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Everything posted by KerantliDreamer

  1. pulling a LOT of my fics on here for a major restart and overhaul of them all. I'm CRINGING when I'm reading them through.. how was i EVER happy with them?

  2. Re-writing my first original story.. not going very well at all

  3. Pen name: Kerantli Dreamer Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=17 Length: Drabble Rating: Adult Fandom: Original Pairing: n/a Warnings: non
  4. So, I'm NOT dead... however, my computers harddrive is dying on me. I might only be on sporadically until end of October if I'm lucky..

    1. Daye


      Yay! not dead that's what we like to hear

    2. KerantliDreamer


      And i thankfullt got a new harddrive, so once my muses come back, I might get chance to write!!

  5. Pen Name - Kerantli Dreamer Story Link - http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=16 Length - Twitfic Rating - Adult Fandom - Original Pairing - n/a Warning - Non (Computer has been dead.. hope am not too late!)
  6. so.. i've been MIA for much of the last week.. good news.. school for eldest finishes tomorrow and more time to write then.

    1. KerantliDreamer


      bad news.. my return key on my keyboard is messing up.

  7. My Plunnies seem to enjoy Ballads and Country music as food.. they do have some questionable feeding habits

    1. BronxWench


      Ankles. Mine like ankles. O.o

    2. KerantliDreamer


      o.0 now that certainly is a new one

    3. BronxWench


      You should see the savage little things, hiding under my desk and nipping away at my ankles...

  8. about to try write her first sex scene in months... Luck? I'm gonna bloody need it

  9. You and I wake up in a police car together. Using Four words only, what would you say to me?

  10. so we've gone from words of the past, to horsy/animal prompts... sounds very fun

  11. this one is one of my own on my facebook... I'm pretty sure I put beg, not bed...

    1. marley_station


      That's got to suck. I hope it isn't one of those expensive smart phones.

    2. KerantliDreamer


      Its a blackberry, so yeah, an expensive smart phone is behind my radiator. though the radiator is thankfully off

    3. sumeragichan


      Lucky and I understand that way too well.

  13. Editing, such a mundane thing in a way

    1. JayDee


      Pain in the ass, is what it is :(

    2. KerantliDreamer


      makes me want to curl in a corner and weep sometimes

    3. GothDarkkeDragon


      Have done that a time or two. Not a pretty sight.

  14. well, having a sick child frees up a slight bit more time to write while he sleeps

    1. KerantliDreamer


      to add to that... finished two stories, working on another 3...

  15. Pen Name: Kerantli Dreamer Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=15 Length: Flash Fic Fandom: Original Pairings: none Warnings: Emotional pain Rating: Adult
  16. Pen Name: Kerantli Dreamer Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=14 Length - Twitfic Fandom - Original Pairing - N/A Warnings - NoSex, M/F
  17. these sour sweets lied. they're not sour at all

  18. Quidam JayDee "Quidam - Interesting message - basically, don't fear strangers, right? You were obviously a lot less intimidated by that prompt than me " to a point, it did mean that. I was thinking of my own fear of strangers as I slink away from them or into the shadows if I have a chance, and at one point one of my friends did actually say there is nothing to be afraid of. *end random ramble* As for being a lot less intimidated by it, I was very happy for a change of pace to Harry Potter challenges I've been doing, and the pairing (Hunter/Kitten) seemed to fit that particular prompt without forcing it
  19. DG, I apologise, but this morning afternoon (around midday my time) I got this; Not sure if it will help, but its something like the 5th I've gotten in the past few days
  20. *insert long whining status here* *insert high pitched scream of anger here* *insert hysterical crying here*

    1. And Your Little Dog Too

      And Your Little Dog Too

      If you add a couple more insertions, this could be a pretty hot PWP.

    2. KerantliDreamer


      a rather angsty PWP to be honest though

    3. GothDarkkeDragon


      *insert comforting :hug: here*

  21. Pulled two Originals for a re-work and to see if I can get inspiration for them..

  22. Has just counted her unfinished fics... there are about 16 of them!!

    1. Melrick


      Boy, that sounds mighty familiar, sadly. I don't dare count mine.

    2. KerantliDreamer


      I should really sit down and comb through the ones I certainly won't write...

      easier said than done...

  23. Pen Name: Kerantli Dreamer Story Link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=13 Length - Twitfic Fandom - Original Pairing - N/A Warnings - NoSex, M/F
  24. This could be the end of everything. So why don’t we go somewhere only we know?

  25. There was one on the list that I didn't agree with, and that's the babies one. Granted you're right with the "they not toddlers after 5 minutes" but both my children opened their eyes within a couple of hours. Also some births can take hours, and others can be over before you know it, I went into labour with my second at around 7:30, and he was born at 9:14pm, that was an hour and about 44 minutes (first born was about 4 hours from waters breaking til birth). It mainly does depend on the person. Not everyone is that lucky, my friend was in labour (early stages) for almost a month (I have no idea how she dealt with it). Also there is a natural birth, or if there's complications there is caesarian section, but most people do opt for natural births, with or without pain relief of gas and air, epidural, TENS machine. also another more interesting one is a water birth, but that would be hard to tackle if you've never had one... though, so is writing about labour in general (as I figured out myself while trying to write a scene including a birth) mPreg is also something, that when done right, can be good, but when done wrong, can leave you cringing for days
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