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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Too late, I’ve already lost my mind 🤣
  2. Had this issue when I decided to go and rework my potter story. First task, collecting them all, then I started purging the obvious duplicates. But hey, at least I didn’t lose much. (The *first* draft was, unfortunately, mostly lost—shame because that was the smuttiest too.)
  3. Second @WillowDarkling to not rely on AFF or any other archive to retain your stories w/o incident. Keep in mind most archives, even google drive/dropbox/onedrive retain the right to *DELETE* your postings/files in their terms of service. OTOH, I’ll make copies of copies and I’m stuck wondering “which one of these is current?”
  4. My guess is those reviews are lost to the ether, as the database is in read-only mode. IF my suggestion’s easy/fast to implement, it’s to put a spanner into the works, so to speak, do basically disable the review.php script so the user gets a 403/404 error instead of being led into thinking their hard crafted review actually made it to the author. (Of course, that’ll change this tech support topic to “why is reviewing busted”?) If it helps, @GeorgeGlass I’ll lie and claim that it was a beautiful and glorious review…. or that it was a flame and this empty review is better
  5. Like everybody else, I’m frustrated as heck by the arrogance/entitlement of the perpetrator, cause it’s infringing on OUR server and curtailing OUR ability to speak/publish in a place that’ll tolerate our eccentricities. </end-rant>
  6. Suggest reducing the problem… quarter the perpetrator, skip the hanging part, go straight to quartering them. Slow blade and bleach, plenty of bleach for cleaning up. Trouble is, the legal paperwork.
  7. They say debut novels for publishing should be 100k or less… that’s a short story! I had a similar issue with wanting to write the smut while also wanting to have a plot-centric story when I returned to my potter story. I’ve ended up making two versions… one I consider “explicit” and the other “cleaner”, so think Unrated vs R MPAA movie ratings. This has been a success IMO, because I’ve also written a bit of software that lets me write the two versions in the same file, where I annotate what’s “clean” and what’s “explicit” – it filters it out and I post the results. Thus certain descriptions, scenes, themes, and characters (& implications) are in that explicit side only. Of course, this has now resulted in the explicit side being about three times the size of the clean…
  8. The *other* trap with an OC is the Mary/Gary sue phenomenon. (See the “Ensign Sue Must Die” web comic...) Nah, wrote mine with issues so he’d foil Harry in trying to assist Oliver Wood in teaching first year flying lessons (you know, have Harry focus on one person instead of helping with the entire class). This OC loitered because it was useful for showing Harry caring and helping somebody having trouble adjusting to Hogwarts. Subsequently, became useful to show the differing levels of concern teachers had when a student goes missing (all-hands-on-deck if it’s Harry, whereas a shy first year, the assumption is “ran away” when the truth was the opposite). And this OC is now a useful observer to show the events happening within the castle when Harry’s attendance is spotty at best. Overall, the story is definitely better with this addition, even if it’s blowing up my word counts (around a 7:1 ratio compared to the previous version). But I digress...
  9. Aside from the potter story, the rest of stories are original works. Thus, backstory episodes help a lot with some characters and setup to that universe as a whole. Funny enough, having delved into originals helped when I returned to the potter story, I accidentally made some well rounded characters, one of whom is now getting regular attention because it offered a good vantage point I didn’t have before.
  10. One twist you can do, especially if you’ve gone down the rabbit hole of writing backstory character development fics, is to write it as an episodic serial. Thus each chapter is an “episode”, with its own mini-plot contributing to the overarching development you’re after. Characterization backstories, where I’m simply filling in their character(s) using the episodes to define it, are the most agreeable to this format.
  11. Cool. Having stories that breed plot bunnies is how the adventure grows. Half debating to simply post my Halloween story as the first chapter to a longer story, myself.
  12. Maybe… the remaining word count is quite high TBH. To the original point, Thucycides and lots of early works didn’t have paragraphs/pages, those were mostly added in later.
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