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Desiderius Price

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Desiderius Price last won the day on May 23

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  1. Hmmm… I can move this scene from #8 back to #7….. Keeping it in #8 makes for a better cliffhanger, but moving it to #7 makes #7 a tad more complete.  Oh, the debate I’m having with myself.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Wilde_Guess  Yep, that’s why I’m debating now, before I post.  I’ll need to resolve this before I post either 7 or 8.  Yesterday, I had moved it to #7, however, based on tone it belongs in #8.  So, this morning, I moved it back.  After all, a cliffhanger is typically an incomplete scene.

    3. Wilde_Guess


      True, that.  Also, the move can “require” another 4k of writing to more fully develop an idea.  That’s not a bad thing, but can confuse the reader if you do it after the chapter(s) were originally posted.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      That was the #5 debacle, about 2.5k but same thing.  I try to adhere to the principle that a reader shouldn’t have to re-read an episode to understand things, though, of course, that can be unavoidable at times with a work-in-progress.  Thus, I basically want  to be confident in the episode/chapter before I post. 

      Cross my fingers, I’ll get #8 drafted tonight.  (If so, I’d expect #7 to go up next weekend.)


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