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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Jeeves and Albert Thinking like a keystone cops sort of thing, or maybe three stooges when they realize they have no idea what they are doing. However, but I'm gonna capitalize on the comic relief they can provide the story...if it works it should be fun
  2. Oh yeah, boys get bodies and Max unleashes them, why should Alice have all the fun Well legion doesn't but he still gets to kick ass
  3. Yeah, maybe the twins decked out in armor...nah, too much. But I'm planning on something advasarial. Remember I did sort of describe them like greedy little hitlers...
  4. There's internet at the hotel, and I'll only be working twelve to sixteen hours a day. Since I don't really sleep, gives me plenty of time. I am eager to get the last chapter up because I have so many ideas for book 3...kinda getting ahead of myself. I kinda rushed 50, baqd Fangface, but I did my best to take my time on 51, and 52 is gonna be fun, I hope. Be more sex and relationships since its Max's homecoming, but I have a few zingers too...teaser: Max and May meet the school board!
  5. I'm going to Jamaica tomorrow...I'll try and endure the tropical beaches and warm weather, course ,y luck it'll snow when I get there...that would be fun actually, place would implode if one snowflake ht the ground LOL. Well GITG chapter 51 is up, one more to go...
  6. Yeah, but evidently proficiency with a firearm doesn't neccasarily translate to nerf guns, LOL. Reallt susceptable to windage, even a ceiling fan can mess up your shot
  7. I think its because I've had them seperated for so long, the next story won't have them apart so much. Only two chapters to go, tie up a few things and set up the third book. Gotta get the big cliff hanger in...
  8. No I do not take my girls into the field with me, but they are quite capable of taking care of themselves and even the five year old can shoot. Its not so much that there are people out there who don't like me very much, there are but I'm more concerned by the seemingly overabundance of psychos and sociopaths out there. Not to mention perverts and child molesters and...well you name it! And I'm not training my children to do what I do, in fact I'll lock up the first one who takes interest in my line of work and throw away the key, I want my girls safe and sane!
  9. Yeah, shot high on purpose; the whole point of the excersize was to make her happy, not beat up on a five year old...though she took little mercy on me LOL
  10. wasn't bad, monkey didn't seem to mind, though she tagged me a hell of a lot more than i got her.
  11. sometime in the next 12-14 hours, hopefully, I do have some real world responsibilities; plus I'm sure Nerf War II will be starting sometime soon! oh the horror...
  12. soon grasshopper, 51 over half done...hopefully posted by tomorrow
  13. Don't worry scaling back on characters, and no one can download since they don't have a mainframe with them. I'm kinda missing the closeness as well, the harem nad Max have been seperated for too long
  14. they're too rough on me here! They are so excited, the little one doesn't really understand but I think she likes the multiple shopping trips almost as much as my new ward does...its fun to see them all so excited. Besides, right now I can get away with almost anything , got caught playing wiffle ball in the house yesterday and didn't really get yelled at, though I did get sent to my office...
  15. So, for those who can't wait
  16. I know...and theres more to come...sometimes it seems like i spend more time with them then my own family...thankfully not true but when i'm blocked it seems that way
  17. So chapter 50 is up, getting close to the end, just two or three chapters left
  18. eh, I get randy sometimes...
  19. Whoever told you that is an idiot, look at the greats, Mark Twain, Salinger, Lee; they all wrote in a nerritive that was fairly close to how they spoke, regional idioms intact. What you know best is you and your world, use it. A good rule says write what you know.
  20. Never spanked my girls, but I have to say I don't think if done right its abuse. The one swat principle I think is appropriate as long as it's doesn't become the go to for every offense. I know I got whipped with belts and switched and shoes and spoons and just whatever was handy at the time, literally made me worse. I would take it as a challenge, sort of I can take whatever you can dish out and once my spanking was done, I would repeat whatever got me the whipping in the first place, just to prove my parents couldn't break me I guess. I tend to take away privledges when they're bad, take away a 16 y/o's car away and see how fast they straighten up. If I need a quick intervention, I just pick them up and hold them till they get the message - drives the 15 y/o nuts So, not abuse if done with restraint...oh and the making the kid drop their pants...so wrong and sorta creepy! Oh that hurts DG, my kids think I'm perfect! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Plus I'll ground the little buggers until they're thirty if they disagree
  21. so, too much sex in the last one? Had a request to tone it down and stay with the story line...what do you guys think?
  22. Yeah, I know you wish your cat was as badass as mine!
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