Leia was her mother's daughter as Rick said that he loved her mother, though he loves Suzzy even more. I could see him marrying the waitress, or a similar woman he met under his new identity, who had a child as that would throw off his bosses until he dispatched them. Once removed being an organisation off the books and no knownly kept intel about what they were up to explains why they didn't come after Max & June. Of course Rick might have missed some one who later teamed up with Mr. White and that would explain how they know so much. Only fangface knows for sure or will at least when he starts writing about it.
  2. Hey,you are not suppose to notice these little 'hics' in a story. Maybe that pretty waitress had a daughter that was only a little older than Max and they hooked up.
  3. I try, infact my wife Bless her Soul, use to say I was very trying. I put up a New Vengence and hopefully that will give you a bit of a rest from those few that read my side. And don't comment on it here group this is for fangface's doodlings.
  4. Lose yourself in writing that way you accomplish two goals, you get ahead in the chapters, time seems to move faster and you get all the whiners off your back. Oh wait, that's three.
  5. Yep, isn't it wonderful how we still refer to it as Hydro even after Nuclear power was started? One of our many Ontarian colloquial sayings. Hydro power was what first provided electricity up here, all the way from Niagara Falls Ontario.
  6. Yeah makes you wonder why we never used them for pathfinders or recon eh. The Israelis were smart enough to realise it for their Armed Forces.
  7. I meant another author here.
  8. He knows that by the # of readers & reviews showing on this thread and for each chapter. Rest lil fella, enjoy the time away from the keyboard and relax, maybe some one else could write too.
  9. Geeze cannot the poor guy go out and spend his hard earned cash to-day like all the others? Poor guy or at least he will be after to-day. What you should have said was be careful out there & don't get trampled as we want you to quickly post another few chapters before Christmas.
  10. It could be Seshat/Thoth both Egyptian gods of writing.
  11. So that's were you got the idea for the twins & co. eh.
  12. Geeze the poor guy had to get meds, find a job, live a 70's tune and share time with his ladies. You'd a thunk he'd have at least a new GITG/Northstar chapter or two.
  13. Been there done that and ... oh you mean chapter 35, oops. Yeah when?
  14. Untilhe gets a working box we'll never know nor will we be getting more chapters, although he could hand write them and let someone input them like in the old days.
  15. Thank-you DG, I could see daddy girl's response if the posting had been rough & critical to an extreme. Writer's, as you said, appreciate input even if it points out things that we might not have thought of. Hell some folks make a living out of criticizing stories, plays, films, etc. and they're not all camdy coated.
  16. The cross over could come via Max & Capt. Johanson being related in some ways cousins or the Capt is Max's Uncle, etc. Yes I know Max has an extra s in his last name but that could be that the Captain tried to Anglicized this name or one side of the family came from Holland and the other Belgium or similar country. The story could happen in GITG as Early or Rick calls on Nick & TK for assistance for transport that the bad guys won't know about. And to also provide backup for May & Marge while Max goes off after Mr. White & Co.
  17. Nope, it could be Jeeves or even Albert for a change deciding that he wants a little vengence. Amy's being a little wicked could be fun with her having Mike show up on M. Blanc along with his sister, Max and the twins thus allowing them to play with him in a most unpleasant way. Also who is the jerk with the computer problems? Is he Mr Big? Also it could prove interesting to have Early, Sam, Rick and the SEALs that Dave knows having worked together at one time. Maybe even have a SBS & JTF2 in the mix.
  18. Good chapter and expected it & still think Mike's Mom is more involved than just a hostage, we both know that her and Evan's Mom run this whole thing together.
  19. Okay, I'll give you that falling parts are always a highlight of a big bang. Everyone likes a good bang once in awhile.
  20. Of course you can it's just that your body can't. You've proven it by still wanting to blow things up, whereas I like to implode things and cackle at the expressions that must have been on the faces as the roof fell in.
  21. Yes giving it up is hard, especially that Adrenalin rush but your health & relationships are far more important. Remember that here to-day, gone tomorrow is more than just a pearl of wisdom. As for job security it doesn't have to be mall cop you could qualify for teaching and then there is your writing. A few writers from that brand 'xn' site do that and sell quite well. One had no problems as his story had little sex and another actually had to spice his up for the publisher he picked. Take care and enjoy at least some leisure before looking for other work.
  22. Have one for me dear boy and take your time, I mean who am I to bitch aboot missing/delayed chapters? I wish it was Spring this cold daamp weather sux.
  23. I thought it was Karl, Chico, Harpo, Groucho or Zeppo? The soup groups intel isn't always reliable and maybe they thought Max would fall fo Leia. The mole is
  24. You All are assuming that Mike is confessing. He might be sorry because he found out that it was Rick/Leia or even Petra that was betraying him. He found the sat-phone when looking for a condom in Leia's suitcase or in Rick's go-bag. Remember Rick was in a USSOC unit and maybe even Black Ops for an US alphabet soup Co. Might have even been placed in the school to keep an eye on Max in case he knew stuff about Dad's work. It's not likely that June or David hid how bright he was. We'll just have to wait (hopefully not too much longer) to find out what little twist old fangface has for us this time. So come on magus get chapters 34 - 36 up or we send pink mosquitoes after you.
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