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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. While I don’t think we’ll go 100% AI …. yet. I’d expect to see AI creeping in with fake actors for those “extras”. Even if the AI costs the same, less problematic, less risk to the schedule, than dealing with the hassles of “people” As to deep faking sexual situations…. yeah, legal or not, might not be contained to “adult” actors being faked in either.
  2. Heard foxnews recently let go one artificial air-head…
  3. Even before I give a manuscript to a reader/editor, I want the thing to be as good as I possibly get it. To have an AI that puts red squiggly marks beneath questionable things… it draws my attention, and so long as I can tell it to “ignore”, I’m fine with that level of AI. So, having AI assisting in showing where there might be a problem, that I should double check, that’s fine to me. More comprehensive the AI, the better...at this stage. Might it eventually replace the need for an editor in all but the most serious of publications? Well, I’m not hiring out an editor for what are ... web postings. As AI improves, how “good enough” will it be before it can handle … say magazine or cheap-romance level of editing? Ditto for the writing… not saying AI will be better, but when will it be “good enough” for somebody more interested in quantity over quality, but still claim it as their own?
  4. Though I hadn’t explicitly stated it, technically these kids are under the eaves of the main (& only) lodge on this small camp, having watched one of the adults enter a cabin nearby, presumably distracted; kids are about to deliberately misbehave
  5. Something I have to watch out too, seeing that on my current story I’m reworking. This is a spot where AI could be useful, help you assess “linguistic weight” of the dialogue as you type along and/or revise For posthumous… first case I thought of is when an actor dies mid-production, might be able to fill in missing pieces, release the movie. Depends on the amount needing deepfake, obviously.
  6. I tried grammatically perfect dialogue – it sucks and tends to be overly wordy, unrealistic. Concur that human editors will remain best, the gold standard, for years to come. I’m thinking about sleazy/cheap self-pubs or similar trying to cut corners. The issue is when about everybody starts doing it, degrading the industry as a whole. When you apply this cost-cutting mentality to any other industry (appliances, tools, whatever), the middle tier gets gutted because the white box products are good enough for 90% of the market; the upper tier stratifies, before they too, are forced (due to finances) to use those white-box products. All that’s left are the artisans with $5k tables, or the IKEA (& clones) with the $100 tables.
  7. I’ve not gone through the editorial process, does seem that AI can definitely assist as you identify. I’m guessing it’ll make further inroads into the process… full takeover? Maybe, maybe not. With time, I suspect that even the better-with-human traits will be bundled into an AI, and the self-pubs will lean on that. After all, AI doesn’t have to do it better, simply has to do it cheaper. Mice needed the sentience and fjords for the ultimate question AI … which of course was “what’s six times nine?” (Which is 42 in base-13.)
  8. If we use the industrial revolution as guidance…. writing won’t die, there’s going to be artisans for centuries to come. After all, we still use shovels to dig holes. Maybe things like user manuals would get better written by AI? I do see corporate greed getting involved. Why pay a script writer when AI will do? Why pay actors when you can deep fake the legends? Only push-back from audiences would stifle that. It will also tank the market...at least the AI generated stuff as it’s not copyright protected (for now), so nothing legally stopping me from firing up the latest napster to share it all. For now, the human written stuff (at least the better stories) will still have heart and soul, something AI can only mimic, so there’s going to be a quality to our generated stuff. For us, AI will, at most, be a writing aid … say you need a custom “mini-novel” or a fake advertisement within your story, or similar; maybe ai-assisted self-editing? Editors might be in more peril than writers. Me? Enjoyment’s in the creation, especially those first drafts. I don’t want AI doing that for me… if it’s doing all my thinking too, why do I even exist? AI has that threat to snuff out the uniqueness to being sentient. Loving the debate, wouldn’t want AI to simply create an “answer”, otherwise, it’d all be 42.
  9. To restore the balance, to stitch this anomaly out of space and time, I must proclaim: 41968!
  10. Yes, but it’s the AI doing the writing. Maybe treat it the same as somebody writing fanfiction on commission? (ie, I’m exploring this question like you are, no definitive yes/no response… yet)
  11. Got no issues with a creator explicitly authorizing AI deep fakes, and I can understand an estate helping a creator posthumously finishing a near-done work. It’s the others, when brilliant idiots get involved, that I start to get concerned TBH. So, is AI generated content a derivative work? yes. Fanfiction… can AI be considered a fan?

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      To summarize:  Brilliant idiot doesn’t file the serial numbers off his 8-part fanfiction, copyrights it as he pesters the Tolkien estate with manuscripts.  When Amazon/Tolkien release “rings of power”, he finds an unscrupulous lawyer willing to take his money to file a $250M lawsuit against Amazon/Tolkien claiming copyright infringement for “stealing” bits of his series.  Extra surprise, his first “book” got delisted by Amazon, gee, I wonder why?

  13. My works have a bunch of nudity, so any fights have good odds of being naked too. In the potter fanfic, it’s easy to some magical wand holsters so they’re never truly unarmed. Still, using a wand, spell, or other magic has a different feel than a naked unarmed woman tearing their opponent apart limb by limb
  14. More seriously…. the obvious ones are, Pro of clothing… armor, pockets for carrying things, concealment, first barrier of defense against something like acid, or a hostile environment Con of clothing… something an enemy can hold onto, restrain and choke. If we take something like a school/cat fight where clothes get ripped off, but neither stops due to the indecent exposure? Flesh would be tougher to grip, maybe they go for the breasts? Certainly, urination or defecation during the match could be used, offensively or for shame depending on the person’s level of control or fear. (Which is more or less the limit of internet “research” videos can direct me…. )
  15. If I based my response on armor ratings in most RPGs, a naked woman ought to be invincible!
  16. A rare day indeed, broken 10k today, and still a bit of time left.

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