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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. still 40 days to christmas, but Santa is looking better!
  2. Never crossd our minds BW,...Pst, he went thatta way or was it that way?
  3. Petra is as important to Max as Emma is, and if they spend time together he would be fine with that; as for finishing inside her, what's the big deal Petra is a girl, remember she has all the girl parts but only one boy part, the penis, no testicles so no sperm, so she can't get Emma pregnant and even if they could i' sure they would welcome petra giving emma a baby!; Max took Perta's girl cherry alone, why can't Emma take Petra's boy cherry?
  4. Ooops, I forgot all about him...oh well, i'll make a note to add something for the poor boy, you're right and i'm sure he got al sorts of need stuff, i just forgot to write it down!
  5. Ah, 40 days till Xmas...maybe? 12 days to thanksgiving
  6. Chapter 32 done, used it to explain a few things and settle a few things as we get ready to crank up the action again, plus a little sex scene since they've sorta been lacking lately.
  7. Maybe two, I'm seriously liking the idea of a one up book with Max and Nick, Ohhh I know, Rick know nick from his past...maybe I add him at the end of Northstar, and Rick makes first contact, thinking Max could use the help...just need to figure out who the bad guys would be...
  8. Uh oh, my evil plot has been exposed!
  9. 41 days till Xmas 13 days till thanksgiving
  10. Book three is about Max and June's past resurfacing...to tell you more would be a spoiler...
  11. Maybe a book 4, Becca's little sister has trouble in school and becomes a student at Max's new school, Nick and TK figure out what Max is up to and offer to help...could be fun, but before I start something like that I need to bring both stories to a close
  12. Yeah, she is who she is because she lived seven years on the bubble...make anyone a little crazy
  13. I could do that, the simularities in names might confuse everyone at first. Only question is do I do it before or after Amanda dies...thinking after to make the timelines sinc Ohhh, Sasha and Amy hit it off...or better yet, sasha and the twins!
  14. Is that a hint one guy, everyone want a Northstar next? Ok, most finished with 32 (sorry, slept the last 28 hours, somebody spiked my oatmeal with flexoral...) so as soon as that's done I'll post a Northstar.
  15. yeah she's the comic relief, the planner, but what makes fun is her unrestrained spontinaity
  16. no rescue, just a pic on internet so, drumroll pllleeeessse!
  17. Rudolph is down, say again Rudolph is down...42 days till xmas
  18. Whatever floats your boat pak, use a print out thogh so you dont get electocuted
  19. true, but I think we'll let amy handle this one, promises to be more fun that way
  20. Not general Amy's style, they're gonna light up th world next
  21. 30453 + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 30454
  22. Does this smiley look like he's got breasts foer eyes or is it just me?
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