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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. Hey! I recognize that flasher! I'm particularly fond of
  2. 6912
  3. Happy Birthday!!
  4. Happy birthday!! Bet there'll be some partying going on tonight in your neck of Canada!
  5. Happy birthday and happy Friday the 13th!
  6. Here's the story on MSN. Of all the authors of the 20th century, he was my favorite. Of all the authors in the world, he was the one that I always wanted to meet. Rest in peace, Mr. Vonnegut. You will be missed. *** In tribute, I post the last few lines of The Sirens of Titan... “We’re--we’re going to Paradise now?” said Constant. “I--I’m going to get into Paradise?” “Don’t ask me why, old sport,” said Stony, “but somebody up there likes you.” *** Here's the best bit of the story on MSN, for those who don't like to follow links. Vonnegut once said that of all the ways to die, he'd prefer to go out in an airplane crash on the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro. He often joked about the difficulties of old age. "When Hemingway killed himself he put a period at the end of his life; old age is more like a semicolon," Vonnegut told the AP. "My father, like Hemingway, was a gun nut and was very unhappy late in life. But he was proud of not committing suicide. And I'll do the same, so as not to set a bad example for my children."
  7. 6742
  8. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am wondering if that out-of-sorts feeling was just in the air today. I am sending more to Nan. I am still reeling after waking up this morning feeling like I wanted to either scream, kick somebody's ass, or just start weeping. I am announcing that I solved the problem by calling work and telling them not expect me for about a week. I am still surprised by how good that felt.
  9. 6739
  10. Ouch. *rubs arm* Someday, when the plot eventualities stop warring in my head, it shall continue. Such is the sport of writing. I have to echo Mad's initial thought. You people have time to read stories? I'm woefully under-read when it comes to fanfiction lately, and like StoryJunkie, I used to read a lot more, but that was before I became a fanfiction writer, and a neurotic one at that. I beta read From the Looking Glass for Redsliver. It has become quite the epic. It must be good because I find myself reading and reading...and then I have to go back and actually beta it. The Mary Sue Virus by Daz is an absolute must read. Of course, I may be biased, but there's nothing at all wrong with that. See my sig for the link to that one. I seem to be a story jinx because most stories I begin to read are WIPs and then they usually never get finished. However, this thread has inspired me to get back to the good, old-fashioned world of reading and reviewing fanfiction, but only the completed works. I don't want to curse anyone else's muse. EDIT: Thank you, everyone! I didn't realize so many had wandered through my body of work. Now I feel really guilty.
  11. The covers. Oh dear me. My first reaction to the US cover was disappointment. I only saw the front half with Harry looking toward...something, and after HBP's Harry/Dumbledore cover, this one seemed like a serious let down. Then I opened my freakin' eyes and looked at the entire thing. I’m with Mad. The setting is reminiscent of descriptions of the ministry. When I expanded the picture, my thoughts strayed from the possible location to what appears to be something hanging around Harry's neck. It might just be the shadows of his shirt, but it's shaded in a different color so that it resembles a pouch. Then again, my years with the Potter books have taught me how to read too much into anything. I don't know what to make of the UK cover. I had a few pirate thoughts as well when I saw it. That's it! Harry's parents were pirates! There's an idea for a crossover... The covers just make me twitch. It's like handing someone a picture of a plate of freshly baked cookies and then telling them they can't have them for, oh, another 114 days. But I want it now.
  12. How did I miss this?! Happy B-day yesterday and an even happier after B-day weekend!!!
  13. 6366
  14. My Nan must be with yours. Daz?
  15. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am sending Daz extra strength for the delivery. I am telling her to breathe, push, and yell at her husband because that's the good old-fashioned way!
  16. That was the woolly mammoth of fluffy reasons. Does that make it a bad reason?
  17. ^ Has both hands and belly fully of "things to do". < Doesn't want or need belly full of things at the moment. V Would like to have the belly empty sooner rather than later.
  18. Too true. Daz?
  19. tumult
  20. Mira Sorvino
  21. I have two. They are evil and should be punished for being so damn cute. Look, there they are now! I have never locked myself in a bathroom and refused to come out.
  22. oil
  23. My cats eat meat, and I recently kissed one on the head, so guilty. g/ng: Has drawn a blank on a forum game.
  24. 6347
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