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Desiderius Price

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  1. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from Melrick in No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    That’s definitely good news!
  2. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from BronxWench in No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    That’s definitely good news!
  3. Like
  4. Like
    Desiderius Price reacted to BronxWench in Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    You need a doughnut shaped pillow. Trust me on this one. Or trust the daft bugger.
  5. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from Melrick in Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Would a large padded toilet seat help?  (Guessing here...)
  6. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from BronxWench in Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Would a large padded toilet seat help?  (Guessing here...)
  7. Haha
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Sounds like good news!  (Unless you hired in a body double to take the test for you...)
  8. Like
  9. Like
    Desiderius Price reacted to DemonGoddess in Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Heart muscle and blood vessels are in great shape, according to the echo.  this is turning out like the lump that was not.  That’s fine with me!
  10. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from BronxWench in Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Sounds like good news!  (Unless you hired in a body double to take the test for you...)
  11. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from Melrick in Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Years ago, had an ultrasound done to the leg… while the Tech couldn’t clear me of issues, she mentioned that if she’d seen something, I’d be on my way to the ER.  (Test ultimately was negative—good for that case).
  12. Like
    Desiderius Price reacted to DemonGoddess in Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Our warranties are surely expired….
    My tech said the same.  
  13. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Years ago, had an ultrasound done to the leg… while the Tech couldn’t clear me of issues, she mentioned that if she’d seen something, I’d be on my way to the ER.  (Test ultimately was negative—good for that case).
  14. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from kagome26isawsome in ive had a 4 year dry spell on here, any suggestions? any idea i write down dont talk   
    Hmm… that’s definitely a pickle you’re in.  Read more?  Learn to draw?  Paint?  Maybe a different creative venture might circle back to writing?
  15. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from WillowDarkling in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @InBrightestDay Yeah, kinks are in there, and it’s one of the earlier stories meant to be rewritten and updated once I get all the others done.  (I’m trying to forbid myself from new projects until there, because there’s some interesting things slated to happen toward the end of Fiends that basically kickstarts where I intended to take the series.)  There *are* some short stories sprinkled into the holiday/halloween fests (I’ve since cross-posted those to AO3).
    In terms of elections, don’t forget to pay attention to things like board of education, local offices; those are things your vote has a much greater impact on.  My local board of education had a couple of candidates that seemed to be regurgitating the Trump/Religious-Right manifestos, and luckily neither of them made it (this time).
  16. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from WillowDarkling in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @InBrightestDay  Thanks for reading!  Generally don’t have an issue with anybody so long as the religion isn’t pushed; for the narrative I had intended to write, I’ve been using the “christian nation” atmosphere to launch it.  And based on some of the tales I’ve heard out of the current politics (looking at you Oklahoma), it’s quite dangerous feel that we’re heading toward a very near-term merger of state & church.
  17. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from WillowDarkling in USA, I am so sorry.   
    Unfortunately, they won’t comprehend that, simply blame the left, keep voting more and more right.  A trend of anti-intellectualism that seems to have festered, unaware we’re marching toward something they don’t want, sheep for the slaughter
  18. Sad
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from WillowDarkling in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @Melrick Only “bright” side is we’ll be closer to the near future environment my originals are set in (which isn’t actually all that great).
  19. Like
    Desiderius Price reacted to InBrightestDay in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @Desiderius Price, apologies about not replying to this yesterday, but way ahead of your there.  Did my research on the local district school board members.  We had one running on that “empowering parents” idea (first name was Karen, amusingly enough), who I voted against.  She lost.  I’ll stay on it.
  20. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from InBrightestDay in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @InBrightestDay Yeah, kinks are in there, and it’s one of the earlier stories meant to be rewritten and updated once I get all the others done.  (I’m trying to forbid myself from new projects until there, because there’s some interesting things slated to happen toward the end of Fiends that basically kickstarts where I intended to take the series.)  There *are* some short stories sprinkled into the holiday/halloween fests (I’ve since cross-posted those to AO3).
    In terms of elections, don’t forget to pay attention to things like board of education, local offices; those are things your vote has a much greater impact on.  My local board of education had a couple of candidates that seemed to be regurgitating the Trump/Religious-Right manifestos, and luckily neither of them made it (this time).
  21. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from Melrick in USA, I am so sorry.   
    Unfortunately, they won’t comprehend that, simply blame the left, keep voting more and more right.  A trend of anti-intellectualism that seems to have festered, unaware we’re marching toward something they don’t want, sheep for the slaughter
  22. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from DemonGoddess in USA, I am so sorry.   
    Unfortunately, they won’t comprehend that, simply blame the left, keep voting more and more right.  A trend of anti-intellectualism that seems to have festered, unaware we’re marching toward something they don’t want, sheep for the slaughter
  23. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from DemonGoddess in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @InBrightestDay  Thanks for reading!  Generally don’t have an issue with anybody so long as the religion isn’t pushed; for the narrative I had intended to write, I’ve been using the “christian nation” atmosphere to launch it.  And based on some of the tales I’ve heard out of the current politics (looking at you Oklahoma), it’s quite dangerous feel that we’re heading toward a very near-term merger of state & church.
  24. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from DemonGoddess in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @InBrightestDay Yeah, kinks are in there, and it’s one of the earlier stories meant to be rewritten and updated once I get all the others done.  (I’m trying to forbid myself from new projects until there, because there’s some interesting things slated to happen toward the end of Fiends that basically kickstarts where I intended to take the series.)  There *are* some short stories sprinkled into the holiday/halloween fests (I’ve since cross-posted those to AO3).
    In terms of elections, don’t forget to pay attention to things like board of education, local offices; those are things your vote has a much greater impact on.  My local board of education had a couple of candidates that seemed to be regurgitating the Trump/Religious-Right manifestos, and luckily neither of them made it (this time).
  25. Like
    Desiderius Price got a reaction from BronxWench in USA, I am so sorry.   
    @InBrightestDay Yeah, kinks are in there, and it’s one of the earlier stories meant to be rewritten and updated once I get all the others done.  (I’m trying to forbid myself from new projects until there, because there’s some interesting things slated to happen toward the end of Fiends that basically kickstarts where I intended to take the series.)  There *are* some short stories sprinkled into the holiday/halloween fests (I’ve since cross-posted those to AO3).
    In terms of elections, don’t forget to pay attention to things like board of education, local offices; those are things your vote has a much greater impact on.  My local board of education had a couple of candidates that seemed to be regurgitating the Trump/Religious-Right manifestos, and luckily neither of them made it (this time).
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