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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Of course. Like any rule of thumb, break it, subvert expectations! Heck, have a dildo fall out of the teacher’s desk.
  2. Guess it depends on how many encounters you’ve got too. First sex—hands on. Subsequent, some couples would experiment.
  3. I go for the realism factor in my writing, hence the desire to balance it both ways, some times with toys/aids, other times, without. And sometimes, a carrot, chocolate syrup, or maple syrup works. However, this reminds me of Ash & Buck in my potter fanfic, get a double-ended vibrating dildo made with their cocks; misplace it, and come down to breakfast with Buck’s mother mixing pancake batter with it.
  4. Cool and welcome to the growing pool of friends around here Fanfiction is how I got started (Harry Potter). My writing’s evolved as I got into original fiction about a decade ago. Still go back and forth as my muse leads me there. Anyways, welcome to the community!
  5. I usually have enough sex in my stories that having some variety might be good. (Though yes, usually it’s hands-on).
  6. 42062 – part number for the Aqua Magic Style II High Profile camper toilet by Thetford. Flushing seems important.
  7. 42060 And as always, thanks for keeping the spammers at bay @Melrick !
  8. Writing creative stories was a learned thing…. I’ve been playing with software too in support of the writing habit. And yep, writing two different versions illustrates this. (I was considering three at the start of this revision, but realized that’d be way, way too complicated.) Because it quickly becomes more than simply “porn-up” vs “port-down”. I’ve relegated entire scenes/chapters/plot-threads to explicit side only because it’s either 1) high sexual, or 2) theme/thread is more than I want in cleaner, or 3) mental gymnastics to a particular scene/chapter are such that it became super complicated to write mix, so I simply wrote explicit only and not bother with clean, or 4) the cleaner version, because it’s now shorter in length, would effectively “dwell” there too long for pacing. In the start, it was light differences too. For instance, the initial scene, while I do make it clear even in clean that Ron’s starkers when Ginny tricks him down to the living room (with a stiffy), and Professor McGonagall comes to the Weasley home to talk with Ron; in the explicit I’ve got Fred cursing Ron’s cock into an ejaculation – aside from the embarrassment to Ron, a mild difference. A theme that’s explicit is Ginny’s sense of entitlement to Harry (Harry’s got a different girl), so this is where I’ve got a scene of Ginny secretly using a magical vibrator (that also conceals her) while viewing a nearby starkers Harry, pleasuring herself. However, the biggest difference is the role that Ash plays. Ash’s an original character I created, a first year (when Harry’s year six), as a foil to Harry helping Oliver Wood in teaching those first years’ flying lesson. Ash...has issues. And after a short bit in both, became clear chapters later that one way Ash coped with those issues is to go around his business in Hogwarts, starkers. While that’s fun and all to write, Ash’s mostly been banished to the explicit version only; however, he’s invaluable as I realized he’s filling in what had been a weak point of my story (affairs inside Hogwarts became more and more “diminished” as Harry is suspended for weeks/months). The differences quickly compound beyond simple “porn up” vs “porn down”. It’s to the point where there’s spots where I’ve got like eight good chapters in explicit to one light one in cleaner. Right now, the word ratio is running close to 3:1 between the two versions.
  9. Ages ago I tried it with separate styles in open office… nah, it’s easiest for me if it’s with the software I wrote. For small differences within a sentence, got one way where it’s like… “Harry modeled his {new clothes|birthday suit} across the dance floor”. For larger differences, it’s setting the rating for a particular set of paragraphs (or entire chapter), which then reads like That does require a bit of mental gymnastics to keep the dual versions in mind as I write. However, I’ve gotten the knack down since I started really doing it for this rewrite. It’s even led to one particular spot in Halloween where the narrative technically moved between the versions; mainly because I could show a particular beat-up happening in explicit, so I didn’t need the Dumbledore meeting recap that’s in the cleaner version. And while I do use the software for Jefferey, I’m mainly leveraging it for its formatting capabilities, as the software has flags I can set for which website the HTML is being generated for, tailored for what FF.net vs AO3 vs AFF allow during story-text import.
  10. I find that while writing both versions simultaneously can be challenging, it also hones both of them. Sometimes I write something in the explicit and realize it’d be good (with light cleanup) in the cleaner version. Other times, it flows back – definitely does when it comes to an extra proofreading step, because I have to check both versions. As to how I do this… made a bit of software to make the whole process way easier, I annotate what’s explicit and what’s not, when there’s a difference.
  11. I’ve been back and forth primarily due to another website that had decided to axe mature content (thereby leading rise to this one) a short while before I had started into fanfic, and some comments I had gotten over there suggesting less would be better. As a result, the disasterous edit also included some cleanup of that smut. On this rewrite, given an avenue where I *could* post an explicit version, I decided to write both more or less at the same time, which is working BTW. Of course, by excluding elements from the “cleaner” version, it’s compounding where I have to omit even more elements due to logical inconsistencies otherwise, so it’s now around a 3:1 word count ratio between the two.
  12. PWPs are to plot bunnies like blood is to sharks (IMO) Some readers like lots of sex (something that’s fine on this website), others want it plot-justified and masked (which is what those other websites cater to), or even more want none at all. For my potter fanfic, the explicit version is for those who desire (or at least don’t mind) multiple orgasms per chapter, while the “cleaner” version keeps it to the essential/masked variety; and the explicit version is way, way richer IMO for it.
  13. It’s time for Kirksey, KY 42054!
  14. Yep. And mentally I make PWP out to be “plot, what plot?” more than “porn w/o plot”, though both apply. So, technically, the little unreleased tale makes everything I’ve posted so far… BACKSTORY. Yep, though the group of one allows for some interesting context too.
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