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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. As you stop writing for the evening/session, where did you leave your characters? For instance, this morning, I left Harry in the Hospital Wing, recovering from a broken leg, broken vertebrae, and numerous lacerations.
  2. I recently started to rework/update a story, started 15 years ago. I had that initial spurt, then trickled off. Several updates in between, before putting it onto “permanent hiatus” in 2012. Oh, I think I surprised more than a few readers late last month when I started to update it again, after a six year silence. A couple of people un-sub’d from the alerts, probably not realizing that they had sub’d to me. I do intend to finish it, but time will tell.
  3. Happy Equinox day, welcome in the Fall/Spring, depending on which hemisphere you’re in!

    1. InvidiaRed


      :D its the thought that counts. Since the desert i’m in goes



  4. You know, cannibalism is a lifestyle choice.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      What started this was a youtube video on the subject.  A quirk in the legality is that technically, it’s legal in most jurisdictions to consume human flesh, though the acquisition can be rather dicey.  Kinda like illegal drugs; it’s generally legal to consume said drugs, just illegal to possess, make, sell, buy, etc….

    3. CloverReef


      That’s actually really interesting. And made me totally ignore the cannibalism part and glom onto ‘oh maybe my MC didn’t commit a crime in that last scene. Good on ‘em.’ 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Figure dthat’s a good tidbit with the halloween stories right around the corner…. :)

  5. Yesterday was the six month mark since I lost my furry friend, I still miss him.

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