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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. so anyone got plans for the end of the world tomorrow? im gonna laugh if it doesnt happen

    1. Melrick


      I'm going to regret going on a killing spree if it doesn't. Maybe I should have waited. Hmm...

    2. sumeragichan


      maybe melrick...

    3. kagome26isawsome
  2. my moms surgery went well. shes home resting. she also had the doctor take out her nail on her right foot. so shes in a boot and a cast! lol 

    1. CloverReef


      Glad it went well. Wish her a speedy recovery! 

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Sounds good, and don’t forget to sign that cast!  :)

    3. kagome26isawsome


      lol ty guys. she has a soft cast atm. she gets her hard cast on friday

  3. having a hard time writing a sex scene for a story :bash: what else could go wrong

    1. Anesor


      Oh, noes! Never ask that as fate always seems to oblige with new crap!

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. Melrick


      You could get into an accident WITHOUT clean underwear on!

  4. Thanks for all prayers for my mother, she is home...doing better :D

    1. Hobgoblin


      That's wonderful! :D

    2. And Your Little Dog Too
    3. BronxWench


      Hope she continues to do well!

  5. Part of me wants to pull 'coitus conundrum' and rewrite it and the other part just want to pull my 'baby wo mitani'..anyone got a coin i can use to decide?

    1. BronxWench


      Pull both. If you can't decide, then they both need the rewrite. Go for it. Be bold. Pull them, and work on them both.

    2. Daye


      pull neither. improve by writing new things

    3. kagome26isawsome


      you both make good points...

  6. Happy Turkey day!

    stay safe if you decide to participate in black friday! 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Based on past experience, grocery aisles were devoid of people when shopping on Black Friday.

    2. BronxWench


      If you did Thanksgiving right, you shouldn’t need to visit the grocery store for a good three days. :lol: 

    3. Desiderius Price
  7. Had fun celebrating St Patricks day with my sister at a bar! lol green beer made me have a green tongue and teeth!

    1. Melrick


      That sounds like gangrene. You should look at getting your tongue removed.

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. Melrick
  8. is working on summer courses. Surviving as best as i can with my intro to counseling class....

    1. spiralbreeze


      Hang in there, you're braver than I am, I'm too lazy to finish my BA.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      im just on my associates for Human services lol..2nd semester..

    3. spiralbreeze


      Still, I've got zip, zilch. Hence, I'm lazy.

  9. filing taxes is a pain in the ass! wish i knew where to find last years AGI so i can finish filling! i want my money to go with the bonuses I got Thursday from work!

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ve been using turbo tax, so it asked for the file from last year…  I’ve already spent the refunds :)

    2. kagome26isawsome



      i am using freetaxusa this year. it needs my AGI from last year (which i filled from taxact) and im having issues finding it. ugh….

    3. BronxWench


      This is why you always print out a copy for your files. I have my Turbotax files since 2009, but I also have a hard copy in the files in addition to the computer files.

  10. RIP DROP DEAD FRED! (rik mayall)

    1. JayDee


      He was a great comedian. Damn shame.

    2. BronxWench


      Farewell, Lord Flash... woof!

    3. Melrick


      I'll always remember him as Rick from The Young Ones. Damn shame.

  11. finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish i knew where my motivation for writing went! or if i will ever get back to it

    1. JayDee


      I too feel that strong urge to delete stories at the pit. None of them mine though.

    2. pippychick


      I know it seems impossible to find sometimes, but it will come back one day. I have no doubt.

    3. InBrightestDay


      I second pippychick’s statement.  I just went through a period lasting several months where I barely got anything written at all.  Now I’m getting at least a little of my story done each night.  It may not seem it, but I’m sure your motivation will come back. :)

  12. enjoyed my bday yesterday, but had to bust my butt with chores today..including shoveling yet again...is it spring yet?

    1. FairySlayer


      Oh, joyous annual celebration of your majestic entrance into the world! May the unsavory duties life has thrust upon you go easily; I too pray that wondrous time of nature reawakening be upon us shortly.

      (For what reason am I unable to break free from this mode of verbage in my expressions? ;) )

    2. BoredStraight


      haha nice FS! People should talk like that all the time...

    3. kagome26isawsome
  13. was so excited for ‘history of the world part 2’ and then i saw it and i want my hour back watching it! no amount of celebs made it work! 

    Edit: so there are 4 more episodes out of the apparently 8 episodes of this and i still might watch the rest. hope it gets better 

    1. Wilde_Guess


      Hopefully the series gets better for you.  I’m not sure how much Mel Brooks was actually involved in the writing of the skits.  Critical response also seems to be “meh,” at least so far.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      saw the whole 4 episodes and yeah it was ‘meh’ they only had one nod to an old mel brooks movie and i wont give it away. lol

    3. darkrage6


      eh I thought it was funny

  14. R.I.P Alex Trebek! 

    1. BronxWench


      He’ll be missed indeed. 

    2. Anesor


      yes, we rewatch some recordings.  no guest hosts had his elan and crispness

    3. Anesor


      they had a tribute on tonight’s episode.  Alex had the cancer for 2 years, which is long for pancreatic… he recorded his last episodes only 2 weeks ago. there’s 35 episodes in the can to play yet.  After that???

  15. I guess this snowy weather is what we Midwest people get for making fun of all the north east people getting all that snow last month! ok mother nature we get it, you can stop teaching us a lesson!!!!

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      On the flip side, I got a nice dose of Vitamin D in the form of a sunburn this weekend.

    2. BronxWench


      We went from needing sunblock yesterday afternoon to needing down coats last night and this morning. I have whiplash from the weather…:blink:

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Last weekend had the threat of snow, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not in the forecast for next weekend.  My A/C works and plenty of oil for the heater, so I’m set either way.

  16. I dont know whether to start writing now or wait till Tuesday when my mother goes to work. For those that didnt know, my mother had a bad asthma attack and was home for two weeks to get used to new meds and i took a break from writing so she wouldnt know lol

    1. yukihimedono


      Sneaky, lol. I'm curious, why hide it? Feel free to bop me on the head for asking. :)

    2. kagome26isawsome


      lol i wouldnt bop you. Um my mother knows i read romance novels but she doesnt know i write it...its kinda hard to hide it when ur mom is a busy body lol

    3. yukihimedono


      She could be a good critique. IT depends, of course.

  17. i have a plot bunny but no idea what to do with it

    1. marley_station


      List out what happens and then try to write a few lines of text for each item in your list.

    2. Shadowknight12


      Write a rough summary and then save it. Come back to it when you have the time/inclination.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      already wrote the story..:D

  18. blah! hope 2019 will be better

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Tough for it not to be, IMO.… (though, lets not tempt fate too much)

    2. CloverReef


      According to my “life skills” class, 2018 was a shitshow because we didn’t say enough affirmations. Who knew? 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      As I lost my favorite cat this year, this year … sucked.

  19. saying hi to everyone and IM NOT DEAD YET!

    1. Melrick


      Damn it, I already paid for the flowers...

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. WillowDarkling


      *checks left elbow* :D just wanted to make sure

  20. Welp. I just got hit with an idea for a story in the Big bang theory world. Writing the ideas down for this as i type! hopefully i get this one off the ground!

    1. Deadman


      That’s not my fault is it?

    2. kagome26isawsome


      yes yes it is. but if it gets me back into writing then its not your fault.

    3. Deadman


      Glad I could help. Like I said, I don’t watch the show myself, but I did sorta recently write something which involved a character getting work at a gentleman’s club. Works fairly well as a plot device.


    1. spiralbreeze


      Wait what's going on where you are? We've been enjoying 50 degree weather here in Jersey.

    2. DemonGoddess


      30 here, snow off and on today. no accumulation. This is after twisters on Friday.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      snow here..cold supposed to get 50s on tuesday..the snow is accumulating at the moment

  22. Blessed yule, Merry christmas, happy hanukkah! 

    1. CloverReef


      And grandiose/merry/happy smutmas to you too!

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      We go a smutting, smutting, smutting, we go a smutting on this happy new smutmas year!

    3. BronxWench


      I’m personally observing Yule this year, but the rest of them are going for Christmas. :P

  23. is really happy, got mountain dew pitch black finally and is hyper now lol

    1. JayDee


      pitch black? Did it get sponsored by the BP florida clean up?

    2. Daye


      no, by vin diesel. its riddik-ulous

    3. kagome26isawsome


      lol you two are not funny! :P

  24. Got all my books now i wait for the semester to start! I'm nervous but excited! XD

    1. BronxWench


      Keep working hard!

    2. JayDee


      The next stage is harder - I was shocked to discover you actually have to read the course books! Bah.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      lol jaydee i actually read the first chapter and thanks BW :D

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