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Everything posted by angeldust

  1. I vote for Jeeves, the sheriff and gang attack the house and Jeeves goes down valiantly saving all inside and The Professor goes mad and runs amok infiltrating all computer systems. He up loads to a satellite uniting all OSs via a skylink and then turns Alice into a vengful android out to kill all mankind.
  2. Glad you weren't in charge during the Cold War. Can picture it Giant 4th over Moscow.
  3. Haw, I thought that Rescue had posted "don't push it too fart." Teach me to go on a sugar binge eh. Seriously though enjoy some quality time wiith tha daughter unit and anyone else you can. Tell em that you love them every chance you get especially when leaving, even if it's only the room, cause you might regret not doing so later on. I know. Now as for the Macdonald's FUNneral make sure to have a lot of clowns. :Walks away giggling, while mods try to sneak up and pounce on him:
  4. Yeah well that's the whole idea of cities fangy, it makes it easier to get more of them with bombs and stuff. Now small towns can cause the z hordes to starve and wilderness nuts they just end up being forgotten unless they're the ones sending the bombs and stuff. Where's our funeral that you promised? If it was the priest you could call it "Look ma, no Hans"
  5. Well if you paid more attention to where you were going it wouldn't be so bad. I always heard that New Jersey was the arm pit of America. Yeah I went there. Seriously, as you go through life think like a beggar in India that has no shoes. The guy next to you probably has no feet.
  6. I blame it all on heritage, Twilight Zone & reading. Have you seen the TV series 'Sleepy Hollow'? Iky's son is one and a member of The Four Horsemen, although they just aren't as good as when Ole Anderson was a member.
  7. Cake is always good but with butter icing & ice cream it is better, says the diabetic. Now where's that funeral you've been promising? Or are you a sin eater and that's were all the cake is coming from? Don't force me to recruit that mob of mods on you, you know how bad hot pitch forks hurt.
  8. Hey if you folk continue to feed the muses, than they should continue to inspire magus and he will then have more tales to share with us. Don't spread the addiction word too much The Admins. might make us go cold turkey.
  9. Nope, they'll turn you over to the Islamics or Jews for stoning and I don't mean the type the guy at the corner helps you to achieve. A good chapter but I am anxious to see whose funeral it is and what causes it. I still say that it's Pete's, as he finally succumbs to his bike accident injuries, causing his momma to join the dickheads.
  10. Nah then you'd have Disney's lawyers showing up with a Mickey Mouse lawsuit about trade mark infringement. What he needs is "If you think I'm a Bad Ass you should meet my daughters" Remember their body armour is Star Wars Storm Troopers issue ... oops there's those pesky lawyers again. I hope we see Carol again soon, I liked her character.
  11. Just make sure that Hans keeps his hands off of Han.
  12. Unfortunately the way magus has painted Rick that would be counter to his attitude in life. Having Mike see Rick as a father is not so far fetched though, it seems Rick like Mrs Smith takes a personal interest in his students and their well being. I also can see Mike, Evan, and Rick wanting to learn fighting techniques but then again maybe Rick was Special Forces during his enlistment time, based on his age he was around during the mandatory draft, which could add to the groups abilities. I hope that the funeral is for one of the following: Evan, Mike's parent(s), Hans, Cat or Pete. Evan/Cat would cause the group to rethink their vengeance and be more black ops like, Mikes Parents would enable him to move in and become best bud to Max while Pete would send his mother over the edge blaming Max. Of course it could be Jeeves too. Another aspect that needs expanding upon is how the group dynamics has affected Mike's, Leia's & Jenna's circle of friends and their relationships. After all since being brought in it seems like they have left those friends at the wayside. Ah well we will see when we see. Oh and what's holding up those new chapters? I thought you had insomnia or something.
  13. Emma, Amy, their mother, even his mother & robotic/android 'friend' are bi (I wonder if Alice runs on Unix/Linux?) and none of them were in the Church's clutches. Yes, I guess you could extend the fact that Becca & her Mom were abused to their being bi.
  14. One Tess is not a student so he had not crossed that line, also she is 17 how close is she to 18? Also 16 in most areas is the age of consent and she certainly consented hopefully that helps in your acceptance. My point is that none of these girls that Max meets ever seem to be straight.
  15. Hey no senior moments allowed until you at least finish book II. Now get back to your keyboard, before honeybuns gets all heated and gooey and smells delicious and ... oops I ate him. Well get back anyways, break time is over .
  16. Could that place be an 'e'? I think that you have painted yourself into a corner with Hans, he's either a bad guy who knew about his order or has become one of those goody two shoes. Keep him as a fence sitter, some one that will help as long as it does not conflict with His morals or better still have Legion do him in when he tries to kill Max et al. Now the Sheriff you could have him as a member of the gang who gets killed in the cross fire by Leroy which gets the Sheriff's Dept & State Police to come down on the gang and the gang turning him in hoping that it will cause the heat to subside. Max & the scooby gang then wipe them out when he realises that they are the ones corrupting the older girls he had found. I bet he was the fat bastard that had Max's attackers transfered to the jail, sounds like one of your plot twists. Now no more shout outs or postings here until you get the next chapter up ... and it better be a nice long one too, you don't want folks saying your stories a short.
  17. Hey Cloud Source, see how much you can raise that way.
  18. Hey Tits are good anywhere, except on a man.
  19. Could be, the way Magus thinks maybe the next book will have them as super villians. Chapter 2 of TITG: From The World with Love. "No Max, I expect you to die."
  20. No fangface I meant A small L as in AL you said you had 'Al Zheimers'. I am sure that he appeared in a Northstar chapter and was the dumpkoft that opened the boat and let the animals drown or something like that, I think.
  21. Isn't Al a character from NorthStar?
  22. Fibber, back on that brand x site you stated that BITG was going to be three stories.
  23. Well I do have a forum like this here under General as for next chapters I am writing again and hopefully will get them out soon. Trouble is on my word2007 it's all one story not quite chapters. Be patient my guys have been wandering and are a bit reticent about sharing what has happened. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/57572-about-angeldusts-ramblings/
  24. Marge needs her own man as does May or stick 'em together as a couple realising that they only need each other after all. Now we need to find out what Carol et al have been up to during all of this and please stop having Max involved with the Sheriff so much it is repetitive and quickly becoming boring.
  25. Forget errors it just proves that you want to get the stories to us quickly. So where are the new chapters?
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