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Everything posted by Iggy_lovechild

  1. Eh, the walkthrough was 20 percent off with the purchase of my reserve so I figured...ya know, I'm killing myself already, I may as well grab it since I'm sure it'll be useful. I guess the loot thing makes a heluva lot more sense than random enemy monsters running around with x-amount of gil on them, but still.... I guess I'm trapped in the level-up, make money spiral. *sighs* I dread having to buy the -aga and -aja spells when those open up....
  2. *deadpans* Someday I'm going to write an IY fic like that, only with Sesshoumaru having the proper reaction to any character calling him "Sessy", "Sessy-chan", or "Fluffy": A long, painful eviceration.
  3. Ooh..Lucky girl. Sharp and shiny is always good.
  4. AND ONE YEAR CLOSER TO DEATH! Ahem. Sorry. Yes well, happy birthday. Eat cake til ya puke, dammit.
  5. choke
  6. In a lot of anime fandoms it can get pretty ridiculous, particularily the ones with characters that have Japanese names. I also hate when authors shorten a character's name like they would when talking online or use the ridiculous nicknames (yes, I've read IY stories in which a character has referred to Sesshoumaru as "Fluffy").
  7. One of my sexy Reno userpics mined from my lj account. Of course, since it looks so awesome, I did not make it myself.
  8. Got bored, tried to make my own siggie all cheap and cut and paste-y cos I don't know how else to do it. I don't think it's too horrible. It's also a subtle (ha!) plug for my latest fic project. Go me.
  9. My point exactly! Not the prettiest way to think of it, but...*shrugs* It's probably true.
  10. Idle thought: I'm wondering if perhaps a bit of lube would have to be used simply because the dry cock going into an unlubed arse would get hurt as well. Granted, I don't have a penis, but I imagine the need for lubrication goes both ways. I don't think, in a rape situation that a lot of lube would be used, just enough to get it in without excurciating pain for the rapist. I assume if this is like rough prison sex enough of a pounding will probably cause bleeding....
  11. I fucking hate that. And you know the summary is some epic sounding story, too! Then you try to read it and it's one big old block paragraph or uber-short. (Eheh, not that I should complain considering I have short chappie syndrom sometimes, but at least I finish my stories!) *sighs* What is the world coming to? Seriously, it wasn't until I got deep into fanfiction that I realized how huge it was. At first I thought it was cool...until I saw how much crap chokes the truly popular fandoms.
  12. Goddamn! I'm getting sick of having to buy every fucking thing in the game! Why are technicks so bloody expensive?! Why should I have to buy them at all??????????? I mean, I get the buying of the spells but why do I have to buy my skills, too? Okay, I've officially discovered a majorly frustrating thing in the game. It was bad enough saving up the license points, but then to have to wait until a skill or a spell shows up in the shops (not to mention that nasty gil problem)...This is starting to seriously get on my nerves.
  13. Yes, the problem is that people don't relaize that writing is a talent just as much as any art form. Sure, a person can be taught how to write well enough, but they're probably not going to have much style. I've read just as many stories (both fanfiction and otherwise) that have impeccable grammar and spelling and the like but the writing and characterizations are just fucking boring. It seems easy to some because it's just words,I guess. People talk everyday, they type up e-mails, and IM each other, and so with all this daily contact with...whatever language they're speaking, writing seems a helluva lot less intimidating than drawing, painting, or singing.
  14. I miss MAC. Though I'm mostly working off public access, my bf and I have been discussing getting a computer and he refuses to compromise for anything but PC. To my spellcheckers: Hmmm...so maybe I have been spelling "tentative" wrong, but MS Word didn't even give me the heads up on that. Shit, I feel like a dumbass now.
  15. Join the club. One of life's great mysteries: With yaoi/slash/boysmut being so popular right now, why is it so hard to find good, quality stories?
  16. It would be nice, but still...I have my misgivings. If it's just a graphic/game design overhaul, I guess I'm cool with it, but I dunno...Square has this obsession with changing up their combat/magic/levelling system for every game. What's to stop them from giving FF7 a complete overhaul? I dunno, maybe if it were like XII's combat it would be cool, though fighting Reno would possibly become quite the hair-pulling experience (stand still!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
  17. Buncha hours in now, just got The Dawn Shard. Liking the game, though I ran screaming back to wait time after awhile, just because I can't think quick enough on my feet for their little ADB system. The Quickenings are kinda cheap, tho'. I've gotten pretty good at chaining the mist attacks and re-charging them before time runs out. So I'm pounding on a boss with three party members, their Quickenings run out, I swap out for the other three, hit Quickenings, boss pwned, I win. Now I realize I'm not that far in yet, but still.... Other than that, I'm liking the game, but then again I loved FF: Tactics, and the whole polical intuigue thing was huge in that game. It's nice to get genuinely surprised by a plot twist. Ah but Gil is so hard to come by. *sighs* <3 Balthier. Still indifferent to Vaan. The muscule shading on his abdomen makes me want to scream, "put on the shirt, you wanker!"
  18. I still use MS word, but I'm lame like that. The spellchecker does suck though. I swear, it's more concerned about trying to change character names than it is with catching actual mistakes. And since when is "tenetive" not a word?! This is why I end up looking edditing my stories several times over or relying on a beta.
  19. Really? Geez, I haven't watched GH in years, not since I left home. Someone should tell him to ditch the soaps for full-time voice acting. He might be a one noter, but then...a lot of voice actors have a comfy niche going.
  20. Now I don't rightly know about the Hojo thing but you gotta take into account both mangaverse and animeverse. In the InuYasha anime, there's a ton of filler episodes, especially after the Band of 7 storyline, and none of the InuYasha movies are even remotely canon (aside from the characters involved). So you gotta think about this: What version of canon are we looking at here because as similar as they might seem on the surface, mangaverse and animeverse are vastly different. The rules are pretty straight forward in the manga, whereas the anime bends shit around a little bit, just to be "cute". And the movies! They just throw canon out the window!
  21. *giggles* Holy shit, I just remembered where I know Steve Burton from! That guy used to be on General Hospital. Too surreal. He's much more suited to V.A. work and quite suited to Cloud, as his acting is a bit wooden and Cloud is...Well, emotionally stunted in a way.
  22. Yeah, my boyfriend has had to restart the game twice now becasue he was having trouble with the liscensing stuff. He was finding himself getting his ass kicked hard as he went on in the game. It's pretty damned complicated, especially with the walkthrough imploring you to go after Quickenings ASAP....
  23. Yeah, that's what I was trying to convey. Due to a lot of shitty fanfiction, I end up associating uke with weepy uke. I know that's not the case or even true definition of the term, it's just...badfics have spoiled me, I suppose.
  24. Well, I'm about six or seven hours in, and so far, so good. The combat system improves and becomes far less aggrevating once you have a full party and not just playin' it solo and having to choose your fights carefully. Balthier and Fran are awesomeness, the big thing keeping my attention right now since I'm generally indifferent to Vaan. My only real issue is that sometimes the camera goes kinda wild and wonky on me.
  25. Just a general observation: I noticed a long time ago that a majority of yaoi/shounen-ai fanfiction is heavily influenced by the rules set by the genre's mangas and animes. While it may work for the fandoms in the genre, they don't always work when you apply them to other fandoms and characters. Edward Elric an uke? My ass. While I've come to peace with the concepts of top and bottom, I can't stand it when writers try to stick their characters in these little absolutes and narrow boxes. I wish more same sex writers would bother reasearching a little bit rather than getting all their facts from genre media and fanfiction. Anyway, just thought I'd offer a couple cents since Naruto may as well be a yaoi anime the way certain character pairings have become so common that they may as well be canon in some people's minds.
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