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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Deadman Channeling Mad Eye Moody’s rant about keeping constant vigilance, stay out of trouble!  :)

    3. BronxWench


      We don’t allow Patreon here, exactly because there’s no way for us to be sure that members are only receiving donations for original work.

      It is a clear and distinct violation of copyright law for anyone to profit from copyrighted material without written permission from the copyright owner. So, a toy company can make a Harry Potter game, as long as they receive permission from JK Rowling, but if someone sells Harry Potter merchandise without having obtained that permission, the lawyers will swoop in, and generally the person violating copyright law gets to pay their lawyer and the copyright owner’s lawyer, substantial fines, and possibly could receive a jail sentence based on how much they earned.

      The same thing applies to fan fiction. If someone sets up a Patreon on a fiction archive, and publishes both fan fiction and original work on the archive, there’s no way to tell what the patrons are donating for. The patrons might think they’re doing the author a huge favor by donating, so the author can work on that fan fiction they love so much, and if they mention in a review that they donated for that reason, well. I would not want to be in that author’s shoes when the copyright owner finds out.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @BronxWench “Money attracts lawyers” is my more succinct way of putting it.  If @Deadman wants to pay a copyright lawyer to sit in their conference room learning the finer points of copyright law to research a theoretical loophole … I’m guessing there’s better ways to spend time & money.

      Me personally… I don’t seek money in my writing, so exploring into copyright & fair use is more of an academic brain teaser for me.  I do keep my fanfic and original pen-names distinct, so there’s less to muddy if I were to setup a Patreon for under my original writing pen-name.  BUT… I do have a good day job with vacation/insurance benefits so monetizing writing isn’t a necessity.

  2. so fantastic news that i wish i could post to facebook but I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE FOR REAL! my blood sister is 10 weeks prego! cant post on facebook because my sister told me not too but i am bouncing off the damn walls!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strange_idea


      think of this as a mountain quietly overlooking the whole earth

    3. BronxWench


      Many congrats, Kags! Wishing your sis a safe and easy pregnancy! :hug:

    4. kagome26isawsome
  3. So if its not one thing it is another. I now need to go get my left bottom wisdom tooth pulled. ugh! not looking forward to seeing an oral surgeon! at least my boss is gonna help me out with being off for a couple of days 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      I wish, to this day I can’t stand cloves. The dentist pavlov’ed me pretty good.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Better an oral surgeon than a doorknob and a piece of string. :)

    4. Wilde_Guess


      Sorry to read about your difficulties, and good luck getting things seen-too.  I had all four of mine removed in my early twenties, at my then employer’s insistence and expense.  No cloves were harmed in the removal of my wisdom teeth.  But I did get a small bottle of “enhanced” Tylenol to take for the pain afterwards, after driving back across town to where I was living then.  They had it done on a Thursday afternoon, IIRC, so I only had to miss one day of work.

  4. So im doing something good for the Children! I get to dress up and be strange to raise money at my store for Children’s Miracle Network! 

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I know… dress up as a witch!  They always love children, and I think it’s atkins compliant :)

    2. BronxWench


      Children are definitely keto-friendly, as long as you don’t eat their candy. 

  5. so just wondering whats everyones costume for Halloween/Samhain?  I am going to be a crazy, old lady.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      omg @JayDee i am actually not horrified….lol

      lol @BronxWench, any advice for me? lol

      i wanna see the cute kitty ears @WillowDarkling

      kinda sad you cant dress up @InvidiaRed, im glad my store manager lets us but i get to miss out on handing out candy!!! 

    3. InvidiaRed


      On the bright side, I will be most likely the one to hand out candy :D@kagome26isawsome

    4. kagome26isawsome


      fun. we didnt get to hand out candy at work yesterday and there was no costume contest (even tho they advetised it). 

  6. so my cat cleo has decided to steal my socks and hide them under the stairs in the basement. kinda reminds me of happosai stealing girls undies in ranma. lol hm that gives me an idea lmao. 

  7. so my favorite book author has a tiktok and she gave me the great idea based off of her recent tiktok about women faking ‘oreos’ lol so fingers crossed i can produce something to stop this dry spell! lol 

    1. Rick_Andrew


      When I was a kid, every night I would chow down on those tuxedo-ish cookies after dinner. 

      But I’m just dense—I never perceived their vast orgasmic potential.  Closest I came was cocking a funny look at that lady in the commercial when she started moaning—then imagined her naked. But at 15 there was only a limited set of women I would not picture naked. It was what my day was for.

    2. BronxWench


      I try my best to stay out of the faking an Oreo wars. I mean, are they really faking an Oreo or just improving on the whole experience? Is an Oreo by any other name a Hydrox? 

      wanders off to find more coffee...

  8. so my state just issued a ‘stay at home’ order for everyone except essential people. so i had to go on my DAY OFF to WORK to get my HALL PASS and badge just in case they start checking people out if they really need to be outside or not! yea fun fun

    1. InBrightestDay


      Sorry to hear that.  Hopefully things get better for you soon! :)

      P.S. Almost done with my story for your prompt.

  9. so this is happening right now in WI. there are two ninja turtle statues going around Milwaukee right now. the Micheal one is missing but Leo has all these hashtags and was just recently found at a milwaukee strip club. omg! too funny! 

  10. so update, i finally got my hours changed. my boss even went and changed my availability when i was asking a dumb question about some mark downs i had to do. so i am now 12-9 which helps but not alot cuz i stills gotta do lyft/uber. i see your guys points for amazon. my best friend works for them and he really likes it there. he wanted me to do 3rd with him cuz its more pay ($2 more) and i would have rides home every night. 

    1. BronxWench


      When it comes down to it, only you know what’s the best decision for you. If your friend can guarantee you’ll be on third shift with him, so you can get a ride home, and if you think you can handle the pace of the work, then you might be happier at Amazon.

      The thing is, employers tend to take a dim view of people quitting and then looking to return because they found out the grass over at Amazon really wasn’t any greener than the grass at Wallyworld. It never hurts to have a Plan B in case you decide to make the move to Amazon, and it doesn’t work out for you.

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Do what’s right for you, of course.   Keep a plan B in place, and maybe this amazon warehouse is better?

  11. so what does a 33 year old do on her birthday weekend when she doesn’t have to work?! DRINK!!! woooohoooo party time!!!! party starts Thursday with a shot of lemonchello!!!! (birthday is friday)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And it’s Thursday now!  Happy Birthday!  :birthday::bday::w00t::party::beer:

      Though, you could make it a kinky celebration.  :sex:


    3. BronxWench
    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks for all the early birthday wishes! lol i need my house keys back George. i don’t drive! so i will be safe there! lol 

  12. So yea. I am getting surgery on my toe again thursday, plus my right toe is getting done as well. i got on LOA at work and will be off til feburary 2nd. sooo my goal is to read, update stories. *fingers cross*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      I hope it all goes well in the surgery tomorrow. I’m sure the docs will do a fine job.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      so far so good! been sleeping on and off since thursday. my toes dont hurt as much today so here i am!

    4. JayDee


      Good news! I hope that you continue to improve.

  13. starting to look like a damn hillbilly with 3 teeth now missing. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Mine? I was a young kid, my dog on a leash pulled me over, face planted into over-sized gravel, snapping my front tooth.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      @InvidiaRedif you was talking about me, nothing epic just drank too much soda in highschool to cause me to lose my teeth. oh and when i was a small child i was accident prone. i tripped on a sidewalk and landed on my teeth so now i got buck teeth along with the crooked and missing teeth.

      @Desiderius Pricethey wanted to do a root canal and cap it but that would have cost me money i dont have so i had it pulled. but i might need to go back to get the right side done now cuz that side now hurts! i can never win!!!!

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @kagome26isawsome For me, the root canal was about … 5-6 years later.  As to finances… not sure, the parents handled that given my age at the time.

  14. still no motivation to write! maybe i should just give up?? *sigh*

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      “Never give up, never surrender!” – GalaxyQuest

    2. JayDee


      “By Grabthar’s hammer… what a savings.”

      Ok, the tone is clear. You need to write a Galaxy Quest fic.

  15. ugh! so i finally can go on ubrelvy for my migraines! bad news was it was gonna cost me $860 OUT OF POCKET! got the discount card from my doctor, had a hard time activating it! UGH!!!!! hopefully now it wont cost me alot to get my pills! fingers crossed!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      thanks willow! ill find out tomorrow if the discount card with make my meds cost alot less or not

    3. JayDee


      I hope they work for you. migraines suck :(

    4. kagome26isawsome


      yes they do. good news guys. i got my meds now and they only cost me $10!!! i am soo happy. i still want to get the dath peircing just in case

  16. was so excited for ‘history of the world part 2’ and then i saw it and i want my hour back watching it! no amount of celebs made it work! 

    Edit: so there are 4 more episodes out of the apparently 8 episodes of this and i still might watch the rest. hope it gets better 

    1. Wilde_Guess


      Hopefully the series gets better for you.  I’m not sure how much Mel Brooks was actually involved in the writing of the skits.  Critical response also seems to be “meh,” at least so far.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      saw the whole 4 episodes and yeah it was ‘meh’ they only had one nod to an old mel brooks movie and i wont give it away. lol

    3. darkrage6


      eh I thought it was funny

  17. watched phantom of the opera and came to realize that he is just missunderstood. hes not bad. i guess he is the reason i like all the bad guys. hmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      Hey, kags! 

      I never saw the movie version, but I saw the play when I was in London. It was breathtaking, and the music! :wub:

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Villians tend to have more fun in movies than the hero (except for the ending, that’s when it sucks to be the villian).

    4. kagome26isawsome


      i saw the play when i was in middle school and fell in love with the phantom. 

  18. Weird that it took a writing prompt that i started about the virus to get back to writing lol. my New story is up!

  19. well i just found out the hard way that there are shitty people in this world. I lost my phone Sat, and only got it back today cuz my carrier was nice enough to give me the name and phone number of the person who had my phone and i called and threatened them! ugh. I hope Karma bites her in the ass!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’m glad you got your phone back.

      I’m curious as to how the carrier was able to trace your phone to a specific person, however. It doesn’t seem like the kind of information they would be able to get by pinging your phone/sim, unless the thief was stupid enough to contact the carrier and provide that information in an attempt to unlock the phone or some other such thing. This has absolutely tweaked the research portion of my brain now, since my carrier wasn’t able to trace my mother’s lost phone because its battery was dead (I wanted gps data on its location).

      Just as a side note, I’m one of those exceedingly paranoid people who doesn’t use her phone as a banking link, email hub, or anything much other than as a phone and occasional camera. What happened to you is why, although I’ve never lost my phone, keys, or even an umbrella. Gloves, on the other hand, vanish with alarming regularity...

    3. kagome26isawsome


      ok so to answer you @BronxWench, the person who had my phone must have given cricket her name and number because that was the only way i got my phone back. Everyone (including me) thinks she was going to try to get the phone restarted or take the sim card out and put it in a new phone when she couldnt access it.  i couldnt trace my phone cuz it was off. When she  tried to turn it on and off again thinking she could somehow get past my passcode to even access my phone. when my phone boots up, it says cricket right there. She didnt even appologize to me for taking my phone. 

      Yea i am now very paranoid now cuz this happened. I happen to use it for work to help stupid customers find what they are looking for at the store (ahh the joy of retail), i dont bank on my phone but i play pokemon go and a couple of my apps that i buy coins from are in my phone. but i am getting them off so incase this happens again.

    4. BronxWench


      Well, fortunately the thief was dim enough to give out her real name and number, and it ended well for you. I’m not surprised she didn’t apologize, though. Anyone who’d steal a phone isn’t going to get gold stars for good manners to begin with. But unfortunately, it’s not helping with my plot notion, because I was kind of hoping for dazzling detective work and not self-incrimination by the thief. Ah, well. There’s always “Person of Interest” to stream for inspiration. 

      I back up my phone to my desktop monthly, so I don’t lose pictures I might have taken. I also back up my contacts list. That’s really most of what I care about on the phone anyway. As for my mother’s phone, the battery was struggling to hold a charge, and it was one of those inexpensive Jethro phones for seniors, with giant buttons and no ability to use apps. If someone has it, bad cess to them. I’m a believer in karma, and she’s a patient bitch. :lol: 

  20. well my laptop sucks atm. i visit certain sites and the internet goes in and out. cant do much! no one else has this issue with the internet but me!  i dont want to factory reset it cuz then i lose the story that took me a while to create! ugh! suggestions? 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @BronxWench Got a couple half-used spools of cat 5e myself, but given the current standards, I’d rather put in cat-latest if I’m crawling in the attic and going through that effort.  In the meanwhile, the stuff stapled up is...working fine.  I do like to control the router, because it’s basically running my internal network, and I don’t want my printer, my network drive, etc, accidentally “published” to the internet as a whole.  Cable company… to mitigate service calls for “internet not working”, likely has it configured to maximum-open possible.


    3. Wilde_Guess


      Hi, all.

      “Not ordinary” is actually a great thing if you can either set it up yourself, or have a friend that can do that for you.  In my case, I only turned the WiFi on on the router when I finally broke down and got a iPhone.  The computer(s) are wired into the switch ports of the ADSL box with good patch cables.  Wires are not obsolete by a long shot.  They just take some effort, and to more than a few people appear to take far more effort than they actually do.

      Since I live in “BFN,” my cell coverage is so good that I’m still subscribing to PTSN telephone service at the princely sum of just over $100 per month, since it works, where the cell coverage usually works, most of the time.  Worse, the way the cell towers are set up around me, when my ADSL conks out, so does cell service, and vice versa.  And, the cable company’s Internet also gets wiped out.   Neat, hunh?  So, I can’t even switch over to VoIP, despite my ADSL box having provisions for two lines plus internal battery backup for the VoIP, since I could end up SOL if the internet and cell towers break.  And, they have broken several times in the past year, exactly like I’ve described. 

      I have my computers and stuff in my dining room, which admittedly isn’t the best place for them.  I am now the proud owner of a beautiful color printer/scanner/copier/fax that I need to take apart to clean the laser mirrors on it to get it behaving itself again.  I will do that before the end of the year, or pay to have done; but I’m putting it off because that’s an hour or two of my life that I would never get back, and it would be too much like work.  The fancy rig replaced a 1995 monochrome laser printer that has the “same indigestion” going on, and will likely never get set back to right, since no one refills cartridges for it anymore, and they haven’t done so for a few years. 

      When the color printer is behaving itself, I can print to it from the iPhone, which really does come in handy sometimes.  And, I could run steel or PVC conduit (for future-proofing,) and wire my house with Cat 6a, and put a “real” switch in a service cubby “somewhere.”  But, I’m retired, and all the cutting, patching, etc would be too much like real work.  I have walked the configuration of the “ADSL Box” to get it where I want it, which is actually a pretty good rig all things considered.

      @kagome26isawsome, @BronxWench and @Desiderius Price’s advice is still absolutely spot-on.  Being hard-wired in is better than WiFi, if your circumstances actually allow it.  Back to your original problem; did “fubar.com” ever work for you from your usual computing location?  If so, what “changed” around your house at the same time it stopped working?  Did you get additional housemates?  Or did your “existing” housemates get more WiFi stuff?  Or, did their data requirements go up?  Did you get a new TV and install it wirelessly?  If so, there’s your problem.  If not, you just managed to find a site that doesn’t like WiFi at the edge of its working area.  WiFi transmitters, like anything else, do degrade over time.  So, that might be all, or at least part of the problem. 

      WiFi transmitters also operate as hubs instead of switches, even if the ethernet sockets on the device are a switch instead of a hub.  What’s the difference?  A hub is a single “collision domain,” where every device on it can have its traffic “crash” with the data from the other devices.  A switch provides a separate collision domain for every subscriber, so data collisions don’t happen.  If your household got more “WiFi stuff,” you now have more data collisions, so you have reduced service, no matter how good a signal you get.  The first solution below won’t help that much if “everybody” has a smart-phone, plus a computer, plus some if not all of your TVs are all on WiFi, along with your doorbells, your thermostat, and so on.  Improving your signal may still help somewhat, since you never turn down a better signal if you can avoid it.

      The easier of two possible solutions for you would be to have the cable equipment moved out of the basement and installed in your parent’s office, or some other sane location on the first floor instead of the basement.  That would put less distance and fewer barriers between your computer and the router, giving you better signal, and better data capacity because of that.  Spectrum could do that for you, and if “you” [the account holder paying the bill] complain properly, they might do the move as a “free-of-charge courtesy” service call, since the location they arbitrarily picked for the equipment isn’t working for you.  Or, your father could do it himself.  Beyond a “new” location for the cable that has electricity, he would only need a length of top-quality coaxial cable, plus a top-quality coaxial cable union to get the job done.  He might need to drill a couple of holes to allow the cable to pass, but this shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

      The more “extreme” solution, if your living circumstances allow, would be to hard-wire in to the router in the basement, completely bypassing the WiFi altogether.  Pre-made Cat 6a ethernet cables cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $22-$25 for a factory-made twenty-five or fifty foot cable, and $37-$60 for a one hundred foot cable.  The variation on price depends on the manufacturer, the type of insulation, and the like.  Before buying a cable, make sure that you can route the cable without upsetting anyone, forcing the cable to make hard bends, or subject it to being crushed by doors being closed.  You can “plan” the cable’s route with string, but keep in mind that the cable is much less flexible than string.  Once you’ve successfully routed your string (or whatever,) measure how long it is, and buy the shortest pre-made cable that is longer than the string by enough to be practical.  So, if your string is twenty-six feet long, you would need a fifty foot cable, and you might also need the fifty foot cable if your string is twenty-four feet long, too.  You will need to allow for at least nine foot of length for every story up you need to go if your dwelling has standard eight foot ceilings, plus more for the “wandering around” your cable run might need to do to either avoid or minimize the drilling of holes for the cable. 

      You might be able to use air ducts for part of your run.  If you do, make sure the cable you use is either marked “CMP” or “plenum rated” on the packaging or the cable itself.  Plenum rated cable, if a disaster happens, won’t put off poisonous smoke if it catches on fire.  Non plenum-rated cables, which are typically cheaper, might put off poisonous smoke, which is very much not good if problems happen.  If you pass the cable through a grate, make sure the edges of the grate the cable comes in contact with are taped with electrician’s tape to minimize chafing.  If you actually drill holes in any duct work, make sure that the hole is grommeted, and seal the hole between the grommet and the cable.  Don’t enter the supply ductwork right on top of your furnace.  Better yet, if you do use ductwork as part of your route, try to use the return ducts as much as possible over using the supply ducts.

      You might also be able to run the cable through a grommeted and sealed hole at the nearest window frame, up the outside wall of your house, and back in through another grommeted and sealed hole in the window frame into the room where you use your computer.  You would use “spiral-wrap” cable shielding for the outside portions of your run, and either nail, screw, or glue cable staples or saddles and zip-ties every few feet to support the outside cable run and keep it “out of trouble.”

      All of the above are suggestions based on the assumption that you (or your father) are possibly somewhat comfortable with “homeowner DIY” tasks but are not professional cable installers, and do not want to hire a network cable installer to do the job for you.  It also assumes that you don’t have a local friend to do all of this for you.  While I just noticed that I am much physically closer to you than I realized, I’m still south of I-80, and you’re still north of the “Cheddar Curtain,” even if you’re somewhat “Milwaukee-ish” or “Kenosha-ish.”  And when I was still doing this stuff routinely, I’d always had my employer buy the top quality tools I used, which does bugger-all for me now.

      Good luck with whatever you end up doing to fix things.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      wow just wow you guys gave me alot to think about and do! i love the support! @Desiderius Price we currently have 2 computers, my laptop, 5 cell phones, and my sister is connected thru her xbox in the playroom. my parents computers might be the ones getting the most access since they are connected by the ethernet cords. @Wilde_Guess I do pay the spectrum bill so i guess i can make a stink to them but its under my dads name. um as to my dad moving it from the basement to the office (or livingroom) he can barely walk at times. we do have other capable people who can do it but it is all up to my dad and hes very, very anal about stuff. this is a recent thing with fubar. we did get a 5G transmitter installed across the street like 4 months ago but i doubt it would wait til now to do anything. I am looking into everything you guys wrote and hopefully i can get this resolved soon. thanks

  21. well shit..that didnt work out the way i planned it...scratch that damn idea! ugh. 

  22. well that was a fun birthday! NOT! damn 13 yr old nephew had to throw a fit cuz i wanted to go to a bar for my birthday! I spent the WHOLE DAY with him..ugh! im 39yrs old and im already tired. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. Melrick


      Happy birthday, and I hope it didn’t suck too much!

    4. WillowDarkling


      Happy belated birthday, Kags, and I second Melrick, hope it didn’t suck too much! 

  23. well there you have it, the big bang theory is over. might end up deleting my pregancy fic (dissatisfied with it now) but might write a new one shot based off of last nights episode (shenny of course) who knows….

  24. well this is the first time ever that my job and life has made me want to drink all 3 days off! i think i really need to change my life! 

  25. well this vacation didnt go according to plan. *sigh* last day tomorrow then workin 6 days straight. oh goody

    1. CloverReef


      Well that’s a bummer. 

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Schedule another, with a trip out of town… country side cabin or something and no internet.

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