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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. I was thinking smiley faces BTW chapter 25 is up fir GITG, it was too long to include the funeral so next chapter. Curious to see what you guys think of the last bit...Max the man-slut is at it again! And put this on Max's breast plate
  2. So was going to call the chapter A Wedding And A Funeral but I'm at 9000+ words and I just finished the Wedding lol; may have to change the tittle
  3. So, just realized I named two characters damn near the same, gets kinda confusing. So when you read the wedding scene just remember Han is a little boy and Hans is a crusty old priest! so: Crusty old Monk = Hans Little boy = Han
  4. Oh, just read something; I was gonna make Rick just ex-military, but I'm liking the ex-special forces...makes him available immidiately, no time in the sim...or maybe just a little to knock the rust off... Or better yet, Max takes him in the sim and Rick kicks his ass! I could have fun with that!
  5. I asked DG and she stated that their really isn't an age ban, I belive someone said something about zygote on zygote action LOL I do try not to show sex with the very young, just sort of hint at it. But that being said, teens and adults sex does show up in the stories, though I try to keep it pretty vanilla. A lot of the stories I've read here make mine look like a sunday school lecture Ah so don't hold back any...
  6. The Raiders didn't lose this week! Thank God for the bye week!
  7. Working on it, but remember its Sunday and I get sidetracked on Sunday...
  8. That's my toy, nice and light, does kick a bit though
  9. Never watched the show, I kept seeing him as the clueless dad in malcom in the middle...another show I really didn't care for...
  10. Poor Cat, she'll be ok; remember when everyone was calling for Becca's hide! No Cat is here to stay, it was time for the twins to have a little sister to teach how to be evil! As for the different characters interaction...don't worry, I have plans for some headbuttong....he he he
  11. Yes, my wife fell aslapp once and when I pulled into a gas station I pulled up to an eighteen wheelr nose to nose; The n I yelled...She nearly wet herself! She was mad at me for hours before she finally saw how funny it was! Ever start a fight between two people and then sit back a watch(and laugh)?
  12. Save The Life Of My Child. By Simon and Garfunkle
  13. Ok , I'm just going bt what I know; I don't know any girls that arent by, except the few I know that are fully gay. Is that not the norm? As for the Male characters, Rick is supposed t be sort of a male example to Max, but a flawed one. As for Mike and Evan, they are just sort of ancillary characters used to add a little testosterone to Max's life.
  14. Remember Tess is seventeen and the mother of a child,; also she is the one who initiates it and Rick initially is uncomfortable? Stressed? Anyway it's Suzy who tells him to give her a good memory. It's not like he just jumped her bones.
  15. guilty, my wife several times Ever fart at the dinner table?
  16. book? hey where am I? Who am I? Why dous that black kitty have a white stripe on his back?
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