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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. NG. I get the minimum 8 hrs every night. I don't sleep-walk, I don't sleep-fight, I don't sleep-talk. I'm totally normal. My idiosyncrasies come out during the day. G/NG: has bizarre eating habits.
  2. You're talking to the wrong person. Is anything Disney does true to the book? ("The Littlest Mermaid" for instance?)
  3. pair of panties. Not that that would be totally____________
  4. Do you realize now, that I'm going to think one of you at least is already a celeb? My mind is so easily twisted. Anna Nichole died this morning, Eve....
  5. so right you are, agaib. I remember that poor girl in the bathtub now and then. The image leaps into mind at inopportune times. I think our brain matter is mostly glue. Very sticky glue. edit: Okay, I did it. I'm in love.
  6. show us some of that evil, trae... Trae. Either that or Leonhart...(i no i no, I'm cheating) (It's going to be Nanaea, isn't it?) This is the "Are You Psycho" game, isn't it?
  7. and neither would I if I ever saw that...! I've never been so evil...
  8. Like pirates of the carribean, right? (dead man's chest) q & a
  9. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am truly aghast, since his avatar seems so meek and mild. (Imagine Gaston's* voice when I say that!) *Beauty and the Beast
  10. It's too evil G/NG: has sad, lonely children....
  11. You know, that was my very first mistake I've ever ever made in my whole entire life.... Ticklish
  12. 4408 *yawn* (wasn't evil enough)
  13. Robot, apparently. Are people (mice) who take over the world cold-hearted?
  14. StoryJunkie

    I Am...

    I am amoung friends. (did I mention that you were my evil friends?)
  15. "Those are MY knobs!" You better be ready to____________
  16. Joined...I'm not sure when....be back in a tic. EDIT: been publishing fanfic since June 1st, 2005. Woo-hoo. Death of the Queen, what a sweet sweet endeavor. How many pages per post? I didn't even have Word, just notepad. Spell-check? Arguements about spelling and grammar? Discovering Bleach. Ah, those were the days.
  17. I"m just laughing so hard. How high was he? *imagining scene* Friend 1: "After you pass out, we're publishing this pic on the net" Cisco: "Like hell you will, gimme that damn camera!" Friend 2: "Quick throw it over here, he's too smashed to see straight let alone walk or run." Cisco: "Fuck you all then anyway, do your worst. I've got the hungiest balls on the planet!" Friend 1: "I don't think that's a word."
  18. 4394. My dyslexia could really wreak havoc on this thread. I nearly put "4934" (Just don't say: "Pft! Dyslexia, my eye, she's gone senile already!" That would really hurt my feelings, and then I wouldn't be responsible for what happens next!)
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