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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. Craig Ferguson
  2. Nope. Just me. Daz?
  3. ^ Better not be taking too long of a break, from the MSV that is. < Misses the new chapters already, and it hasn't even been 48 hours. V Is typing away on a fic when not posting on the forms.
  4. Not guilty, but I've had to deal with my husband's. No, I say to him, the computer is not "out to get you". g/ng: Has had to comfort their significant other about something odd.
  5. 5865
  6. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am working on Redsliver's new chapters. I am seriously behind on reading the orgy. I am in for a fun-filled day of betaing, reading, and writing.
  7. 5808
  8. 5780
  9. Waylon Jennings
  10. Guilty. I'm thinking about too many right now, so finishing one seems impossible! g/ng: Will chnage their avatar before the night is through.
  11. Mm-Hmm Daz?
  12. 5778
  13. If you meant Pol, then yes. Daz?
  14. Guilty. Mid-July, to be exact. g/ng: Almost always forgets to buy something while at the store.
  15. I haven't recently. Does that count? I have never been in a coma.
  16. Morgan Freeman
  17. 5776
  18. yeah
  19. Again, sorry. Mel?
  20. 5733
  21. ^ Forgot that I know nothing about men and their bats. < Will be ^'s whatever as long as there are chocolate-covered almonds and coffee involved. < Must get more than 4 hours sleep tonight. (Goodnight, all!) V Contemplates the merits of starting a minion union.
  22. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am right there with Melrick about the aneurysm thing. I am on the waiting list for a good old-fashioned nervous breakdown. I am thinking that, if I were teaching Red, I wouldn't have to be on the list in the first place!
  23. Who else? Red?
  24. Guilty, but it's not that bad. "Judas Fucking Priest" is my favorite when something has gone wrong. "For the love of Pete and his entire cock-sucking family..." is another hybrid curse phrase that slips out from time to time, usually when whatever I've just dropped actually broke. g/ng: Tries to avoid using cliché phrases in everyday conversation
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