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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. bed
  2. Visesio Moeliku - King of Sigave (Thank you, wikipedia.)
  3. At last, the results (and some forum time). I got Exceeds Expectations as well, and printed mine, to go with my other two WOMBAT certificates. I wonder what houseguests would think if I framed them...
  4. Happy Birthday, Daz!! I hope you get flashed by someone special!
  5. Thanks for posting this, Eve. I was checking back every now and again, and then I just forgot about it. It's always a great place to go for a good laugh.
  6. Mugglenet, one of the largest HP fan sites around, has a fan fiction section with content ratings from 1st year to Professor. There are catagories for same-sex pairings and HG/SS. Rowling knows this site well and even invited its creator, Emerson Spartz, into her home for an interview before the release of HBP. If she had a problem with it, don't you think she would have mentioned it to him in person?
  7. (Yea! People visited my dusty old forum!) Oh, and congrats, Quamp!
  8. Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers!
  9. Hope you enjoy just that kind of Birthday Weekend!
  10. It worked! Strangely enough, counting Nan, the score stands tied. Sex - 2 Cookies - 2 Great work, SJ! [whisper]I hope they realize we aren't going to give them any cookies. The free sex, we could probably arrange...[/whiper]
  11. Nan, did we mention the free sex was imaginary? Merely the geometric representation of sex and a remnant of olden times when people had no TV, internet, or freely accessible pornography? I laughed myself stupid when I saw the new title for the thread. I can't believe it only lured in one soul. I propose another new one. Frozen Music--and FREE SEX--now with FREE COOKIES (for a limited time) Cookies and a timeline. Those things always get people motivated.
  12. I see we're still all by our lonesome. Surely we aren't the only well-rounded folks here. I dare someone else to post something about ancient musical theory, not-watching-tv related creativity, or the like. Or are they not doing it because we want them to... Ah, in that case, we don't want you to post in this thread. Even. *peeks to see if anyone fell for the reverse psychology*
  13. We're not insane. We're mildly eccentric and slightly under medicated. I wonder how long we can keep this publicly private conversation going on before somebody else chimes in?
  14. *can hear the collective Awwwwwwwww* He's beautiful! And he looks to be having a well-deserved nap after the journey from womb to world.
  15. We're the Waltons on crack.
  16. That's freaky, because I had the very same thought.
  17. Sure, I'll be the parrot. Poly's always the freakin' parrot! Yeah, I've tried, but they don't work out as well. If you try , especially if you're at the bank, you will likely spend the rest of the afternoon at the police station. And they'll confiscate your ski mask, and good luck getting that back before the trial. Are we friends? Of course we are! In my offline world, I don't have any friends who are writers, and only a few friends who like the books and movies that I do. Here, everyone is a writer, or a lover of something creative. In real life, when I interact with a person who has obviously been swallowing the Listerine for all these years, I take comfort from the fact that I know all the people here. I've never met such a large group of highly creative, wonderfully funny, and intelligent people. I’m proud to consider everyone here my friends. Unless of course () you don’t like me ().
  18. I was *gasp* wrong! Oh well. I'll get it right next time.
  19. *looks around* *soul still intact* Okay, I survived. That was really interesting, and maybe it's the musician in me, but now I want to build one of those things. It reminded me of a story I saw about people whose senses are different because of some hereditary, I think it was neurological, condition. It can affect one or all of the senses. For example, some taste in shapes. "This cheese is really triangular." Some see music in addition to hearing it. Each note is assigned a color so that symphonies turn into entire works of art. I'll admit to being jealous of that one. Wow, I wish I wasn't too lazy to look it up. I know I'm not making it up. Thanks for posting that, SJ. It'll leave me wondering, and trying to recreate it, for days.
  20. Me too. You've brought about a memory I'd fogotten about that has left me laughing for five solid minutes. I hope you're happy. *doesn't want to think about how long ago this was* I was 11 or 12, and I didn't know he was my cousin at first. We were staying at a hotel for a few days during our annual family reunion and I fell in absolute puppy love with this boy. He was 15 or 16, which at the time made him seem totally grown up and sophisticated. Anyhow, he was from Georgia, so he had a cute southern accent, and he was very polite, and he talked with me (OMG!) so I thought he must be in love with me too. (What?! I was, like, 12!) Color me embarrassed, and a little confused, when I saw him at the family reunion that weekend. Turns out he is my grandfather's brother's son's son. I'm not a genealogist, so I don't do family math, but he’s clearly on the family tree. Granted, a different branch, but still the same damn tree! That was when I decided that life was not fair. In high school, my best friend and I were totally different, aside from him being a boy and me a girl. He had blond, curly hair, blue eyes, and he stood nearly 6 feet. He also had a small gap between his front teeth that all of his brothers had too. I'm barely over 5 feet, with brown hair (dyed red by that point), green eyes, and no gap. We got the same questions. Over and over again. We'd tell people yes to the first question most of the time, so there were people with different ideas about our relationship all over town. 5 years later, people still ask me about my younger brother, and I don’t have one. So, in addition to being stupid, these people have astonishing memories.
  21. Mad, if you happen to find out where your muse is, let me know. I think mine followed along. We’ll have to organize a search and rescue mission. I have three finished chapter fics, one one-shot, and a WIP...that's been a WIP and un-updated since August, I think. Just ask Mad, my loyal although out-of-work beta. I actually finished the first three chapter fics in about a month each, which is odd because they vary greatly in length at between 19,000 and 70,000 words. Fic #5 is taking forever, to which Mad can attest, but my brain keeps changing things on me. I scrapped nearly two entire chapters when I decided to do away with a thread of the plot. After that, I've just kind of stared at it. I know where I want it to go, but it thinks it knows where it wants to go, and until we can agree, it'll remain unfinished and I'll keep wondering why I haven't finished it yet.
  22. Not today. Nan?
  23. ^ Should do Jammie Day on Movie Day when it's Rainy Day. < Stays in jammies all day only on laundry day because why dirty more? V Dirties more clothes before 9am than most dirty all day.
  24. 6994
  25. Happy Birthday!!
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