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Everything posted by angeldust

  1. You must have missed BITG, in it he explained that Max's dad worked for US-DOD, but decided some of his projects were to scary to give to The Govt. After this he plans a third instalment probably TITS (Twins in The Seaweed) and there he promises to completely drive us mad with cliff hangers galore and suddenly to just stop writing that for other projects.
  2. Be on the look out for Big Spiders, he thinks that along with guns they add interest to a story.
  3. I agree we need to keep these young uns in place ... now stop hogging that mickey. I have a thread here in General called: About angeldust's Ramblings my stories . angeldust is from my younger days when friends realised my initials are pcp. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296951812&view=story&zone=original
  4. Trouble is that the clones would start to diverge once they had separated and you might get one that wants nothing to do with these stories and start new cliff hanging series. Yes I did post them at brand x but guys (& gals?) this is mags thread bitch about me at mine.
  5. I have decided to do as fangface does and keep track of my stories until ...? I added another Skylar short only 800 or so words though. Magus an interesting cliff this time.
  6. Guest _ Guest thought that was a commercial break and fast forwarded past Cindy's birth & naming. O.K. it's been a few days now where is the latest chapter of something, you're not being paid these big bucks to fuddle duddle you know. That's what politicians are paid to do.
  7. Yeah, yeah you were working on another story and accidentally wrote Chap 18 ... so were's 19, 20, etc.? Come on get to work, no lagagading about here. So the kids going to form the teen titans of Max?
  8. I think therefore I comment. I know that I keep harping this point but doesn't Max know any normal, straight, heterosexual friends? Especially women/girls who are turned off by kinky, strange sexual tastes? I expect Big Mike to turn out to be with his girlfriend only to get Rick's endorsement for college. Now that Rick knows about Max's brain power (IQ) he must also know that Max has finished High School this should be raised.
  9. Hell don't those girls of yours keep you away from things like that, especially with your track record?
  10. Happy Birthday to both of you and age is only a space in time. Your mind is only as old as your body lets it feel and your abilities allow you to. Look at all those old rich guys with their fancy cars, nice houses and young women ... oh so I guess I have to add and what your wealth allows you to afford,
  11. our health? it should be his, I tell you we all kick in a couple of bucks and hire Beyorn to get him.
  12. He has more or less implied that he will finish GITG first.
  13. Yeah, I agree if Max goes Android than that will be the last part that I read or if it is at the end of the chapter than the last chapter I read. You all know that I think Emma's a bitch wanting things HER way & I don't believe that you could change the selfish bitch's character at this late date. If you were going to kill off the top 2 than she was it. Would have caused great angst, revenge and a change in the dynamics. Max already has to much cyborg going on, heck I expect the teen titans to come a calling. Also it would have caused the lessening of all these bisexuals that Max seems to attract or be attracted to. None of the women in this story seem real as none are straight & only want to find a good hard man. Just my 2 pennies worth and that don't count for much anywhere. TC!
  14. Thank-you kind Sir, at least it occupied some time awaiting fangface. (hint, hint: It's been a week since you promised.) I have a few more chapters written so keep an eye out , but I don't want to hijack magus' thread. Okay group seeing as you didn't want to pony up a ransom, how about a bounty on his hide than?
  15. Yeah I have a fan fiction I started back in the 90s but never finished as my daughter out grew HP. Here's a link to a story that I had started to post here, let me know what you think. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107333
  16. Well guys & dolls I am leaving this site as it does not seem to be for me I will delete the two stories that I posted as they have a low read and no comments/reviews. I wish you all good fortune and joy in life, for yourselves and those that you love. May the Sun always shine on your shoulders, the Wind always be at your back, may the road rise up to meet you and may you be in Heaven an hour before The Devil even knows that you are dead.
  17. It's that ungrateful old priest, Max fixes him and he ups and dies on him after inserting a fork in the toaster to get his bread out. Actually it's no one for a while as fangface has skipped school again.
  18. Well we know it's not Alice an AI cannot die and besides there still is the originals back-up on the mainframe. I'm still rooting for Max but I would hazard a guess as to Rick (seems fangface is at a lost with him), Suzi (same as Rick and it would throw a wrench into her little group also there are too many women in the mix, heck even Max thinks so). Or to really rev up the story and the vengeance aspects one of the twins dies causing repercussions amongst all those involved. Oh please let it be a twinnie and let all start blaming each other (Jazz as she has the most invested in her).
  19. I agree, kill off Emma and get a 'straight girl' for Max who will put everyone else in their place. or better still kill off Max & where in he can not download to the web then we'll see what kind of writer you be.
  20. Enjoy and no writing at all while on vacation.
  21. Hey, what do you think this is a fan site? We push him too hard and he just might disappear again, of course he might anyways if he enjoyed that whipping, and no one here wants to contribute to the ransom ... Also the mods/admins now claim that they get a payment for allowing the proposal of any ransom. fangface, you must post another chapter before we allow you to enjoy the long weekend. I have spoken written.
  22. Sooo why's it not up? huh, huh?
  23. @: Hundybuns: Hey next time be kind and post "Spoiler Alerts", now I have to go and read it. (wanders off mumbling to self, causing other members to step back & advise admins/mods ) I know, as he sticks his head back, from now on we call you Hunnybuns. @: fangface did you say that you were whipped when you got home? Were you bad, just not good enough or did you forget to let them know were you where?
  24. I too am glad that you are back as I was having trouble raising the Ransom for you. It seems that although concerned the cheeky buggers here refused to believe my sincerity about where the money would go.
  25. Yes his last post @xnxx was August 6/14.
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