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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. It hurts that you would think that little ole me could come up with such wild things like Amy.... Hmmm, maybe I have multiple personalities....
  2. Yeah, I can't believe you let Harry potter stories in here, just turns my stomach! Yay Voldemort! Yeah so actually didn't read the story but just couldn't resist....
  3. Chapter 37 GITG is up, tried something different with the battle scene. And didn't get both battles in the same chapter, it was getting kind of long, plus it gave me a second cliffhanger in the chapter...wooo hooo a double
  4. I'm good with body counts I can be the valet too
  5. Yep two battles, remember Mel is at the prison and Volstock at his house; gonna hit em together...well sort of...
  6. “It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish.” -Samwise Gamgee ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
  7. I find that about ten thousand words stops the short complaint...then there's just the hurry up and post the next chapter complaint
  8. Depends on the story, if it's important to you and you think you wrote it the way it should be written then no. If its a fluff piece and the readers are more important then yes. I let readers influence me all the time, not on main plot points, but the tangental story changes all the time in response to reviews.
  9. Oh, I was gonna drag on another 15 or twenty chapters...you no, big battle right at the end of the book...big cliffhanger and then stop writing all together... Never fear, writing the battle scene now, actually two concurrent battle scenes.
  10. “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
  11. Ohhhh, I've been waiting to use this one... TOO SHORT! I get that all the time
  12. yep, he would be in the house now, just haven't gotten to him yet...I think Micky needs a girlfriend...maybe Nell Nope, but the women are gonna have some fun with her, haven't decided if it ends with a reconciliation or a divorce
  13. but...but its ZOMBIES! Actually I had an idea of starting every few chapters with them in the virtual world re-enacting history or doing things like fight zombies, then have some outrageous happen. I wrote a small story with Max as king aurthur amy as the lady in the lake, its a whole new twist on a classic just a hint, it involves a machine gun
  14. So just had a dream about Max and the girls fighting zombies...hmmm, that sounds fun
  15. It's sort of a cliffhanger, or maybe like a storm that drives you nuts as you watch it slowly approach but never seems to get to you...hehe
  16. Yay, 36 is up for Girls In The Grass
  17. Yeah, that's easier said then done; god I swear its like trying to kick a crack habit, I get all antsy and restless when I haven't blown something up for a while. But your right, I'm getting way too old for this shit and man its amazing how outta shape a few months of taking it easy can make you. Still, I'll probably do something stupid again...can't help it, it's in my nature.
  18. They'd have never let me go sniper, actually got scolded by my doctor; evidently I'm not healed up enough to be stupid. I think I did pretty well. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with this kid, but I just couldn't leave her with those assholes that pass for the authorities in that shit hole and she didn't have any family...and bringing her home brought me a lot of forgiveness, course it cost me a hunk of cash too; man girls need a lot of expensive shit!
  19. The only thing worse than our politicians is yours!
  20. Just helping out a friend, nothing overly dangerous but I knew they would have a fit so like any good coward I snuck out Ended up bringing a stray home so that mediated the beating I was due
  21. Hmmmm, anyone want to adopt a 50 year old guard dog? (Me in case you're wondering. Left a note for the wife and disappeared for two weeks, she sounded pissed when I just called
  22. Hmmmm, it is kinda a sloppy photoshop...oh well, I didn't make it, just stole it!
  23. Hmmm, I think I might have broken a toe...
  24. Man I feel old today, I am getting way to old and fat to be dancing with twenty somethings; I haven't been this bruised up in a long time Well at least I didn't break any fingers so I can still write
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