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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Yeah, I he's sent up way to many flares not to get noticed
  2. Yeah, where does all the extra metal come from?
  4. might be a bit of a problem transporting it though, I think he's gonna need a bigger sub!
  5. and if they can beat a little one, could it be so much harder to destroy one of the big ones Maybe Max will have to upgrade... and if they can defeat the spiders, does they're armor stand a chance?
  6. Maybe they found one and figured out how to defeat its armor
  7. well he has been leaving stuff lying around, remember the security drone he left on the beach in China?
  8. Yeah, he didn't really keep a low profile both with his assaults and bringing back loads of kids to what is basically a small town. Somebody, well everybody, seems to have noticed. Plus it was inevitable some of the parents and kids would talk, not really understanding the need for secrecy. So his only real advantage is the tech and that his enemies don't realize just how advanced and overwhelming the fire power at his command is. But that won't last...
  9. The North Pole OMG...Max is Santa!
  10. ...When women use tears to win an arguement, or discusion, either way that's just not FAIR!
  11. Keep going guys, you're writing book 3 for me Or maybe I go in a whole new direction like Alice really does wish to be the computer overlord and she, Along with Jeeves, The professor (albert) and legion are potting to take over the world - but first they need Max out of the way! So they feed info to his enemies in the hope that they take him out! ...or not
  12. my problem is when I see somethng one of them would like during the year, I buy it and give it to them, so when xmas comes they already have what would have been a great gift can't help it, I like seeing them smile!
  13. especially if they knew about him and the bat cave already...maybe the sub was bugged...
  14. Mmm, I feel your pain, I never know what to get people
  15. Oh and do you remember when he emailed the schematics for the new pods and nanites to a professor he knew at the college? Hmmm, could that email have been intercepted or is that proffessor, unbeknowst to Max, working for some shadowy government agency...or maybe he's a spy...it boggls the mind!
  16. Hmmmm, but the vadican knows about them and how good is their security....hmmm and I believe I saw some hind helicopters...
  17. I got it! Tess has been watching the babies this whole time! I am a genuious!
  18. Hell half the time I have no idea where I'm going with a chapter, pain meds just make the journey more fun and surprising...of course sometimes I go off on tangents, but what the hell, I have a delete button
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