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Everything posted by Iggy_lovechild

  1. I started on a holiday special last night...ah, New Year's counts right? I realized that I could actually work in the whole New Year's celebration into my current fandom, so yeah. I won't be posting it until after the turning of te new year, though. Well, better late than never, right?
  2. I sometimes completely overhaul chapters. For "Strange Bedfellows" I kicked out one chapter shifted chapter five to chapter chapter six and wrote a whole new chapter 5. It worked out quite well actually. Also made the story quite lemon-heavy.
  3. I can only write with the presense of muses. Oddly, as much as I adore Seph for being such a magnificently evil bastard, I never ended up with a muse. Started writing FF7 fanfiction because Reno broke into my brain, made himself comfortable, and wouldn't shut the hell up. The others soon followed.... Let's just say when the Rufus muse wants attention, he bloody well gets it. It's not that I don't get where the SephxCloud fascination comes from, I explored it in very small degrees in "Strange Bedfellows", I just can't do a damned thing with it. That is to say...I've never been properly inspired because I know it would be dark and mean and I just don't have it in me to fuck with Cloud that bad. He earned my pity long ago. At this point I just wanna bring a little bit of joy to the poor guy's existence.
  4. As did I, but writing for SO:3's AlbelxFayt pairing really broke down that barrier and opened up a lot of concepts and ideas for me. If I can find an opening, I feel like I can make it work. With RenoxCloud I found the perfect opening in AC, even though I'd already been having impure thoughts while playing FF7 back in the day. I never felt like they were enemies in the purest sense, just enemies of circumstance. If the circumstances changed, so could their relationship. *shrugs* I'd like to think I don't do the yaoi fan-person thing: Ya know, I have a real attachment to my pairings beyond ZOMG! HAWT! For the record, if I didn't think I could make it work, I would never write it. Like say...CloudxSephiroth. Yeah. I just don't go there.
  5. Flattery will get you everywhere. Hehe. Now I really must finish those "Strange Bedfellows" one-shots I started over X-mas.....
  6. Enemies that become friends and eventually become lovers. As anyone can see, I'm clearly a sucker for that crap.
  7. Holy crap, thank you oishii! That is some unbelivably awsome info. So... ... Now how will this affect my writing...? May just start cutting out the 'yo' more, though i have to admit it never manifested all that much in my dialogue for Reno (compared to some stories I've read. )
  8. 'zoto' appears to be one of those fun Japanese words that doesn't really translate into English in any proper manner. A fansub translated it into 'yo' when AC first came out and it just kinda spread from there (or so the story goes). Incidently, a different fansub translated it into 'ya know'.
  9. Och, I think that posting on lj communities has totally spoiled my arse. 'Bout an hour ago I posted a new fic on one of the communities I'm part of and I haven't gotten a comment yet. Yeah, that worries me since I get attention pretty quick over there. I'm so spoiled. *hangs head in shame*
  10. Ah gods, if only it were that simple! I'm essentially looking at chopping a four part (chapters? Ha!) story down to a one-shot because the rest is either horrible or unusable. The closing part is the only one that's remotely salvageable and even then I'm going to have to do some major overhauls, even if most of it is cosmetic. *face fall* I still don't know if I want to do it.
  11. I'm currently considering it. Someone recently contacted me about an anchient InuYasha fic that I deleted off mm.org awhile back because I realized that it was crap. Well apparently, that opinion is not shared because a very intelligant fan wanted to know what happened to it, where did go? Well flattery gets everywhere with me, and I dug the hardcopy of the story out of the bottom of a drawer and began looking it over again. While the writing makes me cringe now, I think I might be able to fix it. Though it's been so long for me when it comes to the IY fandom, that all my muses have pretty much left and I haven't written het in nearly a year. I fear the best I'm going to be able to do is a cosmetic edit....
  12. Hmm...I hope you don't mind a little V:TM action. My boyfriend was always a strange Storyteller. One story really took the cake though. He got the clever idea to make book characters come to live. Imagine Puss in Boots walking down Bourbon Street, challenging people to duels and you get the general idea of the atmosphere of the game. Anyway, so eventually it comes down to various players going into books (of course they're magic) and at one point mine ended up going into Lord of the Rings. I was playing a Lasombra and, during a desperate moment, accidently killed Frodo by trying to hide him with Shroud of Night. Eheh...I've always had difficulty remembering it suffocates mortals. Later, when confroted by Gandolf, I shot him dead with a big old shotgun full of incidinary rounds. Said boyfriend also used to DM back in the day. He has frightening tales of talking rabbits with decks of many things....
  13. So I've been thinking about this some more. (I've been quite sick from the past two days and therefore prone to unreasonable thought processes) I shall embrace the uber-vole! Because all the other little maggots are just voles! Ha! I win!
  14. But perhaps we should seriously think about this... If AFF is the "Nest of Voles" (or whatever) and the authors are "uber-voles" they're just talking about the bad writers. Yeah.... I mean, we're the good authors, right? Don't we get a name?
  15. Meh...Whatever. I find more quality stories here than...certain other sites bash AFF constantly. Anyway, the folks at GAFF hate pretty much everyone, so I don't really take it as offence.
  16. *sniggers* Spooky. That's about what I told the girl. Eh...something very clever about wondering if she'd had twenty spare minutes to whip up a story only to discover how difficult it really was. Ah well. I shoulda known better when the summary was what seemed to be a simple, smutty, one-night stand kinda sub-plot and the codes included shounen-ai. *sighs* I see this happen way too often.
  17. Well, I left a bad review that bordered on mean. Okay, okay, it was pretty mean, but you don't just post a goddamn paragraph, and tack a little note at the end that it's not done. I think I'm entitled to being a little bit cranky.
  18. *chuckles* You know I didn't mention all that because I figured someone else would get to that. Of course sometimes I'm under the naive notion that good grammar, punctuation, and spelling in a story is a no-brainer...so yeah.... To horrorgal: Ahhh, you're going to spoil me. By all means write some RenoxCloud if you want to. Imho, there ain't enough stories out there, at least not enough good ones.
  19. Actually it was Reno that dragged the word "dick" back into my erotica. Ooops. I give that man waaayyy too much freedom. *sniggers* Pussy. Can't stand that word. I deal better with cunt, but not much. *sighs* Euphanisms it is then.... And thus why writing het never hold my interest for long.
  20. Is it breakfast if I haven't really slept since yesterday (stupid insomnia)? Hmmm...chocolate angel food cake and milk.
  21. Eh...there's a certain playfulness to the word "dick". It makes things more comfortable for me, a bit more casual and fun. Don't ask me why. I've been writing some awesome smut since I've welcomes it back into my lemon-y vernacular.
  22. I range from softcore to hardcore depending on the pairing, with a touch of techincal because nipples are nipples (and they're attached to breasts) and sometimes I have to go that way when I write het because most of those cute little euphanisms for the female sex just make me cringe. I have recently rediscovered the term "dick" after years of avoidence. It just popped up (pun not intended) one day as i was writing my first lemon for a certain couple.
  23. I'm with Knorg. Before you pick up a pen and put it to paper (or if you're a bit more modern than me and compose with word processing), ask yourself why you wish to write, fanfiction or otherwise. Is it because you're truly interested in the craft or because it seems like a cool thing to do? If you chose the first answer, I shall pass along a few tips now: -If you are writing fanfiction, make sure you know your fandom forwards and backwards as far as you can. If it's a fandom that has a...ya know, ending, there's no excuse for mistakes with canon facts. -And speaking of canon, make sure you know your stuff as you're reading the fanfiction of other authors. Getting sucked into fanon blows, this is especially relevant for the "InuYasha" fandom. -If you wish to write shounen-ai or yaoi, research a little bit first. Get to know how a real homosexual couple interacts and not just the myths somewhat perpetuated by the mangas and animes. And for the love of god, if you're writing about an extremely noncanon, unusual pairing, give us a good background and characterization. Don't forget to brush up on the finer point of gay sex. -Know your characters...love your characters...there's no reason to write fanfiction if all you're going to do is write the characters OOC. (and omg, Knorg, I just got that joke. Evil!)
  24. Same picture, same quote, better presentation.
  25. Changed mine because every time I logged on I felt a little guilty, thinking about all the folks who aren't particularily fond of yaoi getting twitchy over the double dose of Reno and Cloud kissing (with tongue!). So i made a compromise and dragged out a more subtle avvie instead.
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