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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Cloning? Vats? Can we raise ‘em brainless so I can do a transplant? I’d love a younger self. This premise also begs the question about consent, of age, etc. What date do clones list as their birth dates? What age are they for legal purposes?
  2. Writing fanfiction was the “gateway drug” that got me hooked on the fun creative writing, which did lead to creating original works. Now that I’ve returned to fanfiction (with the explicit goal of finishing my unfinished fanfic) my experience with originals has allowed me to make that fanfic better. As an example, I’ve added some extra characters that are really better rounded IMO than canon, and allow me to have a viewpoint that was missing before. (Also the willingness to dabble more in smut helps )
  3. I’d be happy to get the hit counters going again… mine haven’t budged in months, leaves me wondering if anybody’s reading or not.
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