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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. FINALLY!  Only a month late, met my December writing goal!

  2. Aw, the fun part of writing! Guess this depends on any fears, phobias, they may have. For more fun, don’t actually have him “inside”, but close enough where the assumption is made, especially if there’s any other malicious actors nearby who might’ve staged it (ie, took the opportunity after the two passed out to move him onto her, placed a condom with a dab of mayo in the tip nearby, etc). Is the guy panicked now that he’s possibly a rapist? Is she offended? Or, is the mutual attitude “it’s about time?” (It can be mixed too, one thinks “not a big deal”, while the other is very upset/calling-police?) This is definitely a mixed bag, and gotta know the characters better before a good response can be had IMO.
  3. According to FB adverts, today, I’m apparently a dentist.  Didn’t realize I was so talented!

  4. That’s the ugly truth of the legal system, rights extend farther when you can afford good lawyers. And yes, EVERY minor is totally a rules follower and would simply go away … like how sexual urges and fantasies are bequeathed on their 18th birthday, and every boys school locker room is a point of clean jovial fun, at least according to the various TOS I frequently find at various websites. (And that’s something I have to be careful on with my writings.)
  5. My take was from my personal experience, haven’t really experienced the real downsides that you’ve mentioned (yet), and cross my fingers, I won’t. (Got one person who’ll popup with a comment every few months – “write me a game of thrones crossover fanfic?” on my potter story, like my first “NO” didn’t get the point across.) They did recently institute a 75-tag-per-story limit, so unfortunately I had to pare some of mine down. In the staff question topic too. I could see this going into a different topic like the “Great Wall of.” Now, TBH, the looseness inthe rules is one of the things that drew my potter fanfic to AO3. It technically crossed a line here, but was alright there without having to “file off the serial numbers”.
  6. I’ve used both archives. I admit, I prefer AO3 over AFF for story posting; better UI, I can use style sheets instead of text-formatting-games, better search, and more statistics (Kudos, word counts, etc). They do more aggressive fund raising, so likely a fully funded coding staff, something AFF lacks. However, the forums here… AO3 doesn’t have that, which means the staff/member interaction is way better here. As to procrastination, we still have the chatbox, the successor to the shoutbox.
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