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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. cant believe christmas is next week and in two weeks it will be 2020!! I hope everyone has a Happy Yule, a Merry christmas and a Happy new year!! 

    1. JayDee


      And I hope you all have a December! A real fine December!

  2. just not feeling the christmas spirit this year..maybe thats because i work retail and they started that christmas crap back in OCTOBER! but yea judge me for wearing a BAH HUMBUG hat Linda and pray for me! SMH

  3. i survived thanksgiving/black friday! boy am i tired. didnt help they had me working 6 days straight. hopefully they wont do that again for christmas. thank goodness we get christmas day off!!!! 

    1. InvidiaRed


      Lucky Duck you. That sounds like a decadent luxury but still rejoice in having Xmas off :happykitten:

    2. kagome26isawsome


      it is sadly the only holiday the store actually closes! if it wasnt for the stupid extra 15% discount we get for working wensday thru sunday, i would have called in. It sucks that on the holidays they give us 2 points for calling in. But i like my job (sometimes) and have been with them 4 years (dec 1st). plus this is the longest job ive ever had! 

  4. it happens every year i work thanksgiving! i end up sick! ugh! i hate working at walmart!! next two days off before turkey day so gonna try writing. yea we will see. 

    1. CloverReef


      Aww, that’s terrible! I hope you have better luck writing than you expect!

    2. InvidiaRed


      I highly recommend airborne cause public interaction with living incarnations of pestilence tends to cause inopportune sickness.

  5. OMG OMG OMG!! MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE IS BACK TOGETHER!!! I CANT WAIT!! *starts listenting to the black parade*

  6. so just wondering whats everyones costume for Halloween/Samhain?  I am going to be a crazy, old lady.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      omg @JayDee i am actually not horrified….lol

      lol @BronxWench, any advice for me? lol

      i wanna see the cute kitty ears @WillowDarkling

      kinda sad you cant dress up @InvidiaRed, im glad my store manager lets us but i get to miss out on handing out candy!!! 

    3. InvidiaRed


      On the bright side, I will be most likely the one to hand out candy :D@kagome26isawsome

    4. kagome26isawsome


      fun. we didnt get to hand out candy at work yesterday and there was no costume contest (even tho they advetised it). 

  7. so fantastic news that i wish i could post to facebook but I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE FOR REAL! my blood sister is 10 weeks prego! cant post on facebook because my sister told me not too but i am bouncing off the damn walls!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strange_idea


      think of this as a mountain quietly overlooking the whole earth

    3. BronxWench


      Many congrats, Kags! Wishing your sis a safe and easy pregnancy! :hug:

    4. kagome26isawsome
  8. I am in. this might be fun to do!
  9. ok so i need prayers, my mother has stage 3 kidney disease, and my uncle had a stroke last night. i swear someone put a curse on my whole damn family. bad things keep happening! i wish i knew who did it or a counter curse or a way to break the curse! this is starting to piss me off!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’m so very sorry, sweetie. If the prayers of a crazy old pagan are welcome, you’ve got them! :hug: 

    3. GeorgeGlass


      “You go to hell, counter, you cheap-ass hunk of laminate!”

      That’s the only counter curse I know. I hope it helps. 

    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks BW, george and inbrightest day. sucky part of my moms stage 3 kidney disease is she found out on the hospital website that you use to see when your schedules are and test results. the doctor hasnt told her a damn thing about it! my uncle is still in Milwaukee hospital, probably going to be moved rehabilitation place. he cant talk at all! prayers are appreciated! :D

  10. finally got back on here and the pit just to delete some more stories. *sigh* i wish i knew where my motivation for writing went! or if i will ever get back to it

    1. JayDee


      I too feel that strong urge to delete stories at the pit. None of them mine though.

    2. pippychick


      I know it seems impossible to find sometimes, but it will come back one day. I have no doubt.

    3. InBrightestDay


      I second pippychick’s statement.  I just went through a period lasting several months where I barely got anything written at all.  Now I’m getting at least a little of my story done each night.  It may not seem it, but I’m sure your motivation will come back. :)

  11. ended up deleting not only 1 but 2 or more fics i was not happy with. but working on a final TBBT fic based off the last episode! fingers crossed! SHENNY FOREVER

    1. JayDee


      I hope you feel better ‘bout how the new one turns out! I know the feeling where you look back at work and think “Fucking hell, look at this shit,” but I’ve just taken the attitude that if I have to suffer it then whoever is silly enough to click on one of the bad stories can too.

  12. well there you have it, the big bang theory is over. might end up deleting my pregancy fic (dissatisfied with it now) but might write a new one shot based off of last nights episode (shenny of course) who knows….

  13. WTF mother nature?! come on now! not even 5 days ago it was 70! you need bi polar meds or something. seesh!

  14. i finally found it! its called the Experimental drug trial!
  15. listening to music to try to get back to writing. going to try to re rewrite chapter 1 of my pregnant fic again. fingers crossed.

  16. still havent found this! if anyone could help!
  17. your welcome!
  18. http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544189724 its called Tortured love by rinseternalsoul! i just finished reading this! lol
  19. been back to work for two days and boy did i get fall asleep when i got home! i slept 13 straight hours! lol my body isnt used to working again! lol

  20. you know its cold when the bars in Wisconsin close! -60 windchills! I unfortantly have to go to work for the first time in 3 weeks and freeze my a** off! lol if i call in, it will count against me! ugh!!! 

  21. good news! stitches came out today! i can go back to work on Wensday!! but first! celebrating the last 4 days off and also my birthday! i cant believe i am 34! sheesh

    1. JayDee


      Happy Birthday! Great news on the stitches too.

    2. Laevi


      Happy birthday to you too, and congrads on the stiches removal!

    3. kagome26isawsome
  22. woot! first draft of my revised story ‘coitus conundrum’ chapter 1 is beginning to form!! woooooot!!! once i redo all the chapters, i am going to delete the old story and upload the new one! *fingers crossed*

  23. went for post op appointment. both toes are healing perfectly, but i still got stitches for another week! doctor wants to be sure. going to try to update or redo stories 

    1. JayDee


      Sounds like good news! I hope all continues to go well.

    2. kagome26isawsome


      yea if i remember to take it easy and not keep bumping the toes into things! hurts like a son of a bitch


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