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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. If there’s specific criticism or a lot of concrit, I’ll try to PM the author (in addition to a review,if warranted), simply so they can address it w/o leaving it out like dirty laundry.
  2. One strong review would be a reader crying if you kill a character because you’ve done a good job at characterising them, getting the audience to become attached to them.
  3. Reviews are ambrosia, (well, not flames...). Unless you’re writing original (as I am), you can’t get paid for it (unless you’’re … J.J. cough cough), so reviews are kinda the only thing to stoke the ego, to make you feel really good about posting.
  4. So, how many have I scared with just story tags?
  5. Chapter 9 is up.
  6. Chapter 8 is up.
  7. WIP are just that, WIP. Slight tweak to repair guy, I just realized that Konnor’s parents are already dead as of this story, so several lines of already-posted dialogue in chapters 2/3 have been updated to reflect this. Good thing I’ve got that database to keep track of this...shrugs.
  8. That seems to be how it is for me at times, climb into bed, and suddenly, my mind’s racing. I’ll get up, write it down (because it just came up with a good idea), climb back into bed, only to come up with another idea…. Or, wake up early, mind’s racing, so I can’t get myself to go back to bed. I do try carrying a notebook around, just to jot down ideas when they do come.
  9. Mine requires tickling, though a good nude pic or two helps
  10. In the end, that’s a good reason, better than money (for those lucky few).
  11. Chapter 7 is up.
  12. Doing a Halloween story?
  13. Its a weekend, will there be any new Halloween tales?
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