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Status Updates posted by GeorgeGlass

  1. My The Loud House fanfic “Whoops” surpassed 30,000 hits yesterday, which is more than double the number for any other fanfic I’ve ever written (and a lot of those have been posted for years). Not sure why this one is so popular, but I ain’t complainin’.

  2. Latest sign that I’m too often using my phone to write porn: The first suggestion after I type “big” is “melons.”

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price
    3. GeorgeGlass


      Two from yesterday:

      After “thoroughly,” the phone suggested “lubed.”

      It tried to turn “steel-toed boots” into “steel-like hardness.”

    4. Desiderius Price
  3. Comfort and Joy” is finally done! And only 8 days after Christmas. :)

    1. Desiderius Price
    2. FairySlayer


      So the story had better include nine ladies dancing, right? ;)

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Oh, it does. Except there’s only two ladies. And they’re not so much dancing as...

  4. Seems I spoke too soon about “Comfort and Joy”; chapter 4 needs a lot of rehab. Maybe by New Year’s...

    1. FairySlayer


      They partied too hard and need a week to recover? ;) Seriously, best of luck with the holiday tale.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      No – I needed to make them party harder. And I am. :)

  5. It looks like I’m actually going to finish my Christmas story “Comfort and Joy” before Christmas. Of course, I originally planned to have it finished before LAST Christmas, but you know...

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Aw, delay due to standards of excellence?  :) 

    2. FairySlayer


      She’s with Comfort now? Geesh, that Joy really does get around! I mean, first she’s with Fear, then Anger…

      Omigosh! She’s becoming a Sith! ;)

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Don’t worry, both Hate and Suffering won’t join Riley’s cast of emotions until she gets to high school. :)

  6. I have managed to resist the urge to write an F/F fic about Michelle Obama and Melania Trump’s transition meeting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass



      I am so very proud of you!

      Thank you! *returns to writing porn about children’s cartoons*

    3. BronxWench
    4. FairySlayer


      In this era it’s probably best to leave it alone, lest you be summoned to Trump Tower and offered a cabinet position. (“I read your story and now my dick, it’s huuuge!”)

      Too bad though, as we could start a Special Presidential Library including your story and my old lemon fanfic about Bill Clinton and Fluttershy.

  7. Update: Apparently, the giant meteor has attracted a substantial voting bloc.

    Trump? Clinton? Many young Americans prefer giant meteor, poll finds

    1. BronxWench


      I’m not sure they’re wrong. :blink:

  8. I saw a bumper sticker today that read, “Giant Meteor 2016: Just End It Already.”

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Update: Apparently, the giant meteor has attracted a substantial voting bloc.

      Trump? Clinton? Many young Americans prefer giant meteor, poll finds

  9. For once, I’m kind of glad that I live in a US state where the presidential candidates don’t bother to campaign.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Yes! Power belongs in the hands of those who have to have it forced upon them.

    3. BronxWench


      Sort of like George Washington :D

    4. Kurahieiritr


      I hear you, George. The pair make my skull scream because the mommy in me wants to put them both over my knee and paddle them before putting them in a hard core time out. Would do wonders for their bad behaviors to have their noses touching the corner of the walls for a few hours to drive home how not to behave!

  10. I’m really psyched: My original story Eddie Forever got its first review yesterday! Thanks again, darkalley_rambler!

  11. Wow. You guys seriously remodeled the place.

    1. DemonGoddess


      This was the long threatened upgrade :devil:

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I do like this activity stream, it’s a nice way to see what’s happening.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Well, you certainly don’t make idle threats. :)

  12. Been cranking out chapters like a madman this week. It's like the more stress I'm under, the more I want to spend what free time I have writing.

  13. My pledge: For the rest of the week, I will not read any bad news (beyond the headline, anyway). I don't need it right now.

    1. BronxWench


      I thought of you the other day, strolling down Pennsylvania Avenue in DC. I passed a Fogo de Chao and cracked up.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      And you just made me crack up!

  14. If there's going to be another Tales from the Shoutbox this year, I already know what I'm going to write about: A phone call from a pollster that turns creepy.

    1. BronxWench


      Oh, that sounds awesome!

  15. Something that makes me sad: When I type the word “sexual” into my phone, the first two suggestions it comes up with for the next word are “assault” and ”abuse.”

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pippychick


      "I think, therefore I am," said the man. The AI blinked. "I feel, therefore I live," it responded. "Human. Congratulations. Your own biological model is now obselete." It smiled.

    3. BronxWench


      ::tries to turn page, fails, and whimpers::

    4. pippychick


      lol... the evolution of man ends in machine. It has to. How else will we explore the stars?

  16. Downside of using your phone to write porn: When you search for a restaurant called Fogo de Chao, "Fogo" autocorrects to "cock."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KoKoa_B


      I loved it! We're trying to go again very soon.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      I can't speak to its authenticity, but if you like to eat meat in quantity, it's worth checking out.

    4. KoKoa_B


      And yes, leave it to me to put more emphasis on Fogo than worrying how your phone has been trained for porn XD

  17. I'm always forgetting which actor is David Keith and which one is Keith David.

  18. Just posted the epilogue of In the Light of Day: A Frozen Epic. I can't believe it's finished!!

    1. CloverReef


      Grats on finishing! Bittersweet feeling, ain't it?

    2. GeorgeGlass


      More sweet than bitter at this point. I'm really proud of the story, and I'm glad that the whole thing is finally now out there for people to read.

  19. Do y'all think that maybe the Disney people got the idea for Zootopia when someone at the studio said "buddy cop movie" and somebody else misheard it as "bunny cop movie"?

    1. pippychick


      No... that's how the world got Jessica Rabbit.

  20. At work, one of my people is retiring, another is on maternity leave (and I'm worried that she won't come back), and a third just told me that she wants to take a few months off. Maybe I'm the only rat that doesn't know that the ship is sinking.

  21. Made an accidental discovery just now: Of the 20 or so stories on page 1 of the Erotica > Het - Male/Female section, about 25% of them are mine. Now all I can hear are the distant howls of slash-hounds in every direction...

  22. Trying to figure out what Star Butterfly would wear when she works out.

    1. GrayNeko


      Something old timey based on her choice of swimwear. Either that or eighties era gym gear.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Oooh, I like both ideas. The 80s one would be a little harder to explain, but Star would look adorable in leg warmers.

    3. GrayNeko


      Glad to help but yeah Star in leg warmers ala Flashback Pearl was something that popped in my head immediately.

  23. So today I'm out with my wife and a friend, and I get a text message from a number whose area code I don't recognize. The text consists of 4 very explicit selfies of a nude, oiled, visibly aroused man, accompanied by the message "How much for 30 min." Someone had a VERY wrong number.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      ::dies laughing::

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Not quite getting the cat-and-bandages thing (pussy joke?), but the Heinz people will be very impressed with the profit margin on that mustard. :)

    4. WillowDarkling


      It's a very nasty joke I heard a long long time ago... The joke is that you're supposed to tape up the cat so it won't "rip" when you "use" it... Think, fleshlight with claws, basically. ::hangs head in shame and goes to the naughty corner:: I'm sorry

  24. Congrats to all y'all who survived NaNoWriMo!

    1. BronxWench


      Thank you, kind sir! :D

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