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Everything posted by KerantliDreamer

  1. Ended up finishing early hour of the 17th (GMT time) and spent all day yesterday playing sims to take my mind off my MFC dying

  2. My expected finishing date for NaNo is tomorrow! Just in time for Sims 3 Seasons :D

  3. Popping in to see how everyone is while I'm sooo busy doing my NaNo. Hafway through and I'm expected to win in the next two days! Fantasy fiction though.. not my forte

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. botticelliangel


      Hope you feel better soon!!! Heck yeah a simmer!!!! I love making characters from whatever I'm writing in the sims, and then putting them in crazy situations :) good luck

    3. KerantliDreamer


      I have characters from my old fics on both sims 2 and sims 3. I am planning on starting again as soon as I get sims 3 Seasons though

    4. botticelliangel


      awesome. I'm waiting for seasons myself. I'll probably have to wait until Christmas though...

  4. Researching Shibari, while fun, is very bad for concentration

  5. Apologies if this ends up being in the wrong area... However, I've always been very interested in the mentality behind the more violent scenes in novels. For example, those that write the really gory scenes including but not limited to torture, gore, rape and others along those lines. Like on the first page of Originals, I counted 9 out of 20 fics that has at least one of those elements in the warnings, and I know there may be more that have missed it out in the summary. That is almost half of the fics on just the first page. I'm just interested in why so many people do go into it all. Personally not my preference, and I'm certainly not bashing anyone that writes it. I really am just wanting to understand the mentality behind it.
  6. Eldest child FINALLY has a school place! Only a month and a half AFTER school started

    1. BronxWench


      At last! Bureaucracy is dreadful, isn't it?

  7. I just spent a hell of a lot on cake decorating things.. Need to learn how to make a witch for my grandmas cake which is due to be made on the 27th, a day after my birthday.. Which means I'll be making something for my gran on my birthday.. Good thing I love her

  8. Played around with some fondant icing this evening - made a train! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/421262_10152145228835704_236015178_n.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KerantliDreamer


      Thankies! Stll not as good as what it was modelled off, but hopefully I'll get better with it if i keep going (and get latex free gloves.. ouch my poor fingers this morning.)

    3. BronxWench


      ::nods:: I have nitrile gloves myself that I buy in bulk...

    4. KerantliDreamer


      I need to find somewhere that sells gloves in bulk that isn't online. Seems to be a hard find over here!

  9. Need to write something... But head is pounding

  10. Really need to write something.....

  11. A one or two shot should be okay for something like this. Fuzzy sight is very possible, depending on the strength of the alcohol in the drink (though, its also a good idea to have a short-sighted character go out without glasses and have a few strong drinks). The whole "appearances doesn't matter" is a good one too
  12. It is plausible, but at the same time missing a hell of a lot. Getting drunk has quite a varied effect on a person, and will obviously differ. I'm going on what I know of getting drunk, which is the slightly fuzzy vision, usually after a good 4 units of alcohol, or 4 spirits with UK measurements. There is also the unfortunate side effect of lack of sex drive, which I've usually found affects men more than women. However - the mind blank from the night before can happen with the right amount of alcohol, but that corresponds with the whole getting it up issue pointed out earlier - which could happen way over the daily limit of alcohol consumption (3-4 units for men, 2-3 units for women). As for forgetting about someone you've slept with, unless they were shockingly bad, or the character was just on the fine line of being able to get it up but not finishing what they started, or the 2nd character left before the 1st person woke up, it can be hard to forget unless you really wanted to. yes, faces fade, as do names (if one was ever given in the first place) but the memories don't. All in all, its an okay plot idea, but to stretch it out to over 20 chapters without a lot of work might prove too - not difficult - but a bit if a pain in the butt
  13. So, I had thought I hadn't done as many chapters on a story that I have done... So I have a bit of leeway with the rest of the harder part of the story that is coming up.

  14. Thinking of writing a "Never have I ever" game fic with my OCs... or maybe HP or Gossip Girl.. hmm..

    1. DemonsAngel


      Or all of the above?

    2. KerantliDreamer


      God, that would be a nightmare... Might do it anyway then xD

  15. Which publication is it Apollo? I could probably get a copy the month/week the article will be printed and upload photos of the article
  16. Pooka's grandma passed away this aft. I hope she RIP

    1. BronxWench


      My sympathies to Pooka and his family.

  17. I think both Rae and I need to get our minds off the male appendage.. BUT what if cum tasted of chocolate..

  18. Pen Name - Kerantli Story Link - http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103274&chapter=20 Type - Twitfic Rating - N/A Fandom - Original Pairing - N/A Warnings - N/A
  19. One more update to ongoing fics, and hopefully a few new ones being uploaded in the next 3 days.. No idea if I'll be able to get online at my mums!

  20. I may have taken on a challenge that may hit too close... I hope I survive this..

  21. When did my brother grow up and start giving ME advice?!

    1. BronxWench


      Was it at least good advice?

    2. KerantliDreamer


      It was, he also wants me to be happy

    3. BronxWench


      Well, then! It's all good! :D

  22. Oh hello blurry world, I missed you

  23. I was reading something on the Pit just the other day that had Wall-of-text then (so-and-so's thoughts) and also (bits like this) in the middle that were authors notes.. It really broke the flow of the story, not that there was much of a flow to begin with though..
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