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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Northstar is set it two time frames. Nick's past, and his present. I was purposely vague on those so i could incorperate things in that might be a no no if i had a time line set in stone. I kind of look at it as the birthday party is sometime in the near future and the story they tell is sometime in the near past with about twenty years seperating the two...I really didn't want to do all the research and note taking it would take to keep everything straight so I fudge everything a little.
  2. so just read the reviews and all I can say is...awww shucks, thanks guys. I do seem to notice some hostility towards Joanne though...so no one wants to see a G J S threesome I'm assuming... Well don't worry, that was never on the horizon, I have something unexpected planed for her
  3. I was actually thinking about writing a stand alone after book three, something a little longer than a chapters length but not a serial...I still have two out there and a couple bouncing around in my head as well as an entire drive full of half written orphans that I may just take out and dust off. No shortage of plots or stories so I don't think I'll be hanging up my laptop any time soon
  4. Actually Cat is the bad guy, she is a 68 year old asian woamn who was trapped in a six year olds body when aliens abducted her! No, ok how about Mia who became a super intelligent dog when they gave her nanites and now she runs her crime ring of other super intelligent dogs from right under Max's nose? don't like that either huh? Ok, this is what I really came up with, Its...hey is that a bunny? Gotta go!
  5. Well no worries, Chapter 18 of northstar is up and I've already started on GITG 42, isn't insomnia a wonderful thing?
  6. dream on, maybe fifteen or twenty, I've decided who the bad guy is and I must say, i'm an evil man now i just have to tie up all these loose ends...and there's a lot of them, i kinda got carried away lol
  7. Yes to a lot of that, and remember the black box, it will rear it's ugly head in book three.
  8. So, Chapter 41 GITG is up, think I'll take a wee break and write a northstar chapter while I contemplate how to bring all these threads together before chapter 300
  9. I tend to use the story telling technique for the narrative, kinda like someone is sitting with a group of people telling a story. So even my narrative is more conversational then some, I just think it reads easier.
  10. Being precise like that makes your story sound like a police report. Who ever heard some one go: She was six feet two and a half inches weighed one hundred three and one quarter pounds, had a D cup.... well you get it Normal conversation would be more like: She was over six feet tall and probably around a hundred pounds, yeah real skinny...but stacked!
  11. Nothing, oh wait that's in the next chapter,,,uh...spoiler alert?
  12. Hmmm, looks like the CDC is 0 for two on the flu vaccine...lucky me, I got em both! some years it just doesn't pay to get out of bed...good news though, I seem to write better with a high fever
  13. Oh beta-ing, I thought you mispelled Beta g. Oops!
  14. Not morning here Great, the monkey wants to jump out of an airplane...why the hell did I teach her to read!
  15. I'm not sure, but I think something inside your skull just isn't working right LOL
  16. yeah, I take these one rule fits all articles with a grain of salt; There's no such thing as a hard and fast rule, especially in fiction
  17. She might still be a little young to toss out the back of an airplane...course she couldn't do any worse than I do, luckily I bounce
  18. Ok, chapter 40 is up for GITG
  19. Don't worry, everything will start coming to a head soon, I see the resolution in about ten chapters. A lot of the characters will fall by the wayside as the story ends and before the next book starts, as that crappy movie said "There will be blood!"t
  20. At least she makes sure your not bored, LOL. Don't worry bud, they get a little better around four...not much but a little
  21. little one? The little ones are fun, course I did catch heat for pink fingernails but what the hell...
  22. Wow, been a long time since i posted here, so: Vomiting sux!
  23. hmmmm, i need to start reading more...falling behind
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